Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Different Forms and Variations of Data Entry

Data entry is the procedure of feeding data into spreadsheets and database. It can either be done automatically by a machine that keeps on adding data in the database, or manually by a person who keeps on adding data by typing them individually.There are various forms of data entry. Some of them include data entry for insurance claim, legal formalities, and entry for cards, books, and images. In general, data entry can be differentiated into two major forms – online and offline data entry.

When you enter data online, you can do it for a number of reasons. It can be for entering data into E-books, websites, keeping track of credit and debit card transactions, submitting and processing online forms, entering images in various formats, for printing in Office applications to keep a hard copy, entering data in software applications, creating a database for mailing, and for indexing the data entered. Similarly, you need to enter data offline for keeping track of the numerous websites, collecting effective URLs that you may need to consult and for filling up online forms. One form of data entry is image entry. You need to enter images to include photographs and attachments in magazines, yellow pages, novels and E-books. Scanned images are also required for card entry and in official file access. Another type of data entry is the insurance claim entry. This entry is done to aid the insurance holders of the companies. They have to file the claim on insurance in order to acquire the expenses for the respective services. The procedure of payment, processing of the forms and insurance claims are all kept track of through data entry service.

Data entry not only has a number of forms, it also has a number of variations. The variations of data entry include alphanumeric, numeric and text entry. Moreover, the entry can be either written manually or printed by electronic means. They can either be in the form of images that are scanned, or in the form of hardcopies. Some of the areas where you use these variations of data entry include proper entry of data in encyclopedia, dictionaries, services like payrolls, accounting manuals and keeping books, tax records, information on warranty periods, research on market, tracking transactions through cards, checking reports of companies, and filling in data according to various surveys.

The importance of data entry is felt by almost all the companies. Some require it for procession internal data and other require it to manage and increase the existing database of customers. Moreover, data entry is also applicable for writing down the taped words in any application or spreadsheet for easy access and scanning. Be it entering data in E-books and websites, or keeping track of transactions of cards and insurance claims, the importance of data entry is felt everywhere. No wonder, so many organizations are emerging in the market with the solitary aim of catering to data entry services.

About Author

Aravind Kumar is an executive at International Commerce Alliance Corp, a company which leads in business process outsourcing, data entry and book keeping for the past 6 years and has its business spread across 3 continents with a client base of more than 1000 small and large companies in USA, UK, Australia and India.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Document Data Entry Scanning

Managing records or documents is a key task in every business. It involves identifying, classifying, storing, circulating and disposing of documents among others. Each of these activities involves multifarious, minor tasks that are often time consuming and costly. This is not such a problem these days though because computers and other technologies are available to make managing of documents easier, less expensive and more convenient.

Generally, transferring of data into a machine-readable form (so that they can be stored electronically) is referred to as data entry. The most familiar way of doing it is by typing. Today, data entry also includes other methods such as scanning documents and speech recognition.

The first computer program used to track stored documents and other records is the Document Management System (DMS). Today however, document Management is being used to differentiate imaging from records management focused on capturing images and managing of records, respectively.

Document imaging is the latest technologies used today in order to capture, store and manage documents that are scanned. Scanning documents prove to be more beneficial, as it reduces time spent for the collection of data, and it reduces the size of data files as well. Compared to the scanned images, the electronic documents stored using earlier technology or computer program are prone to changes that require tracking and security authorisation.

Transforming the data into document imaging is called data conversion. For an average-sized company, it can be done simply with the use of a scanning machine. A typical scanner can manage to scan twenty-page document in a minute, but a high-speed scanner can do the job faster.

For larger companies with a considerably high volume of documents that need to be stored, document imaging company can be the best solution. These companies provide fast and affordable data conversion services.

Document Scanning provides detailed information on Document Scanning, Document Scanning Software, Document Scanning Services, Document Data Entry Scanning and more. Document Scanning is affiliated with Document Management System Software.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Where To Look For Reliable Data Entry Jobs

Data entry workers are expanding at an incredible rate across the nation, and for obvious reasons. It is extremely easy labor and the pay can actually be fairly decent if you put in the time and effort. However, because of the type of work that is done, data entry jobs are simply not for everyone. Data entry jobs are popular amongst many people because it is easy to do and it allows you to work from home. There are various positions available, but most require you to either copy and paste information over and over or fill out forms.

