Friday, February 29, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry Of Registration Records

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 14338059

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry Of Registration Records

Estimated Budget : Seeking For Best Proposal

Description :

A UK based contracting authority is seeking tender for the provision of scanning and data capture of historical civil registration records of northern ireland.The scanned images and indexes must be quality before being provided to the authority for furthur testing and final acceptance.The total quantity of scope of records that needs to be captured are as follows:-

  1. Birth Registration Records (1864-1996) - approx 3,483,752 records
  2. Death Registration Records (1864-1996) - approx 2,203,618 records
  3. Marriage Registration Records (1845-2004) - approx 1,355,235 records
  4. Adoption Registration Records (1931-2002) - approx 19,839 records
  5. Stillbirth Registration Records (1961-1996) - approx 12,137 records

The whole contracting period will be of 2 years and the closing date of the tender is 26/3/2008 so interested companies are requested to send their proposal before the deadline.For more details do refer to the terms and conditions as attached in the Doc file.

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Image Processing Software helps prepare bitonal documents.

Designed for professionals involved with paper and microfilm scanning and digitization, Binarization Image Processor v1.22 facilitates preparation of bitonal documents in TIFF/PDF and JBIG2 formats. Program includes dynamic thresholding, local area adaptive binarization, and OCR preparation thresholding to binarize images. Manual review mode lets user scan through resulting bitonal images and improve output quality manually after automatic batch processing is complete.

Binarization Image Processor v1.22 - Graphic Apps / Converters & Optimizers Software

XVEL Software has announced Binarization Image Processor v1.22.

Save time preparing high-quality bitonal documents in TIFF/PDF and JBIG2 formats with Binarization Image Processor software that supports very large image batches.

Created especially for professionals involved with paper and microfilm scanning and digitization, Binarization Image Processor (BIP) is already being successfully used by over 30 different microfilm bureaus in New Zealand, Australia, the US, the UK and Canada.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Data Entry Project -Document Conversion Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 12795279

Category : Data Entry

Title : Document Conversion Services

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Total Requirement : Approximately 33,609 Pages/Images for Conversion

Description :

We are an education department based in USA. We are looking for reputed service providers for off-site services to scan our 113 editions of the Annual Financial and Statistical Reports. The estimated volume is 33,609 pages/images. Provider needs to complete this task within 90 days. The payment

Our Requirements:

  1. Produce 4 CDs sets of scanned document images in PDF format.
  2. Produce microfilm images from scanned images on 35 mm film including the Diazo copy and original silver copy. This service is optional and will be determined in future.

Interested companies are requested to send their quotations on our before 5th March, 2008. Preference will be given to bidder with experience in scanning books and old fragile documents. Provider may have to visit our place for work order and may have to carry out the work in our premises based on the negotiation with us.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, February 25, 2008

Work With Data Entry From Home

Work with data entry from home is becoming extremely popular as more and more people are going online to make some extra cash. Data entry’s popularity stems from the fact that typing positions and programs can be a relatively easy way to make some extra money.

Data entry positions can be found by doing research in the right places. If offers are to make $1000 dollars a day, or become a millionaire in a year, then it should be avoided. These are frauds and give legitimate data entry opportunities a bad name. The reality is that it is possible to make money with data entry but it is important to have realistic expectations.

The online world is booming, thousands of websites are made every day. Companies need advertising and that is where the data entry opportunity arises. Typing short advertisements for the company’s products and services and submitting them online will make them sales; and when the company earns, the data entry worker earns.

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Scanning of Drawings

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 95419200

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning of Drawings

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Total Requirement : Contract for 1year

Description :

We are a government organization based at Chennai in India. We are looking for an experienced company for our requirement of Scanning and Archiving work for a period of 1year. We have more than 50,000 building plan drawings. We need them to be scanned in a proper manner. The size of the drawings is varying from A4 to A0. The payment will be on monthly basis.
Work Requirement:

  1. Scanning of approximately 50,000 building plan drawings.
  2. Providing clearly scanned images with all the details as in the hard copies. No corrections and additions shall be made during this work.
  3. While scanning, adjustment of contrast, brightness and density of images should be made so that all the contents written on map are captured in readable format.
  4. Remove impurities, black spots and black bands in the scanned images.
  5. Archiving the scanned images properly on the server in PDF format.
  6. Supply the software to store, retrieve, search, maintain, and manage the scanned images.

