Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Beware of Data Entry Work-at-Home Offer

You've seen the offers, work-at-home jobs where you can make incredible amounts of money with little or no effort, make your own hours from the comfort of your own home.

Many of them sound too good to be true, because they are. If it was that easy to make all that money from home for doing little work, we'd all be doing it.

We're taking action to warn you about a work-at-home offer that the Better Business Bureau in Florida has received complaints about over the last several weeks.

It involves a data entry job. A Web site boasts of big earnings, flexibile schedule with little or no experience necessary. It talks about making a full-time salary for part-time work. It iis enticing.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Free Data Entry Jobs Hard To Find

Thousands upon thousands of people are scouring the Internet every day looking for free data entry opportunities. Freelance work which can be found and applied for with no charge to the person who is seeking the work. My client runs a data entry web site and he can attest to this fact simply by looking at his Web statistics.

Free data entry is one of the top search terms which he has identified people using on search engines such as Google and Yahoo in order to find his site. He knows, having researched the market in order to build his site, that real free data entry opportunities can be very hard to find.

Since there is such a demand for this kind of work you will find millions of listings in the search engines catering for this demand. Of course, wherever there's money to be made you will find those parasites who will quite happily part you from your cash whilst offering nothing of value in return. There are also the out and out scum who will simply scam you for your money and run off with it.

If you have perused the many and various listings on the Internet for free data entry opportunities you will, no doubt, have come across these low life scammers. The kind of people who would rob from their own grandma! You do have to be a little bit careful and make sure you do enough research on the companies you're interested in. Don't just assume that everyone is out to scam you though because there are genuine opportunities out there.

If you look at the situation from another perspective you will realize why most of these companies need to charge a sign up fee before they provide you access to their services. They are running just that, a service. It costs them money to run their business. They have overheads just like any other business. How do they cover their overheads?

Well there are many ways to do it but one of the most secure ways to cover your overheads and actually run a profitable business is to charge a sign up fee. It is like a membership site, a subscription model just like you would subscribe to a magazine.

Prospective employers do not have the time to post their free data entry opportunities on the millions of free advertising portals on the Web so what they do? They go to the middleman, somebody who can take care of their recruitment needs. Somebody who can take the pressure off them allowing them to build their own business.

So when you're looking for free data entry opportunities on the Internet this is why you will not find many genuinely free job boards out there. They do exist but you have to search hard. It is well worth considering signing up to three or four of the biggest, most respected and trusted job boards operating online at the moment. If you really want to work from home hard enough to quit your day job it is probably a necessity.

Riley McBride is a professional author and makes a living writing articles just like this one for himself and his clients. You can hire him for article writing and he will compose you high-quality content which is search engine friendly. He is currently sponsoring the following web site which has further information about free data entry opportunities online.


Monday, January 28, 2008

ExcelZone Compendium: Tips to manage and speed up data entry

Practical application: Using Excel as a controlled data collection mechanism

Previous Excel Zone articles such as the Advanced data entry tips digest have considered why Excel might not be the ideal application for heavy-duty data entry. Instead you can make use of Excel's ability to import, or link to, external data to use the source data directly. Although Excel doesn't possess the same tools to set up a user-friendly data entry form as a database might have, it does have a very useful data validation facility and there are several useful techniques for making it quicker and easier to get your data into Excel.

The Data-Form option

If you are working with a list of items, Excel versions up to 2003 have a Data-Form option which displays the existing data as a form and includes New, Delete and Find buttons. Excel 2007: Data-Form is not included in the standard Excel 2007 ribbon - well, I haven't found it yet - but can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar via Office Button-Excel Options-Customise-Choose commands from-Commands Not in the Ribbon.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Version One means 80% cut in manual data entry

With Version One's integrated technology, Agresso users simply scan-in a batch of documents, such as invoices

International business management software author Agresso formed a partnership with document management and imaging company, Version One. Agresso will now have Version One's intelligent document capture software, DbCapture, integrated into its Business World ERP system, enabling Agresso users to significantly reduce the time and costs associated with the manual data entry of incoming documents such as supplier invoices, purchase orders (POs) and remittance advices.