It is this kind of no-brain type of work that intrigues many people because of the simplicity. While there are several types of work at home jobs on the internet to choose from, data entry jobs are on the high-rise more than most opportunities. In a society where most professions require some kind of degree, data entry jobs require no special education or degree at all. And despite this, there is still a decent amount of money that can be made. All over the internet you will find data entry stuck in the category with things like work at home scams and type at home scams. Unfortunately, this is not exactly the case. There are some data entry positions that claim to offer more than they can actually pony up. But if you can find the right opportunity, you can actually do fairly well.

So how do you go about finding an honest and reliable data entry job? The first tip is to hang around webmaster forum. These forums are great because webmasters are constantly looking for people to do their monotonous busy work for them, and are willing to pay a lot for you to do it. By hiring you to do their busy work for them, they can spend more time on advertising and updating their website. Therefore, there is a high demand for quality data entry jobs with webmasters. Another place to look is at Craig's List. Craig's List is now the largest online classified website on the internet. You probably are familiar with Craig's List as a company that buys and sells goods, but they also have an outstanding section for writing gigs. This is a reliable company that is always looking for data entry positions to be filled. While it can be easy money for the type of labor that is being done, data entry jobs certainly are not for everyone. They can be boring and monotonous, but most people know this heading into the job. Therefore, do not force yourself into a job like this because it will be difficult to motivate yourself to work. But if you can handle the task in front of you, data entry jobs can be a great way to pick up some extra cash.

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Offshore data entry provides unlimited growth opportunities

As the world becomes a smaller place, business relations between different countries continue to be one of the major cementing factors in maintaining international relations.

The ever expanding offshore data entry industry is one such field which provides ample scope for such business interactions between different nations. Currently, the rapidly developing countries such as India and China are important players and very much responsible for the expansion of the offshore data entry industry.

The term ‘offshore’ is used to describe the banks, investments, deposits and corporations that are situated in a foreign location. Such an organization generally moves to a foreign destination for the purpose of avoiding payment of taxes or ease of regulations as maybe the case. The corporations then outsource the services of an external organization in another offshore country that takes care of the data entry, data conversion, documentation, processing and such other services.

In today’s industrial sector, the offshore data entry services is one of the fastest growing
industry. The reason for such phenomenal growth can be related to many advantages such as lower rates for the services offered, highly professional and efficient workforce, tailored solutions to cater to the clients need and the required skills to meet the specific requirements of the job.

The concept of data entry has also been revolutionized with the constant up-gradation and innovation in the digital world. Each and every multinational company requires accurate database and information to conduct its business efficiently and successfully. The offshore data entry industry has therefore gained tremendous importance due to this crucial database requirement. The offshore data entry company’s efficient service of gathering, compiling, processing and providing a voluminous amount of data on a day to day basis to the multinational companies ensures its heavy demand in the global market.

The convenience of the internet provides the ideal facility for the online compilation and processing of the offshore data. Also in countries such as India and China the volume of such data entry work is very high and the rates thereby constantly sharpening the skills of the professionals while the rates are comparatively lower than the Western world. Hence these countries form a favorable destination for the offshore data entry industry. The UK, US, France and many more such countries now form a regular client base for the offshore data entry industry in India, China, etc.

The offshore data entry done by competent, computer savvy professionals ensure availability of accurate information that has been expertly processed and compiled. This data is a crucial management resource that enables optimum decision making by the multinational banks, corporations, institutions, etc. for whom the data is either a regular or a temporary requirement.

The general characteristics of an Offshore Data Entry job are that the work has high amount of information content, can be done over the telephone and transmitted over the internet, is easy to set up and is repeatable in nature. The major wage difference between the countries also becomes an important deciding factor. Hence, as the need for accurate and relevant data continues to increase the offshore data entry industry will continue charter its expansion in the recent times.

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Special Data Processing

Highly sensitive data that's crucial to your business can often be a problem. You can't trust it to just anyone, yet it's very difficult to envision hiring special personnel for a project that takes up perhaps a few days out of the year. No doubt that performance is critical when it comes to special data processing, but how do you ensure the standards you need while sticking to a reasonable budget?

