Sunday, September 30, 2007

Data Entry and the Internet

recently read in one of the numerous forums that I belong to, that there are no legitimate Data Entry or Type at Home jobs on the Internet. My question to the author of this particular post is: What do you consider a legitimate Data Entry or Type at Home job. Her response was there are none!

This isn't true. There are legitimate Type at Home and Data Entry jobs on the Internet. However, and there is always a however,these types of jobs on the Internet are somewhat different than offline. How you ask? Let me try and explain, as I have done both. Several years ago I was hired to do Data Entry at an accounting firm. My duties were to enter numbers onto a spreadsheet for the accountants (these same math genius' could not figure out how to use Excel and the Tab key). This is what I did for 8-10 hours, one 30-minute lunch break, and two short 5-minute breaks. We are all familiar with this type of Data Entry job. I was paid an hourly wage and by the number of spreadsheets done in any given week.

Whether putting numbers onto a spreadsheet or some other data onto some type of form, this is what we think of as Data Entry. Are these jobs available on the Internet? Are you doing the same type of work? The answer is not an easy one. Yes, these jobs are available on the Internet. No, they are not the same.

The similarity ends with the name. Online the data is a prewritten advertisement that you are asked to put on a list of specific advertising sites. You are paid by the number of "clicks" or leads these advertisements bring to the company you are representing.

Some Data Entry and Type at Home sites will ask you to pay an upfront. Be very careful of this type of offer. What are you getting for your money? Read the offer very carefully and fully. If the sales page states that they are offering Data Entry jobs but require a fee in advance, it is probably a good bet this is a scam. You should never pay for an online Data Entry or Type at Home job, in this the author of the post was correct.

If on the other hand the offer involves teaching you how to make money doing Online Data Entry work from home, it is understandable that a fee is being charged. What is the difference? This is an offer of training and advice, not an offer of Online Data Entry working from home. Know the difference. Anyone doing a search on the Internet will find that a real Data Entry or Type at Home job, like the one I had are few and far between. You would have a better chance of finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. When you have looked for weeks trying to find something, and your dreams of working from home start to fade, this is when people become very defenseless and become victims to unfeeling scammers. Their sales pages are very convincing, and deceiving.

Don't throw your hard earned money away on a Online Data Entry. On the other hand, again, you should have to pay for training for the Online Data Entry work, or you could be tossing away an opportunity to have a successful career working online. Be sure you know the difference between being offered a "job" and training for an online career before you send money.


Friday, September 28, 2007

Operate A Home-Based Typing Service


Every day , in every part of the country, there are stories about how both men and women are successfully marketing a typing service.

Most of these people have no great ability. Many of them may have just wanted to do something with their hands, or their leisure time, while others had enough imagination to recognize they were developing a business that would become a paying proposition.

You are probably asking if you can use your own talents, large or small, to build up an impressive bank account but still remain at home and care for your family? The answer, or course, is a resounding 'YES!'

People that have succeeded in building a typing service at home know that it is a unique and stimulating experience. And for those who manage to survive and prosper the first precarious year have done so because they made sound plans based on finding out what people need, and then supplied it at a price they would pay.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Spatial filtering in optical data-processing

Optical data-processing is generally considered to have begun with Abbe's theory of image formation in the microscope. Since then the subject has expanded greatly until at this point in time it includes a plethora of techniques ranging from the simplest one-lens Fourier analysers and multipliers through coherently and incoherently illuminated correlators and processors to electro-optic devices and computer processing of optically logged data.