DbCapture then automatically recognises document type and supplier by each document's unique characteristics and the relevant references and amounts are then automatically highlighted, extracted and validated before being uploaded into Agresso Business World.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Mastering & Replication of Data in CD-ROM.

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 52122251

Category : Data Entry

Title : Mastering & Replication of Data in CD-ROM.

Total Requirement : Contract for 1yr

Description :

We are contracting authority based in Mumbai in India having requirement of Mastering and Replication of the Data in CD-ROM. The total quantity of the directories is above 0.1 million for the one year. The estimated cost of this work is 10,55,000 INR.
Scope of work:

  1. The directory data along with the retrieval software on CD Rom will be provided to the provider for mastering on CD ROM. In addition to making of CDROM directory

    Master, replication of required number of CDROMS for each issue should be done and supplied to us.

  2. The quantity of CDROM directories is to be ordered in multiple of 10,000 no. as per requirement over a period of one year; latest data will be given after every three month.

  3. These CD ROMs should be usable on IBM-PC compatibles on CDROM drive of 2x and above.

  4. There should be four colors printing on CDROM on CD Top, Inlay Card and jewel box (Paper packaging). The Design and Artwork of CD Top printing, Inlay card and behind the inlay card (CD renewal coupon) has to be got approved from us for each issue.

  5. 100% payment will be made through ECS after supply of ordered quantity and passing of testing of the CD ROM directories.
The closing date of this tender is 29th January, 2008 by 14:30hrs. And will be opened at the same day by 15:00hrs. So, interested providers are requested to apply on or before the closing date & time.

For details of the EMD & document cost have a look in attachment file.

Budget Estimate : 10,55,000 INR

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ten-key Typing Practice For Data Entry Jobs

You've decided to move into the data entry career field. How can you best prepare to apply for a job with ten-key typing?

I consulted with a veteran of several years in numeric data entry and added insights from my development of ten-key practice software to create a list of useful tips for job seekers and for those who wish to improve skills and proficiency.

Practice is the key

What enables the pros to type all day at high speeds with very few mistakes? It's actually quite simple--hundreds of hours of practice on the job, with pressure from the work environment to motivate improvement.

That means you'll probably keep honing your skills on the job in order to reach higher levels of perfection.

But the good news for the beginner is that simply by investing enough time in effective practice, with a little self-discipline, you can develop the skills you need to make a good start in the data entry field.

Research (or job search)

You can search job listings for "kph" or "kpm" (or "wpm" for standard typing) and get a feel for the range of acceptable speeds with entry-level positions in the type of work you are seeking, as well as insights into other concerns and interests of employers. Of course, it's even better to have information specific to the company where you will be applying.

If you don't have a position already singled out, try the major job search sites on the internet as well as your local publications. However, be very cautious about work-at-home opportunities in data entry, especially those advertised in sponsored search result ads; if you're seeking to telecommute, look for well-known or obviously above-board companies.

Set progressive speed goals

Test your typing speed and decide on a reasonable goal. It shouldn't be too high at first; this should be a level that you can reach, and it can be an intermediate goal. When you achieve it, you can set another and higher goal if needed, and continue this process to keep working toward your final desired speed.

This is where the practice comes in. Don't expect to meet your final speed goal in just a few minutes. You should devote some time each day for several days, at the minimum, in preparing for your job. Find a reliable practice tool and use it to work toward your goals.

Aim for very high accuracy

The accuracy level achieved on the job is often surprisingly high, more than amateurs might imagine possible for their own typing. Don't let that worry you; you can't be perfect on your first step, and practice will make perfect. But do take accuracy seriously right from the start. It's important.