Of course, large businesses have no such problems. They can afford to offset the expense of hiring personnel for their special data processing through other areas of the business; besides, one wage is a drop in the ocean to them! But small and medium sized companies are not so fortunate. One wage too many could easily tip them from the black into the red in today's economic climate.

Get The Best For Your Special Data Processing

If you've already tried some of the possible solutions for your special data processing projects, you'll have already discovered that temporary workers are not always a viable solution. Good temps are very hard to come by. Not only that; by their very nature they are temporary. Chances are, next time you need to hire a temp for your special data processing, you won't be able to hire the same one. So effectively, every time you have a special data processing task at hand, you'll have to go through the whole boring process of finding a suitable temp.

Happily, there is a solution. Data processing services have all the experience and skills that your special data processing demands. They won't charge you the earth, and you'll get the same heartwarming efficiency every time you turn to them. Now that's food for thought next time you have an urgent batch of special data processing.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Data Entry Services Has Tremendous Potential

Running a business is not a very difficult thing to do, but running it successfully surely needs some tremendous efforts on your part. There are many things that need to be handled properly for a business to be successful. Data entry is one of the vital elements for running a business successfully. Data entry is small but nonetheless very significant aspect of a business which one needs to take care of. Outsourcing is a business process which is increasingly being used by businesses to take care of the data entry aspect. In fact the process of outsourcing has made things simpler for business owners.

Data entry services are provided by several companies who are involved in outsourcing work. Such companies specialize in providing different types of services including data entry services to companies that are looking for professional support to unburden from the heavy workload that they have. For the smooth running and proper management of any type of business getting data entry done in a proper manner is crucial. So if you own a business and want to manage it properly you must opt for hiring data entry services for your business.

Each business is different and the business needs also differ vastly. So depending on the type of business which you run you can hire data entry services accordingly. You may need data entry services of different types like offline or online data entry, insurance claim entry, banking information entry and building up a huge database with various other types of entry. The demand for data entry is increasing gradually day by day and in present time it has turned out to be very lucrative as well.

Always hire data entry services from outsourcing companies that provide you with services of extremely talented professionals. You are spending huge amount of money and for no reason must you settle for anything less. Talking with someone who has already used such services help a great deal as they can tell you exactly what the advantages and disadvantages are of using the data entry service. You can get customized services for small, mid size and large scaled business from the companies which provide data entry services. Data entry is not a complicated application but it is extremely time consuming and this is one of the major reasons why a business must undertake data entry services.

Each business has different things to take care of and they cannot afford to waste such valuable time in data entry work. Professionals that work for data entry are specially trained to suit the requirements of particular businesses. So you do not have to worry if the company which is providing data entry services will be able to do the work as per your needs or not. You can just hire data entry services and rest easy, all your work will be done efficiently by the professionals working there.

Data entry services has received tremendous boost and this is one aspect of business which is there to stay for a long time. So hiring data entry services for your business will be just perfect.

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Online Data Entry

Online data entry is simply doing a routine job that companies would rather outsource than do themselves. It essentially involves typing specific information into forms on your own computer, and submitting those forms to a specified web site. For that service, they pay money.

Most online data entry involves following simple directions and entering titles and and a short amount of text for online PPC (pay-per-click) ads. However, there can be other types of data as well.

What to Expect
Since there are literally thousands of companies who may be offering data entry outsourcing, you could look for them on your own but, generally, the companies and web sites that advertise such programs are "facilitators" who compile lists of these outsourcing companies and charge you a fee for membership to their lists and services. The fee is certainly fair if the lists contain valid, up-to-date information.

How Much Money Can I Make?
The answer to this question can vary widely depending on many factors. Generally, the harder and longer you work, the more money you can make.

Be Careful Before You Join
Since the concept of outsourcing online data entry is not well defined, I would advise taking extra caution in looking at the companies and web sites who offer this type of program or membership. Some of the companies are outright scams. If you decide to try one or more of the companies, make sure they have a money-back satisfaction guarantee so that, if you're not happy with the program, you can get a refund.

Many of these companies use the well-respected Clickbank payment system, which has an automatic money-back refund guarantee, whether the data entry company states it or not.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Data Entry Jobs; Are They Scams?

Are you wondering what’s up with all the Home Based Typist/Data Entry Specialist positions ads?

If you’re looking to make a quick and easy buck from home online you must see these data entry ads everywhere.