We will provide you the place to perform the work. Interested companies are requested to submit their quotations on our before 7th March, 2008 by 3:00PM. For the details of EMD have a look on the attachment. E-mails will be not entertained.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Friday, February 22, 2008

Data entry errors to blame for wrong NY Super Tuesday tallies

An unusual number of data entry errors by poll workers and police officers appears to have been responsible for inaccuracies in the vote tallies reported to the news media on the evening of the state's presidential primary.

Over the past few days, evidence has emerged that the unofficial results released on election night may have slightly overstated Hillary Clinton's margin of victory in her home state.

Most of the attention has focused on 80 city election districts that reported receiving zero votes for Barack Obama while collectively logging thousands of votes for the other Democratic and Republican candidates.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Scanning & Data Entry of Forms

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10865514

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning & Data Entry of Forms

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Total Requirement : 600000 Forms for Scanning & Data Entry

Description :

We are Indian contracting authority based in Delhi having requirement on Scanning & Data Entry of forms. We have approximately 600000 (6 lacs) forms to be scanned. Provider needs to capture all the forms in the image file in Tiff or JPG format as per our requirements. Provider needs to submit all the captured data and images on CDs and need to upload in our centralized server for viewing the data at our various offices. We will provide 50000 forms per month for scanning as per work order. Payment will be made on the completion of the given work order.


  1. Collection of forms from our office.
  2. Capturing all pages in the image file (Multiple Page Tiff) or a Jpg files (as per our Requirement) and storing under a single file name.
  3. Capturing the signature and photo from the form and storing these in a file with correspondence to the database.
  4. Entering all the required data in database files.
  5. The database and images should be corresponding to each other only and should be completely error free.
  6. Submitting the prepared images and data on CDs and loading in centralized server for viewing the scanned data at different offices.
  7. Supply of proprietary retrieval software with a user and operation license.

We are looking for a quotation per form from the providers. Interested providers are requested to send their quotations on or before 6th March, 2008 by 11:25PM (IST). The price of the tender document is only Rs.520/-. For more information please have a look on the attachment. Providers from India only need to apply and work will be carried out at our premises only.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Capture Form Filling Service

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 11395707

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Capture Form Filling Service

Estimated Budget : Looking For Best Proposal

Total Requirement : 1 crore Pages

Description :

A UK based Government contracting authority is seeking tenders for the services acquired by the contracting authority which include photograph capture, signature capture, documents checking and authentications, address validation, other back ground checking services, biometric data capture e.g. fingerprint capture, iris recognisition,retina,other technologies, including new, and developing technologies,etc as required, data packaging and transfer capability, automated form filling, card production and fulfillment. The authority would provide the system to support all the services and the providers can bid for any part of the lot whichever they are interested to work upon.

The whole contract will be of 2 years and the closing date of the tender is 10/3/2008 so interested companies are requested to send their proposal before the deadile.For more details do refer to the terms and conditions attached in the Doc file.

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Data Entry Keyboard Can Help Accountants Come Tax Time

Jan. 1 marked the start of the 2008 tax season. With months of data entry coming up for them, accountants and CPAs can benefit from a keyboard that makes data entry more efficient.

These accounting data entry woes inspired Wayne Wilson to create the R-Tab keyboard ( After working in accounting for 33 years, including 21 years as a CPA, Wilson realized that the current keyboard setup was surprisingly inefficient for accountants and CPAs.

"With the tab key on the left side of the keyboard, you have two choices," Wilson said. "You can quit typing with your right hand, reach over, and hit the tab key, or you can quit keeping track of your data with your left hand and hit the tab key. Either way, you are losing time and productivity. When you are working on a deadline during tax season, time is of the essence."

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Data Entry Project - Site Maintenance and Data Entry

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 10500484

Category : Web Design and Development,Internet Marketing,Data Entry

Title : Site Maintenance and Data Entry

Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposal

Total Requirement : Ongoing

Description :

We are a UK Based company and looking for a service provider who can help us in maintaining daily site for our several sites. We are looking for a reliable company that can provide simple image editing and text updates. The work needs to be completed on daily basis and it will be an ongoing work. We need service provider with good knowledge of basic Photoshop and similar data entry like simple cut and paste. Service provider needs to work for an at least 1 to 2 hours per day. We are looking for best quotation from service provider. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Conversion, Scanning & Data Entry of Forms

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 17311940

Category : Data Entry

Title : Conversion, Scanning & Data Entry of Forms

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Total Requirement : 1 crore Pages

Description :

We are government organization based in India. We have our offices at Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai & Chennai. We invite the reputed service providers for our work of digitization in these offices. Approximately 1crore pages to be digitized distributed in these offices as given below. We need providers for given below cities.