When you've reached a speed goal, don't rush ahead to set another goal quite yet. You should take additional time to keep working at that speed in order to reduce your errors. When you can type almost perfectly at that rate, it's time to increase the speed goal.

Depending on the setup a company uses, even a small mistake may be troublesome to correct if it goes beyond a certain point in the workflow. So, your employer will appreciate concern for accuracy.

Don't forget the neat resume

To increase your chances, put style as well as substance into your resume. Employers, being human, often narrow down a stack of resumes based on appearance before getting down to a really serious look at qualifications--the style helps to get you noticed, and then you'll need the substance.

Therefore, after investing practice to hone your keyboarding skills, spend a little more time to update and polish your resume. It's your representative in the first stages of the job selection process. Give your resume a unique and attractive look so that it won't be passed by. Make sure there are no mistakes in spelling and grammar. Include any experience, training, or skills that may relate to the job you are seeking.

In the office

If a company asks you to fill out a job application, try to complete it as neatly and thoroughly as you can; either take it home or find a good place to sit down and work on it. Strive for good penmanship and again, accurate spelling and grammar. If you're not a great speller, invest in a pocket-sized dictionary. Also ensure that you have all your information with you before leaving home to visit the office, because you need to fill out applications completely. If you're not well-organized, type up a handy reference sheet with any information needed for application forms which is not listed on your resume. Don't forget your references.

Try to present your best appearance at all times; even your first visit to pick up an application may count. If a manager is not present, other employees may have been instructed to take notes on your appearance and manner which will be associated with your application or resume.

If you are required to take a typing skill test, it will be your chance to shine--provided that you've invested the necessary time in building your speed and accuracy!

About the Author:

Curry Kenworthy is the developer of Agile 10 Key, a leading software tool for ten-key typing practice, training, and testing. Visit to download a free trial and learn how this application can help you achieve your data entry goals.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Documents Scanning, Image Processing & Data Capturing

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 17934921

Category : Data Entry

Title : Documents Scanning, Image Processing & Data Capturing

Total Requirement : On going

Description :

We are contracting authority based in New Zealand. We invite proposals from reputed providers for our requirement of on going document scanning, image processing and data capturing services.

Scope of work:

  1. To back scan all existing paper records and scan future records.
  2. Scanned documents must be stored in data base and viewable via web access.
  3. Image Processing
  4. Data Capturing Service

Please send us your proposals with the services you are offering, your track record and the technology you are using for this kind of work. The work will carry out in New Zealand only.
The proposals must be reach us not later than 4th February, 2008. For more details have a look on attachment. We would like to contacted by E-mail only.

Budget Estimate : Need best proposal

Country : New Zealand

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Inmate data-entry program is halted

The Utah Department of Corrections has temporarily suspended a data-entry program that employed inmates, after Grantsville's mayor received a letter claiming prisoners had compromised city employees' personal information.

The letter was sent in April by an inmate who did some of the data entry. However, corrections officials have since determined the inmate sent the letter to retaliate for being fired from his job.

Grantsville contracted with the Utah State Prison to have records compiled onto CDs. After receiving the letter, city recorder Wendy Palmer said the mayor had a letter sent out to city employees.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Keyboard Saves Accountants Time

Accountants handling data entry have a new best friend: a keyboard with the tab key located to the right of the number pad, rather than clear across the keyboard.
Wayne Wilson understands an accountant's pain. He's worked for 33 years in data entry, including 21 as a CPA. Those years showed him how inefficient the regular keyboard setup is for accountants.

"When you are entering data, you type all the numbers with your right hand and then have to stop and use your left to hit the tab key," Wilson said. "It's completely inefficient."

He looked for two years for other keyboards with a different setup, but couldn't find any. That's when he decided to build and patent his own keyboard.

Wilson's R-Tab keyboard ( has the tab key on the right of the number pad, making it easier and more efficient for accountants to use.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Finding A Legitimate Online Data Entry Job

Finding a legitimate online data entry job may take some time and patience on your part, but your efforts will surely be worth it in the end.