When you visit any job or money making related website it’s highly likely you’ve seen at least 10 or 20 of these “BS” data entry ads.

So why are these data entry ads plastered all over the Internet?

I’m going to fill you in on a little secret…it’s because the ads receive high click thru rates, the sites get high sales conversion rates and the affiliates or the ones hosting the ads receive high commissions, period.

We would like to think these data entry ads are all over the net because they’re promoting a good product that’s making its users money. Eh. Wrong!

Who doesn’t need more money?

Not many of us. This is what makes the ads and the website so effective.

Unfortunately, they are all one big scam.

Here’s how it works.

When you join and pay the registration fee you receive training materials that will only teach you how to type more data entry ads and convince other people to do the same.

Essentially, it’s the same thing as the old envelope stuffing scam that’s been around for centuries.

You only really get paid when you make other people fall for the same scam you did. And the viscous cycle just continues.

My recommendation for you is to… Stay far away from these companies.

Do you want to know what’s even worse?

I’ve noticed some websites posting a similar scam warning (which is commendable), but they then reassure you that paid online surveys are the easy to make money online.

It never ends! All I can say is just be careful and don’t fall for something that seems to pay huge with no work at all.

If you would like more info on paid online surveys I’ve posted an article for you on this site.

In my experience online there are really only a select few who give away the true strategies you can use to make serious money online. You just have to find a credible source who can deliver the goods.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Effective Data Conversion, Finding Quality

If you have a need for effective data conversion, then it is absolutely necessary to find reliable and trustworthy services to help you with your need. There are several ways that you can go to get the needs you have filled. To find the right solution, though, you’ll need to consider the options that you have and determine the right budget and the right hands on approach you wish to take. Data conversion can be done successfully several ways.

Depending on your specific need, you can find a number of solutions for data conversion. Throughout the web you will find many companies and service professionals that provide solutions for you in data conversion. These services will not only convert data as you need them to, but many will analyze the data for you as well. This can be extremely helpful as it will allow a professional eye to handle your most intricate details. Likewise, these services can cost a good amount as well.

Another option that you have with data conversion is to purchase good quality software. Many types of software can actually handle analysis as well but it often lacks that personal touch. Less expensive than using a data conversion service, this is one route many individuals and businesses go. One way to find the most effective product or service is to use comparison shopping via the web. There are excellent opportunities in data conversion available here.

There are also many information portals now devoted to the subject and we recommend reading about it at one of these. Try googling for “data conversion” and you will be surprised by the abundance of information on the subject. Alternatively you may try looking on Yahoo, MSN or even a decent directory site, all are good sources of this information.

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Automatic Data Processing

The latest character recognition technology has opened up a new world in automatic data processing. It is now actually possible to have a machine scan and interpret handwritten messages or characters and add them to a database. Although this is admittedly an amazing advancement, no one seriously expects that all data processing can ever be completely automated.

The human touch is an even more amazing thing, and can never be made obsolete by a machine, now matter how wonderful that machine is. So although we can look forward to an increase in basic automatic data processing, there will never be a time when humans can look to a machine for those wonderful human qualities of adaptation and innovation.

Character Recognition And Data Processing
The simple automatic data processing procedures that are presently available, while undoubtedly impressive, are simply a way of getting basic information copied into a database quickly and inexpensively. Those databases at some point will be used and interpreted by a human, and that fact we cannot escape.

The type of applications for which automatic data processing is already being used include store inventories, library systems, marketing initiatives, and some kinds of customer relations projects. Although automatic data processing may eliminate the need for a small number of personnel, the day has not yet come when it will be stealing our jobs wholesale.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Software automates high-volume document processing

Featuring contextual search, IDC-distiller(TM) v4.0 provides template-free data extraction from any document type for auto-processing in ERP systems and DMS repositories. It includes applications used for OCR, image and document processing, and project customization and can process multiple document types within one project. Able to recognize various non-Western character sets, software also offers verification control mechanisms for document exception handling.

Brainware's New IDC-Distiller 4.0 Extends Power of High-Volume Document Processing Solution

Identifying Genuine Data Entry Jobs among Thousands of Scams

There are thousands of data entry jobs and various kinds of data entry jobs available in the internet. Any person who wishes to work from home can join these data entry jobs and earn money by just keying in the computer having an internet. These data entry jobs are not of the same nature but differ depending on the client requirements. But it is important to choose the right kind of legitimate job in the internet.