To review the complete range of techniques and applications adequately is not possible within this article which is restricted, therefore, to a discussion of optical imaging techniques employing coherent illumination that are designed to process the input signal by the inclusion of masks and spatial frequency filters that control the system transfer function. Emphasis will be put on the characteristics of those spatial frequency filters and the processed images produced with them. The article will introduce the basic theory of coherently illuminated optical systems in terms of the Fourier transform relationships that exist between specific planes of those systems, including a discussion in general terms of the influence of masks and filters on the imaging characteristics of those systems. The major portion of the article will present a detailed examination of the properties of specific spatial frequency filters. They will be discussed firstly under a classification of filter types where their individual data processing characteristics will be elaborated and then, in summary, they will be reviewed within a classification of data processing function. Finally an appendix is included which further elaborates the theory of coherently illuminated optical systems, detailing the exact relationships between the complex amplitude distributions occurring in the principle and other planes of such optical systems.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Numeric Data Entry Services

Numeric Data Entry services are completely planned to help businesses for big or small organizations. The data entry clerks will be entering data into Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel for absolute periods of time.

Numeric Data Entry service enables global organizations to produce high volume documents quickly and efficiently. While we have a lot of data to enter it is imperative to be expert to do it quickly. Using information from the earlier sections. Our Data Entry Numeric test dealings your talent to enter a range of numeric data using the ten-key pad. Data includes social security numbers, credit card account numbers, phone numbers and other numbers used in data entry. The test consists of groups of data, and your score is based on your average keystrokes per hour used to for correctness. This test is designed for data entry workers or clerks.

Some organizations likes Telecom billing, Medical billing, Examination results forms based data entry what ever its requirement. Data Entry Outsourcing accomplishes these efficiently through a perfect combination of advanced technologies and proven processes. Our oversize experience enables us to quickly set up and produce projects that require stylish editing or formatting. We use confirm, cost-effective methods and approaches that produce consistent and accurate results.

When adopting a lot of numbers of data business process outsourcing as a workable way to cut costs during services, concentrate on interior competencies and go with a fixed to a changeable price.

With requirement organization work as closely with using mature operational policies that ensure data privacy and services continuity. Outsourcing the Numeric Data Entry task necessary for your business needs to us gives you the chance to focus on extra core business activities. Particular features of our Numeric Data Entry service are likes high accuracy, high data security, Manual validation procedures, state-of the art technology, Flexibility, Duplicate check identification.

With an excellent team of experienced data entry experts, Data Entry Outsourcing has successfully assisted a large number of clients in their Numeric Data Entry projects. Allowing Data Entry Outsourcing to manage your Numeric Data Entry tasks provides you excellent flexibility and power to react to original and existing business opportunities.

The most direct method of gathering data is the use of the 'input' element. A powerful feature of this element is that you can specify a format mask with the 'format' attribute. The input mask allows you to tell the browser the characters, which are acceptable for entry in the input field. For example the entry field can be formatted to accept a defined number of characters or can be limited to believe only alpha or numeric characters.

By combine proved operating methods and mistake-proof Quality Control systems with advanced technology, we deliver excellent services for your Numeric Data Entry needs. If you have to enter list of numbers a spreadsheet or other application, read them into you computers microphone and record them. Then play the recording back as you type.

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This article has been offer consideration of Numeric data entry services in Numeric data entry services, Data Entry Outsourcing , in Numeric data entry services more than 10 years.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lower Your Document Scanning Costs

It is said that approximately thirty to fifty percent of the cost of scanning your pages is caused by making your documents ready to scan including manual labor and data entry. You are able to greatly reduce the costs of scanning documents by simply making them scan ready.

The preparation for scanning your documents includes removing staples, paper clips, post its, as well as any torn pages. This process is similar to what you would need to do if you were putting your documents into an auto-feeding copier. Once this is accomplished your documents are now ready for automatic scanning and bar coding.

Automatic batch scanning is the high speed production process to scan a large amount of pages and index documents at the same time it is scanning. You are able to capture Meta data from barcodes to save additional energy costs.

Barcode recognition is used when indexing your documents automatically. This process indexes and creates different document types from bar-codes sheets which are inserted into your document files, folders, and document groups during the preparation process.

There are many benefits involved in outsourcing back file conversion. The main benefit is that you will no longer need to bring in an additional employee just to handle the scanners. This is not only going to save the hourly or salary of the employee but also will cut out the costs of benefits on a yearly basis. This also means that you won’t have to train any additional employees.