There are a huge number of online data entry jobs available in the Internet. Unfortunately, not all of them are genuine and legitimate. In fact, there is now a growing misconception that online data entry jobs are purely scams, due to the many occurrences of fraud in this online industry. However, you should take note that this kind of work from home opportunity still exist. Finding one is just a matter of knowing where to look.

Before moving on to tips on finding legitimate sites, you should bear in mind that online data entry is a job, and not merely an income opportunity. You can not realistically expect to get hundreds of dollars a day, unless you work round the clock to get as much amount. This is true for most online jobs, so you probably know by now what you should expect.

Date entry today involves preparation of reports, correspondence, databases, records, lists, transcriptions, and correspondence for various industries, both online and offline. It can also mean submitting ads to major sites such as Yahoo or Google targeted to clients who are searching for the content. Companies usually pay through payment channels such as ClickBank or PayPal, and will cost you some money to join.

If you are looking for online data entry jobs, you will most likely encounter the dilemma of paying sites to get you the job you want. It is true how most sites now require you to pay some sign up fees, making it difficult to recognize a legitimate online data entry site from a fraud-filled one. Your best shot at avoiding scams is to check with the BBB or the FTC for the legitimacy of the site you want to join. You can also look through consumer protection sites and anti-fraud sites widely available in the Internet. Better yet, try to join online forums and communities and learn from others who have tried different sites themselves. It is safest to go for data entry sites which offer money back guarantees just in case the unexpected happens.

There are a good number of online data entry jobs available in the Internet. However, there are just as much people who would like to do these jobs as well. Finding a legitimate site is then only half the story, the other half will depend largely on your own effort to market yourself and to draw potential clients to hire you. Make sure you have a competitive resume and cover letter that will set you one step ahead than all other applicants. It would help if you have previous experience, but the enthusiasm and dedication you present may sometimes be worth more than any resume.

There are more and more companies which are outsourcing data entry jobs. It may take some time and a lot of research to look for a legitimate online data entry job, but the potential rewards of finally landing in one will surely be worth every effort you exert now.

About Author :

Interested in earning money online through online data entry? We can help you get started now. Please visit Online Data Entry or Data Entry Jobs for more information.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry of Certificates

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 14166700

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry of Certificates

Total Requirement : On going work.

Description :

We are contracting authority of India based in Gujarat invites providers for our work requirement of Data Entry of certificates through CC Bridge Software. The estimated budget of this work is 7,50,000INR. The work will be carried in our premises.

Work requirement is as given below:

  1. To carry out data entry wok of certificate through CC Bridge Software.
  2. Provide data in soft copy in CD or DVD.
  3. Minimum 10 data entry operators required.

We need rate per 1000 records. Payment will be made monthly. Provider needs generate invoice. We need 100% accuracy.

Interested providers are requested to apply on or before 4th February, 2008 by 1500hrs (IST). For more details on EMD and other cost please have a look on attachment.
Refer the tender document to apply.

Budget Estimate :7,50,000INR

Country : India

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, January 14, 2008

Data Entry and Type-At-Home Programs

In the past, I have reviewed what are called "Data-Entry" programs (or in some cases, they are called "Type At Home" programs). My feelings have been quite two-fold. Let me explain:
  1. Is it fair to review (and even recommend) a program that is misleading from the beginning?
  2. In some cases, I thought that the programs were OK, so should that be enough to recommend them?
I have relied on my second notion on the topic and provided reviews of Data Entry Programs...until now.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Data Entry Project - Special Airmail Security Envelopes Need to be hand written.

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 13206454

Category :Handwriting Services,Data Entry

Title : Special Airmail Security Envelopes Need to be hand written.