In traditional data entry jobs, you have to key the data given and save it in the specific format requested and send it to the customer. You will be paid based on the number of keys or words you have typed. You are required to have a good typing skill with speed and accuracy. The customer will give instructions on formatting the text, alignment and insertion of tags if any is required. There are various types of inputs available like PDF, Tiff, Rtf, SGML, HTML, .doc etc. You will be given data in any of the formats and asked to key the same and save it in the format required by the client. This is not a very tough job. You have to key what you see.

In these data entry job, quality of keyed data is the deciding factor for earning more revenue. If you have typed without any spelling mistakes and followed the instructions perfectly and produced the output within the turnaround time specified, you will be paid well.

For a genuine traditional data entry job, look for the input type, instructions to follow, quality procedure, turn around time etc and make sure you join the right program. Here, the more the keyed in data with quality output, the more the revenue.

There are various resources to find out genuine data entry jobs in the internet. You can identify the resources for data entry jobs using search engines around the internet, using various web forums, renowned company web sites etc. Also some companies do outsourcing their jobs to home based working people.

But there are lots of scammers spread across the internet. Their main motto is to grab your money or get your financial information and abscond as soon as they collect huge money. By outlook, we cannot differentiate scammers and others, but meticulously we have to look for selecting the right opportunity. Do not jump into conclusions just by fancy advertisements or jazzy words and hi-fi promises given in the web site. Before signing up any formality or joining any programs, always do a consultation with Better Business Bureau (BBB) or Small Business Administration (SBA). And also you can post your queries in various web forums and get public opinions. This will also give a better idea to carry out the respective data entry job.

Filling survey forms is also a kind of data entry job.

Surveys are very important for companies to develop the products or services according to the need of the market. There are so many Market Research firms available in the e-market who take care of such surveys and give report to these companies for better designing of the product or services. The market research firms hire people for doing online market research as the public opinions are worth a lot. When you do such surveys, you have to key in information about the questionnaire or the opinions asked about the product or service rendered by various companies. The payment will be based on the number of surveys you have completed online

There are so many data entry jobs available in the e-market. It is very important to select a genuine data entry job because most of the data entry jobs available in the internet show a different path. The indication for choosing the legitimate data entry job is that the company will pay you and not the other way around.
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Monday, June 18, 2007

Businesses Outsourcing Data Entry

Outsourcing is a business strategy in which a company hires another company to perform specific tasks rather than hire employees to take care of it. This is usually done on a support function so that company personnel can concentrate exclusively on the primary business of the company.

Companies who provide outsourcing services are sometimes called “business to business” companies, as their customers are other businesses rather than individuals. From this broad definition, all companies outsource. Even if you’re a sole proprietor, you can be said to be outsourcing when you buy office supplies. After all, it would be totally inconceivable to make them yourself! You depend on the experts in the office supply industry to provide suitable materials.

One of the largest and most adaptable outsourcing services commonly utilized by all kinds of companies is data entry. In fact, the demand is great and data entry services firms are growing rapidly.

A company’s data is one of its most valuable assets. Gathering it correctly is essential to its ability to make good business decisions. Therefore, a BTB firm seeking opportunities of this sort must be very detail oriented, have a good employee training system and be prepared to create and administer a much customized project plan for your company. They could be doing many kinds of data entry work, or they may specialize in a specific type; like medical billing.

Often a company is a provider AND a purchaser of outsourcing services. A good example is a bank. Banks, of course, provide financial services to individuals and businesses and that is their primary revenue source. In order to support this income, they may outsource their payroll function to a company that specializes in that activity.

However, many banks also provide outsourcing services in the form of data entry for their business customers. One popular example is lock box payments. In this outsourcing arrangement, all of the client company’s payments on account go directly to the bank. The bank opens them, applies the cash to the appropriate client account and deposits into the client’s bank account. They do this either by direct access the to client company’s payables systems, or they could do it separately and send a daily file of all transactions to the client company for them to take into their system in batch fashion.

There are many other types of data outsourcing provided by a wide range of companies. Some companies that may provide ancillary data entry outsourcing services are medical research facilities, universities, direct marketing firms, newspapers, insurance companies and trade organizations.

