Sunday, September 30, 2007

Data Entry and the Internet

recently read in one of the numerous forums that I belong to, that there are no legitimate Data Entry or Type at Home jobs on the Internet. My question to the author of this particular post is: What do you consider a legitimate Data Entry or Type at Home job. Her response was there are none!

This isn't true. There are legitimate Type at Home and Data Entry jobs on the Internet. However, and there is always a however,these types of jobs on the Internet are somewhat different than offline. How you ask? Let me try and explain, as I have done both. Several years ago I was hired to do Data Entry at an accounting firm. My duties were to enter numbers onto a spreadsheet for the accountants (these same math genius' could not figure out how to use Excel and the Tab key). This is what I did for 8-10 hours, one 30-minute lunch break, and two short 5-minute breaks. We are all familiar with this type of Data Entry job. I was paid an hourly wage and by the number of spreadsheets done in any given week.

Whether putting numbers onto a spreadsheet or some other data onto some type of form, this is what we think of as Data Entry. Are these jobs available on the Internet? Are you doing the same type of work? The answer is not an easy one. Yes, these jobs are available on the Internet. No, they are not the same.

The similarity ends with the name. Online the data is a prewritten advertisement that you are asked to put on a list of specific advertising sites. You are paid by the number of "clicks" or leads these advertisements bring to the company you are representing.

Some Data Entry and Type at Home sites will ask you to pay an upfront. Be very careful of this type of offer. What are you getting for your money? Read the offer very carefully and fully. If the sales page states that they are offering Data Entry jobs but require a fee in advance, it is probably a good bet this is a scam. You should never pay for an online Data Entry or Type at Home job, in this the author of the post was correct.

If on the other hand the offer involves teaching you how to make money doing Online Data Entry work from home, it is understandable that a fee is being charged. What is the difference? This is an offer of training and advice, not an offer of Online Data Entry working from home. Know the difference. Anyone doing a search on the Internet will find that a real Data Entry or Type at Home job, like the one I had are few and far between. You would have a better chance of finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. When you have looked for weeks trying to find something, and your dreams of working from home start to fade, this is when people become very defenseless and become victims to unfeeling scammers. Their sales pages are very convincing, and deceiving.

Don't throw your hard earned money away on a Online Data Entry. On the other hand, again, you should have to pay for training for the Online Data Entry work, or you could be tossing away an opportunity to have a successful career working online. Be sure you know the difference between being offered a "job" and training for an online career before you send money.


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