Another huge advantage to outsourcing back file conversion is that you will save a lot of wear and tear on your scanning equipment. Many people don’t realize the costs that are involved when it comes to scanning a high number of documents. Software and hardware vendors will sell software to a company at the highest price and offer broad training which applies to the purchased hardware or software.

Written by Kristy Johnnson. Find more information on New York Document Scanning.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

IBM to offer free word processing, office software

IBM on Monday said it would start offering free word processing and other office software, joining a growing group of companies with free applications challenging a core Microsoft Corp product.

IBM said it would offer document, spreadsheet and presentation software in a group of tools called Lotus Symphony.

Microsoft's Office suite of products already faces some competition from Google Inc's online tools, called Google Apps.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

First Data says jobs restructuring to save $150 mln

First Data Corp, (FDC.N: Quote, Profile, Research) a data processing company that agreed to sell itself to private equity investors, said on Monday that it was outsourcing more work to save about $150 million a year.

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Friday, September 21, 2007

College Senior Hopes To Turn Love Of Data Entry Into Career

As she prepares to enter the "dog-eat-dog" business world this summer, computer applications major Lisa Milch, 22, said Monday that she is skeptical she'll be able to parlay her lifelong passion for data entry into gainful employment.

I knew when I chose to work with computers that I'd be facing an uphill battle after graduation," said Milch, a senior at the University of Maryland, as she reordered a list in an Excel spreadsheet. "But when you love numbers and archiving information as much as I do, you have follow your heart and be willing to take a risk, no matter how far-fetched it may be."

Milch said she's always fantasized about working 50 hours a week as a clerk in a medical records department, where the "big-time" information processing and retrieval opportunities are. However, she fears that setting her sights too high could set her up for disappointment in the real world.

"It's definitely a long shot, but I just know I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't even try," Milch said. "It's something I have to do. I owe it to myself."

As early as age 8, Milch displayed an avid interest in quantitative measurement and numeric arrays. A star pupil in her high school business and typing courses, Milch said that a summer principles of information technology class at a nearby DeVry University first sparked her desire for a brilliant career in data entry.

"I know I might be listening to my heart more than my brain here, but something inside me keeps telling me to go for it," Milch said. "I've never wanted to do anything else. I'll take low pay, I'll work under fluorescent light, I'll telecommute if I have to—just let me do what I'm meant to do."

Milch is not alone. Across the country, millions of seniors worry about the difficulties of transferring their personal interests into profitable careers.

Wesleyan University senior Frances Hardwick said she's concerned she won't be able to find employment as a personal assistant even after graduating in the top 10 percent of her class.

"The only thing I've ever wanted is a life of service: taking phone messages, picking up dry cleaning, and getting coffee for the well-off," said Hardwick, who believes she will be in for a "rude awakening" once she is out on her own. "I'm not looking to get rich. All I need is just barely enough money to pay rent."

While these idealists continue to send out resumés and cold call dozens of potential employers, their futures remain uncertain, leaving each of them with the same question: Will the world find a place for my inner callings, or will it crush my deepest dreams?

And for Milch, the waiting game is almost too much to bear.

"Some days, I want to give up on data entry completely," she said. "I sit around wishing I'd win the lottery so I could just take one temp job after another forever."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

OCR Scanning Services or Data Entry?

Spending lots of money on OCR Software and still not getting the results you want?

What is OCR (Optical Character Recognition)?
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is the process that recognizes the printed words on paper documents and outputs to an editable documents like Microsoft Word, Excel, PDF Normal, or Text. OCR is generally used when the documents are good quality printed pages and is usually highly accurate for typed manuscripts and text documents.

Accuracy on poor quality photocopies, dirty or hand-annotated documents will be substantially lower.

"OCR programs do not have the same high level of accuracy as retyping documents like lease agreements, technical manuals, medical papers and documents with columns and tables, spreadsheets and graphics. A service bureau with an offshore data entry office can provide manual retying at favorable rates."