Availing yourself of the benefits of data entry services can provide tremendous opportunity for your company. Those who provide the services do so very efficiently and are already set up to do it quickly and accurately. The cost factor is often lower than what the company would spend on salaries and benefits if they did the data entry themselves. Couple that with the disruptions inherent with a larger staff and you’ll find outsourcing is not only a viable alternative, but also a preferred one in many cases.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Make Money Using Online Data Entry and Typing Programs

In the day and age of the rapidly advancing World Wide Web, it seems that everybody wants In on a piece of the action. So many people are getting wealthy off of the internet and ways that it allows them to use their business skills and their intellect, but what about those of us who are just looking to earn a comfortable living working from home?

Data entry and online typing programs that allow people to work from home is a great way to put the power of the internet to work for you, so you don't have to sit around and watch other people collect dollars that might belong to you. If you want to get started doing data entry and typing ads from home, you have to find the right program for you. There are several data entry programs to choose from that allow everyday people like yourself to make money by typing ads for Google or Yahoo, and then garnering a bit of the commission once the actual sale has been made, you make off like a bandit and all you had to do was type a couple of lines of content. Simple enough, right?

Part of making money through these programs has to do with buying into the right program. Many of these programs are restricted to online typing and data entry positions while other programs allow you to gain access to valuable information on how to take that profession one step further and even launch a home based secretarial support business, straight from home. Many of these companies can get you in touch with article reading and typing jobs, data collection and even proofreading articles and data for certain sites and advertisements as well.

Some companies will show you how to make money simply by typing in a couple sentences of data into online forms. When you type data and submit PPC forms you will be helping companies spread the word about their products and services. You can see how that starts adding up really quick. You are guaranteed to work with these companies, and no one is ever turned down. There's no approval process, and you can start working with them right away.

It doesn't take a genius to learn how to type ads and do data entry from home, but it does take some diligence. People think that online data entry jobs are a lottery ticket, and that they most certainly are not. They are wonderful work at home opportunities that allow everyday people like yourself access to valuable information about how they can make a profit and earn bonuses doing online data entry from the comfort of their very own home.

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Data Entry As A Telecommuting Career

Telecommuting jobs are becoming more popular and easier to do with the internet. Data entry, which is simply inputting and organizing information for the company in spreadsheets or databases, is a growing field for telecommuters.

Where to find Data Entry Jobs:

There are several reputable job searches on-line that will have listings. Look in your local want ads as well. It pays to do your research before getting involved with any company. The Better Business Bureau is a good resource to check for complaints. There are also many telemarketing forums where the members share information on which companies to be wary of and which have good reputations.

Before you apply for a job, take time to create a good resume to present yourself as a professional, self-motivated worker. Find out what kind of skills they are looking for before applying and emphasize the ones that are your strongest areas.
Skills you need:

You should have excellent typing skills, not only for standard touch-typing, but for the numeric keys (referred to as 10 key) at the right side of the keyboard. There are many on-line typing tests where you can check your speed and accuracy. A good average to aim for is 60 wpm (although some may only require 30 wpm) with little to no errors.

Tools you need:

There are a few software programs you should be familiar with, such as spreadsheets, databases and word processors. Many companies have preferred software. Most will probably use Microsoft, or compatible, programs. A reliable computer is a must and a high-speed connection is probably best.

How much money can you make?

An average rate of pay is $8.00 an hour to start, although you may be offered a ‘per item’ rate instead.

Many companies will have a set pay rate, but if you’re able to set your own rate, or bid on a job, research the going rate, so you can be competitive. Don’t forget that the company’s physical location could affect the pay rate, due to the cost of living in those areas.

If a company does not require a W-2, you will have to pay your own taxes, as you will be considered a freelance worker. You have probably heard this over and over, but it bears repeating: never pay for a job. If a company requires a fee up front, it is probably a job finding service at best, a scam at worst.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Data entry services are meant to ease your workload

Data entry services provided by the firms are growing very rapidly with a huge demand. It may sound that data entry is a simple task to do but it is not so simple and plays an important role in running a successful business. We all know that data and information related to any company is very crucial for them. Data are priceless for any firm, no-matter they are small or big. The companies provide you highly customized business solutions depending on your requirement.