Total Requirement : Max 1 day per 1000 pieces

Description : We are a USA based Company. We are looking for a service provider who can help us in our requirement for Handwriting Services. We need mailing address info to be hand written on special airmail security envelopes. These envelopes must be either produced by provider or acquired by the provider. A photo of what envelope should look like can be provided. These envelopes must be stuffed with a single page letter, which the provider must print using a laser printer only and not by a print shop. The letter must be signed with a signature in cursive hand writing and folded according to our specifications, photo of which will be provided. This will be an ongoing monthly project with an initial volume of 6000+ pieces, which will steadily increase every month. We need to be quoted a price per piece, which must include the price of the envelopes, letters, and handwriting services. Up front payment for procurement of envelopes and letters can be discussed. Calls will not be entertained.Interested Service Provider are requested to contact us as soon as possible.

Budget Estimate : Need to be quoted a price per piece.

Country : United States

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Booklet Printing & Binding

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 11350520

Category : DTP, Typesetting,Data Entry

Title : Booklet Printing & Binding

Description :

We are Ireland based authority would like to invite proposals for the printing of the guidance booklet as detailed below. The booklet will be provided to end-users in English and Irish languages in the quantities specified below. Print content will be provided with the required files via one of our agency.
A. Printing and binding of the booklet as specified below:

  1. 12 page A5
  2. 2 staple saddle stitche
  3. Full colour
  4. 125gsm paper with gloss finish

B. Printing of 200 booklet dispensers which is capable of holding multiple copies of the booklets on a desk, the exact number of which is to be specified.

C. Printing and binding of 12 page A5, 2 staple saddle stitched, full colour on environmentally friendly/ recyclable paper.

D. The following quantities are required: English language: 830,000, Irish Language: 60,000.

The proposal should include:

  • A brief background to the company
  • The supplier will be required to submit a current Tax Clearance Certificate before signing contracts.
  • Detail of similar projects carried out by the company
  • Details of delivery arrangements to 4 specified locations in Dublin and 3 specified locations in Belfast. The number and type of booklets to be distributed shall be provided at a later date.
  • Detailed quotation of all costs associated with the project. All costs must be inclusive of VAT. The maximum cost including VAT shall not exceed EURO 110,000.
  • Tenders should also separately tender option in respect of the supply of print on environmentally friendly/ recyclable paper.
  • A commitment to be able to deliver the print material to the specified locations in Dublin within 3 week period of taking delivery of the soft copy of the material to be printed.

We are attaching the brief details that will help you for the Tender Application. The closing date of the Tender is 15/1/2008.

Interested Companies are requested to apply before the Deadline.

Budget Estimate :Look for Best Proposal

Country : Ireland

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Discover How Data Entry Jobs From Home Can Boost Your Income By More Than 210%"

Data entry workers that do their job from the coziness of their homes are increasing in number, the Census in 2000 showed that the surprising 4,000,000 over-sixteens work at home,

and quite a large percentage of those work with data entry. Data entry specialists are decreasing in number,

consequently employers have to look for self-employers. This means that data entry specialists who work at home will probably have increasing job opportunities in the next few years.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Data Entry Project - Posting Advertisement On Different Classified

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 34150702

Category : Internet Marketing,Data Entry

Title : Posting Advertisement On Different Classified

Total Requirement : 50,000 Documents for Scanning Per Month.

Description : We are SriLanka based looking to outsource our ongoing requirement related to Classified add posting. We are looking for few people who can post advertisements on different classifieds. We will provide with the content for the advertisement, the payout will be 0.01 USD per posting. The payment will be every 15 days and it will be by Pay pal. We look forward to receive best proposal to start this work by next week. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their proposals. Note- We strictly prefer initial contact by email.

Budget Estimate : 0.01 USD Per Posting

Country : Sri Lanka

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, January 7, 2008

Data Entry Project - Scanning & Storing of Documents

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 74117668

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning & Storing of Documents.

Total Requirement : 50,000 Documents for Scanning Per Month.