What are the disadvantages of OCR?
  1. No OCR software is 100% accurate.
  2. The accuracy of conversion depends on the quality of the original.
  3. OCR correction is very labor intensive.
  4. OCR on spreadsheets tends to produce a high rate of errors in the OCR conversion compared to text documents.

The inaccuracy of OCR on poor quality documents negates any labor savings by the automated process due to time consuming manual character corrections.
A data entry service is your best solution for converting poor quality documents. Manual data entry (keyed-in) of poor quality documents provides a high level of accuracy not provided in OCR applications. Manual data entry is widely used for mailing lists and 'excel' spreadsheet type documents as well.

Scanning and keying from paper to image is significantly more cost-effective than OCR due to the advantage of lower costs offshore. With lower wages (employees make a decent living in India) and high quality work, outsourcing gives you fast turnaround of your project and cost savings.

OCR or Data Entry: Should I convert my documents with a data entry service?
Generally, an in-house investment in a document scanner and software starts at $5,000 and the higher end models are very expensive (above $30,000). Of course, there is a cost associated with this option as well--labor.

Utilizing a Scanning Company with offshore data entry facilities reduces costs and provides higher accuracy for poor quality documents. It generally should cost 1 cent per field to manually enter a mailing list or an excel spreadsheet from a paper copy.

About the author

New York Document Scanning, a global outsourcing company, is headquartered in New York, NY with offices in Kolkata, India and provides ocr scanning services and data entry at low cost. Get free quotes for all your document scanning needs. Visit us at


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Make data entry in Access easier by changing text boxes to combo boxes

Access users should not have to memorize codes or look up ID numbers in order to enter the correct data into a record. Not only is it time-consuming, but it also can lead to data errors.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Guide to Find Lucrative Data Entry Jobs

Just like any other home based business, data entry jobs can be very lucrative and profitable if the work is done with persistence, determination and motivation. Online data entry jobs have been on the rise since the year 2001 due to the huge amount of information handled every day creating a need for data entry people. If the data entry process is not resorted to by companies or corporate houses there will be loads and loads of paperwork, which is considered to be non productive. It may also lead to loss of information, data and in turn revenue in the process. When data entry of the information is done, it preserves all the necessary information of the businesses and can help in the smooth flow of business processes towards profit.

There is a great potential for data entry jobs and the chances of making data entry jobs profitable is also very high. Many companies worldwide outsource data entry jobs. Some people even earn $1000 – $3000 as an additional income. To attain this level of earning, it is good to know what is required to become a good data entry personnel and the knowledge to source profitable data entry jobs. Data entry jobs provide a win-win situation for both the data entry person and the company which is outsourcing the job. The person can work as a freelancer and earn good money while working at the leisure of the home and the company can concentrate on more strategic issues than doing data entry jobs in-house. They also save a lot of time, money and energy due to outsourcing of the data entry to people working from home.

To make data entry jobs profitable, the person who is doing the job from home can adopt the following strategy. The person has to go through the available data entry jobs which can be done from home, then can narrow down the ones which can be profitable from 1 to 3 such kind of programs. From the narrowed down choices, he can choose the one with a money back guarantee program. The reputation of the company who is giving data entry jobs is very important.

Getting organized in work is also a step towards profit making. While working from home, the work area needs to be very comfortable to work. The monitor should be fully visible and there should not be any clutter in the work place as it will distreat the person distract from the work he is doing. When a person works on the job he should be feel inviting and comfortable to make profits.

The mail box folders have to be organized in such a way that any information can be got at any time without having to search relentlessly. Since, data entry job involve managing data and information, it has to be in a very organized manner. This will show the person as well structured and organized. The company providing data entry jobs will prefer only such people and give them more and more work, in turn making the data entry job a profitable one.

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S. Geetha regularly contributes informative articles to web guides on freelance and work from home jobs and

Monday, September 17, 2007

Forms processing cuts data-entry time at Hull

Researchers at the University of Hull are using bureau service for the data-entry work on their latest neck-pain project, thereby freeing up more time to spend on actual analysis of the results

Designed to compare the effectiveness of two types of physiotherapy intervention, the Get Up Neck Trial project gathers information from 150 patients by means of a detailed 12-page baseline questionnaire and three 8-page follow-up questionnaires. While most of the questions are in multiple-choice format requiring responses in check-mark boxes, the answer sheets also include some free text boxes.