The companies also provide various range of services for all kinds of textual data capturing from printed matter, manuscripts, and even web research. Very advanced technologies are used to convert large quantities of paper work and image based task to electronic data that is usable in database and in the management system. Any kind of data is very essential for an organization whether it is manual or electronic.

There are many companies that provide highly accurate data entry services with complete confidentiality and high level of accuracy. These services are undertaken by banks, retail organizations, medical research facilities, universities, insurance companies, newspapers, large corporate enterprises, direct marketing and database marketing firms, school and trade associations to make their organization a successful and profitable enterprise.

Outsourcing is a business strategy which is highly being used by businesses to take care of the data entry services. In fact, the process of outsourcing has made things simpler for business owners and the businesses are running successfully. The companies that are involved in outsourcing work do provide these services efficiently to those firms who are burdened with heavy workload. If you are running a business of your own and want to manage it properly and run smoothly, then all you need to do is to hire data entry services.

Availing the benefits of outsourcing works in the form of data entry services can prove tremendous for your company. If you outsource your extra burden of work to a company then in such case, you can make growth plans and strategies for your organization. The companies will console you about the high quality of services and the accuracy they provide for the business that needs data to be extracted from any source.

Data entry services is an information technology enabled services that provides you wide range of services. The professionals working for you are trained and extremely talented who are ready to provide you high end services with full dedication. Since, you are spending money for this, so you must take the best services and choose those companies who can cater to your needs according to you.

Data entry services is not a complex application but it’s extremely time taking and this the main reason for a company that hires this service so that they can save their time and money. Every business has many more things to consider for their growth prospects and for this reason they don’t want to waste their time and money in such stuffs. The professionals are especially trained according to the requirement of the work depending on how critical the work is. Hiring for this service is definitely a wise decision for your business prospects. These types of services will surely help you to make big profits in the business. The strategy and techniques applied to any business is the key to success.

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Make data entry in Access easier by changing text boxes to combo boxes

Access users should not have to memorize codes or look up ID numbers in order to enter the correct data into a record. Not only is it time-consuming, but it also can lead to data errors.

For example, suppose your Customer Database records include a field that lists each person's customer service representative. The data for that field is the customer service representative's ID number, which is linked to the Customer Service Representative Information table. The manager of the customer service reps uses a form based on the Customer table to assign a rep to a customer. Instead of looking up the ID number, the manager would rather input the rep by name. To change the form so that the manager can select the rep's name from a list, but still have his/her ID number entered into the field in the Customer Database, follow these steps:

  • Open the form in Design view.
  • Delete the Customer Rep ID text box.
  • Click the Combo tool in the Toolbox.
  • Click and drag in the form where you deleted the text box.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the Customer Service Representative Information table and click Next.
  • Double-click Customer Rep ID, Last Name, and First Name.
  • Click Next twice.
  • Click Store Value in this field's check box.
  • Select Customer Rep ID from the drop-down list.
  • Click Finish.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

THBComponentware releases THBImage 5.0 SDK

THBComponentware has announced the release of THBImage 5.0 SDK for displaying vector or image data within your application. THBImage's powerful set of controls and objects allows you to present your vector and image data as you otherwise only could do with a professional graphics application.

Best of all, you can use it without an advanced understanding of image processing. Simply add THBImage to your application to give it an incredible boost in additional functionality.

The product is suited for raster image processing and viewing, and now adds powerful capabilities in the area of vector data processing and viewing.

The advanced user interface of the control makes it easier than ever before to create a full featured graphics application.

Simply drop the viewer control on a form and turn on/off the features you need. You get full control over all visual aspects of the control.

Mix raster image and vector layers and view them at once without any limitations. Layers can be turned on/off.

To support large scale geographical or CAD data viewing, layers can add detail when zooming closer. The high performance spatial index takes care of intelligent geometry data handling.

The viewer includes such functionalities as Grabhandles, Selecting, Highlighting, Multiselection, Geometry Snapping, Geometry Drawing, Preview Scroll Window, Magnification Window. The new GDI+ drawing engine in combination with a flexible style object model lets you achieve great visual effects like transparent or gradient filled geometry objects.