Description : We are contracting authority of Indian Government based in Karnataka. We are looking for a provider for our requirement of Document Scanning and Storing. We will provide 50,000 documents per month for scanning and storing at initial stage. Provider needs to deliver the scanned documents in CDs and DVDs. We need 100% accuracy.
Job description:

  1. Collection of the application form of the customer from the commercial officer.
  2. Scanning of the application form.
  3. The hard copies of the application both black & white and color have to be scanned using high resolution scanners.
  4. Store the data in the storage media such as CDs, DVDs & Hard disks.
  5. The whole work will be carried out at our premises only.

Interested providers are requested to apply before 16th January, 2008 by 4:00PM (IST). We need quotations accordingly the tender document. For EMD & tender document cost please have a look on attachment.

Budget Estimate : Need Best Quotations

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, January 6, 2008

R-Tab Keyboard Creator Offers Tips for Managers to Improve Data Entry Productivity

Managers Constantly Seek Ways to Increase Productivity With Limited Resources. With an R-Tab Keyboard, a Small Initial Investment Can Help Them Increase Data Entry Productivity up to 27 Percent.

Managers are often looking for ways to increase data entry productivity, or get more done with limited resources. Wayne Wilson, creator of the R-Tab keyboard, suggests managers can increase productivity without hiring costly efficiency consultants.

As a CPA for 21 years, Wayne Wilson understood the importance of data entry productivity, and the stress managers suffer in their efforts to improve it. That was one of the reasons he developed the R-Tab keyboard, a keyboard with the tab key on the right-hand side by the number pad.

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Conversion of Back Files and Vital Records

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 13807007

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Conversion of Back Files and Vital Records

Total Requirement : Work for 3yrs.

Description :

We are USA based organization looking for a qualified provider to create digital images of approximately thirty (30) million birth and death documents and match the images created to pre-existing electronic index data. Our estimated budget for this work is 5,000,000USD - 9,999,999USD. Duration of this contact is May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2011. The provider shall safely and securely transport these documents of vital records.
Work requirement is as given below:

  1. Create digital images of approximately 30 million vital record documents.
  2. Match these images to existing index data provided by us.
  3. Scanning an average monthly volume of five-hundred thousand (500,000) paper documents to create digital images.
  4. Matching and connecting index data to the scanned image: an average monthly volume of five-hundred thousand (500,000) matches to connect index data with scanned images.

Provider needs to generate invoice for payment. Payment will be made on monthly basis after verification of the records. We are looking for the quotes per document as described in tender document. Interested providers must attend Pre-Bid Conference at given address on 28th January, 2008. Interested providers are requested to apply before 22nd February, 2008 by 4:00PM (USA time).

Budget Estimate :5,000,000USD - 9,999,999USD

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Jobs with No Investment

The world of data entry predates internet itself, however, the advent of the internet which has been stretching its powerful antennas by capturing and widening potentials every aspect of human endeavor to reach every part of the globe. This phenomenal growth brought forth by the Internet, fortunately has not left the data entry field behind. In fact, it has been enjoying gracious increase in the last 5 years or so.

However, before then most people used to believe that only those with high techie brains or Harvard trained can successfully dabble into this area. Actually it could be considered true, say about 10, 20 or so years ago. But not anymore! I am sure that in recent times, you must have been swarmed with offers pouring into your email box to join one data entry program or another. It is even possible that you had carried out series of independent researches on search engines; asked questions on forums and probably purchased one of such programs.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Web-based data entry system launched at Chennai airport

A Web-based Electronic Data Entry (EDI) System was commissioned on Thursday at the Chennai Air Cargo Terminal by Dinesh Kumar, Airport Director.

The system connects trade partners including, airlines, air cargo agents, Custom House agents and exporters.

The function was attended by senior officials of the Customs Department, representatives of Air Cargo Agents Association of India, Custom House Agents Association, Bar-India and airlines operators.

The Internet-based EDI System, which has direct interface with Customs Export EDI System, allows the user to log in for online export transactions from their offices.

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