According to superintendent physiotherapist Sionnadh McLean, entering the data manually would have been a time-consuming process: 'We have used manual data-entry techniques in the past: as well as being a laborious task taking many hours, it also has to be repeated by a second person in order to verify the accuracy of the data'.

For these reasons the research team decided to adopt an automated approach to data entry and, after having evaluated alternative solutions, they settled on the bureau service provided by Kendata Peripherals.

In addition to handling the automated scanning of questionnaires and surveys, Kendata also offers a professional design and print service particularly geared to the special requirements of data-collection forms.

Working closely with the Hull researchers, Kendata designed the baseline and follow-up questionnaires so that they were not only optimised for scanning but also easy for patients to fill in.

Using automated systems and its own in-house developed forms-processing software, Kendata is able to process thousands of forms in a short period of time.

This software minimises the need for operator intervention and handles the decision making when errors such as double marking are detected.

As each sheet is scanned, a unique identification number is printed on it to provide a complete audit trail, which is especially important when dealing with longer questionnaire booklets - such as those used by the Hull research team - as they have to be separated into individual sheets prior to scanning.

In addition, the software randomly selects a certain number of forms for QA validation from each batch, thereby ensuring that quality assurance checks are carried out in accordance with the sampling requirements of ISO2859/BS6001.

The bureau supplies the Hull team with an Excel database, which they then import into their SPSS package for detailed analysis.

All free-text boxes are captured as PDFs with filenames that can be cross-referenced to the original data.

Another increasingly popular feature of Kendata's scanning bureau service is the online tracking facility, which uses a password-protected area of the company's website to allow clients to quickly and easily monitor the quantities of questionnaires received and scanned each day.

'Even though the project involved only 150 patients, there were thousands of pages of data to enter, so it was well worth using the Kendata bureau service,' concluded Sionnadh McLean.

'As well as being much faster, scanning the completed forms also achieved the required accuracy without the need for double data entry.'


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Data Conversion Techniques – Alba Spectrum

Microsoft Great Plains, current version is 10.0 as of September 2007 – in certain situations requires legacy system data conversion, migration and initial massage to be “convertible”. Data migration might be annoying routine, especially when you have to dig out tons of tab delimited texts, however it may define GP implementation success. In this small article we will review typical data conversion scenarios and migration tools. We have to inform you upfront, that MS SQL Server 2005 DB platforms gives you significant advantage in data migration, it opens you the door for SQL scripting: SQL stored procedures and functions, however direct DB feeding might be challenging, if you are not really familiar with GP tables and records distribution

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Outsourcing Data Entry Operations

Data entry or back-office operations of a company are usually extremely tedious and need specialized attention. Most of them, although non-core functions, are critical for the company's progress. By outsourcing data entry operations, organizations can focus on their core competencies, while their back office operations are being managed smoothly by a third party vendor. Typically, these third party providers are located in lower-wage developing countries such as India, China, Brazil, Malaysia, Russia, etc

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Data Entry Services- solution to work smoothly

A business comes into an existence with the sole purpose of earning profits and a business owner or a company will take various steps within his or its means to ensure that work keeps on flowing smoothly and the optimum utilization of resources takes place. And that’s where the Data entry services come into play. Its every aspect is created with the objective of catalyzing the growth and not causing a hindrance to the progress of the businesses it deals in.

Hence it is important to consider each aspect or division carefully and analyze if any further optimization can be undertaken at any level. Here the Data entry services play a crucial role that helps the company’s finance division to progress further. Data entry services is responsible for maintaining a check and keeping a record of each and every transaction that takes place in the day to day running of the business by data entry services provided by professionals or in-house accounts personnel. Data entry services ensure that necessary information regarding the plans; strategies and policies of the organization are available at a moment’s notice to facilitate decision-making by the senior management.