Available input formats for vector data are DXF(drawing exchange file), SHP(ESRI Shapefile), DGN v7 (Bentley DGN file). After processing your data you can store it in DXF or SHP(ESRI Shapefile) format.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Advantages and Disadvantages of doing Data Entry versus OCR

Want a digital format of the hard copy of any document? OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology can be the right option. Changes are taking place in the field of Data Entry service with the improvement of modern technology. Apparently, you may think OCR service as a substitute of data entry service; however, OCR services come with both advantages and disadvantages.

Overview of OCR

Optical Character Recognition is a modern technology for digital replication. OCR technology comes with software, hardware and an additional circuit in the computer to execute conversion process. OCR software can not only read the fonts but also recognize line breaks in a document. The process of OCR is quite simple and easy to manage. The entire process of converting hard copy of a document into electronic document may take only a few seconds.

Advantages of OCR

If you are looking for only converting any document into editable digital format then there is nothing better than OCR services. Optical Character Recognition process saves the time and effort of developing a digital replica of any document. No need to type characters manually on a digital file. Just place the hard copy of the document inside a scanner and get the digital format of that document with the help of OCR software.

With OCR process you can convert a document in several electronic formats like – Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML, PDF, Text or Rich Text formats.

Documents, which are converted through OCR process, are editable and allow the user to modify the content. Compared to manual data entry service the cost of OCR service is quite less for developing electronic replica of any document. OCR service proved better than data entry service for the organizations, which are engaged in developing electronic copy of printed books.

Disadvantages of OCR Service

There are several disadvantages of OCR service regarding the cost as well as the process of recognizing the characters. Initially, the cost of developing replica through OCR process may seem lucrative but if you consider the cost of entire OCR system life cycle, the cost will be much higher than data entry service. Correcting OCR errors counts more cost than preparing a digital format of the document.

High accuracy OCR software can read more than 400 characters/second, approximately, and generates less number of OCR errors compared to any ordinary OCR software. Therefore, if you are looking for OCR process you have to maintain a separate workstation for correcting OCR errors.

OCR software is not efficient in recognizing the handwriting and the fonts, which are quite similar to handwriting. In such cases manual typing plays better role than OCR process.

How efficient is Data Entry Service than OCR?

Compared to ordinary OCR process, conversion life cycle cost is less in data entry service and it provides complete flexibility to data entry operators preparing digital documents from multiple formats like hard copy or audio files. Consider the service of medical transcription where you need to prepare digital documents from audio files. OCR cannot prepare digital document by scanning any audio files. In such services, data entry can prove better than OCR.

It has been found that for services like mailing list conversion or data extraction from the Internet, manual data entry services are still widely accepted across the industry. Data entry service comes with several levels – staring from inserting raw data in a document to an error free document. OCR is efficient during the initial level of data entry service but cannot be a substitute of data entry service. However, the selection of a right service (Data Entry or OCR) depends on requirements of the job.

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Data entry is the work and profession for the best results in data conversion

Data processing and data related works can be used to accomplish the way of data farming and data define. Type of data entry in the most common cause of data loss is hardware failure, such as head crashes or problems caused through power interruption. Another significant percentage of loss is caused by human error, such as accidental deletion. Incidents of hardware destruction are less common, but still prolific. All these threats share a commonality they are unpredictable. This is uncontrolled data error or loss.

For the protection of your data the main thing you have to do is various ways:you can take measures to reduce the threat. The most obvious and sensible answer is to backup your data. Nevertheless, there are other associated issues, which must be addressed if your backup is to be dependable at different situation. Often backups consist of enormous amounts of data and take hours to complete, leaving little time to test the "restore" capabilities. Unreadable backup data will only compound your data loss situation. Have you thought about the life expectancy of your media which is the favorite for backups does not have a determined lifetime and should be replaced at the manufacturer demand, chewed or snapped tapes etc? It may also be prudent to invest in a system of proven reliability. Many IT managers opt for the cheapest option, forgetting that data recovery can be far more expensive. It is also worth noting that in the event of an incident, there will be a time gap between the last backup and the data loss.

There are various systems that is made for the better for the RAID and mirrored systems can provide 100% protection against downtime and offer real-time data backup. If your data is mission-critical, you may also choose to backup your data off-line (not on line )as on internet. However both systems are susceptible to configuration or human errors. Other options to consider are electronic vaulting, anti-virus software, disaster recovery plans, commercial file recovery software or simply data entry, all of which have their own associated benefits and drawbacks. That is the basic ways for the base of the field of the data entry.
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