Data entry services make a major difference in the performance standards of any business. Outsourcing a competent firm for providing your business with data entry services helps you in optimization of resources that were earlier being invested in the accounts department to take care of the need of the various businesses. Data entry services provided by experienced professionals help your business to save time and money and help the organization to increase the pace of regular business activities. The other competitive advantages provided by the data entry services include the ready availability of accurate and authentic services at any given point that helps to facilitate decision-making for profit and expansion of the business. Data entry services maintains data on a daily basis and transfers it online to the organization that helps it to keep a track of each expense incurred and profit gained thereby enabling the business to chart out the next course of action.

The data entry services are usually provided round the clock to ensure that the client does not have to wait or face delays when the data is urgently required. The data entry services are provided through an advanced technology and software that carries out the work to accommodate the needs of the clients’. It is therefore a viable option for various businesses irrespective of whether it is small or a big corporation. Data entry services develop a wide range of solutions that companies need to outsource to cut down on the cost spend on hiring data entry professionals on the company payroll. The data entry services ensure that you have highly accurate data properly accumulated for your reference while the confidentiality of your data is also assured. Hence outsourcing data entry services might be the best option for any business in this competitive world.

Allies Harbor is a writer and writes articles on various topics including outsourcing. To know more about Accounting outsourcing,Business Process Outsourcing, Benefits of SEO outsourcing India,Outsourcing SEO Services,Article syndication,Software Outsourcing India,Outsourcing SEO,Data entry services visit


Friday, September 7, 2007

Data Entry at Home Online Job

Time is money… everyone these days wish to earn a lot of money and utilize each and every second of the available time. So how can you earn extra money while at work or even at home via Online Data entry?

Well… it has become a reality these days and the concept of freelancing is becoming increasingly popular among the masses. Now you can easily get work at home and get it done according to your timetable with no one acting as your boss.

Wow! Sounds great… well the idea is fabulous and it is a true one.

Now let me explain you with the whole idea of getting such work and how does the idea work.

You can find many freelancing websites on the internet where you have to sign-up and get yourself registered. This sign-up is totally free so you do not have to pay a single penny for the registration. Registration is necessary because they need to have the basic information about you and your address etc so that they could send you your earned money. You have to write up your profile so that people can judge your abilities before giving you their work. Once you have completed the registration process, you can bid for the work that is available on the site. You can find different categories of work on the site including technical computer related work, data entry work and copy writing work etc. so if you are not a computer professional, even then you can get work that relates to data entry and copy writing. Once you have selected the work that you are willing to do, you have to place a bid in order to get it. at the start, the buyer (the one lending the work) will give the band in which he /she is ready to give the work to the successful freelancer. This band will have the minimum and the maximum amount that he/she is willing to pay for the project. So if project money describes $100-300, this means that the buyer is willing to pay up to a maximum of $300 and a minimum of $100 so he/she would prefer the one who has offered the lowest bid. Now you can bid for Data entry online jobs and make good money while sitting in your own home.

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Read Legitimate Data Entry Jobs Guide here
Legitimate Data Entry Jobs
Online Jobs Employment
Data Entry at Home

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Techniques for improving customer retention

Records in a database are an organization’s greatest asset. Once a customer supports an organization financially, the direct marketer becomes responsible for converting the individual into a repeated source of income. After all, cultivating long-term customers produces a consistent stream of income for the organization without incurring additional acquisition costs.

How can marketers streamline customer retention while decreasing costs of undeliverable or unwanted mail? Effective database management.

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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Cougar Mountain Software — CMS Professional Payroll

CMS Professional Payroll is offered as an add-on to the vendor’s professional accounting suite and is an integrated part of the vendor’s nonprofit accounting suite. Generally used as an in-house payroll application, the system can also be used by professionals who provide payroll services with support for an unlimited number of payer companies, with up to 1,000 employees and contractor payees per company, including those with multiple state tax liabilities. It can manage unlimited standard and customized deductions, including benefit plans such as 401(k)s and medical savings accounts.

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