Delhi: 23.85 lacs pages & Kolkata: 42.45 lac pages
Mumbai: 7.55 lacs pages & Chennai: 23.30 lac pages

Details of Digitization Process:

  1. Digitization includes Preparation of documents to be scanned , Scanning, Conversion of all documents to PDF and TIFF, Abstract image to JPEG , OCR conversion , Data entry, cleaning and Verification of the digitized files and uploading these files to search & retrieval and EDP System in a Server.
  2. Convert the scanned image to tiff and then jpeg and then to PDF format.

    File formats:
    (A.) Tiff Group 4 – 300 dpi
    (B.) Gray scale Jpeg – 8 bits
    (C.) Color Jpeg – 24 bits

    Image Size:
    (A.) Black & White: 2048 X 1536 pixels
    (B.) Gray scale & color: 1024 X468 Pixels ( XVGA Size)

    PDF Format

    As per Adobe latest Standard/versions

  3. Convert the Abstract & Complete specifications into an editable format (text / Ms Word).

  4. Data Entry of title, name, application, applicant name, agent name etc…
The payment will be made on the actual work carried out at each location. Providers can apply for a single location. Interested providers need to apply on or before 5th March, 2008 by 5:00PM (IST). Providers from India need to apply. Work will be carried out at our premises. Price of the tender document is Rs.1000/- only. For more details have a look on attachment. No e-mails will be entertained.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Friday, February 15, 2008

HirEase's 'University' reduces data entry errors with streamlined background check proces

Southern Pines, NC – In the United States, an increasing number of mainstream universities and colleges are requiring their coeds to complete a background check for certain programs. However, for many schools the actual management of the requisite process has proven to be an arduous task consuming hours out of the already full workdays of many university administrative professionals. The once multi-tiered process of collecting, entering, paying and processing in order to begin the background screening process has been reduced to a fast, easy and single-step process that HirEase instituted for clients in the higher education industry. With this new process, students are responsible for ensuring all data is entered and that the background screening is paid for before the process begins. Both students and administrators receive a confidential login and password to monitor the background screening process. This streamlined method ensures the background results are highly accurate, expedited and available in real time.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Scanning Data Capture of Books Images

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 16761400

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning Data Capture of Books Images

Estimated Budget : Seeking For best Proposal

Description :

A Sweden based contracting authority is seeking tenders for the provision of scanning of the DTbooks image into XTML or PDF conversion. The images contain diagrams,charts,bigraphical ornamental,portrait,still life photograph,logos,graphics which are need to be scanned into XTML format or PDF conversion. The total quantity of books will be 1500 books per year (Book may be in English or Swedish) which would be supplied by the contracting authority. Providers need to quote as per the book.
The Closing date of the tender is 25/3/2008 so interested providers are requested to send their proposal before the deadline.The whole contracting work will be of 1 year. For more details do refer to the terms and condition as attached in the Doc file.

Country : Sweden

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, February 11, 2008

Misconceptions To Avoid With Type Data Entry Positions

If you have searched the internet you are probably familiar with all of the ads claiming you can type data entry for money. While there are some outlandish ads on the internet, these are ads that can be legitimate. The amount of money you earn will depend on a number of things, but it is possible to make money through typing data entry.

There are some misconceptions when it comes to data entry jobs, but it can be an easy way to pick up some extra cash. You will find a lot of people worrying that it is an endless amount of typing for little reward. While you do have to enjoy typing and be fairly decent at it, it is not as bad as people say.

People that dread type data entry jobs are typically those that are not comfortable on the computer or with their typing skills. It can make it a lot less stressful if you are a fairly quick typist and accurate as well. You will be able to accomplish far more in a short amount of time with tuned typing skills.

Another common misconception with type data entry positions is that they are scams. It is hard to blame people with this misconception with the amount of scams that are on the internet. But data entry positions are the real deal and are not too good to be true. Depending on your typing skills, you can potentially earn as much as $40-$50 an hour. Obviously, the quicker you type the more you will make per hour.

To avoid running into a scam, it is vital that you take the time to research each option. Like everything in life, there are some good data entry positions as well as some poor positions. You will find that many vary when it comes to the payout, so make sure you find one that pays decent.

The last misconception to be wary of is that they will take up time away from your website if you have one. The truth of the matter is that data entry jobs can be a great addition to your website for additional income. It does not take too much time at all if you are a legitimate typist and can actually benefit your business when it comes to focusing on specific keywords.

No matter how good the opportunity is, there are always going to be things you have to be wary of. However, there are a number of misconceptions that are not true with type data entry positions. The only way you can determine whether or not they are true is to do research and try it out for yourself.


Article Written By: Tom Dahne Typing For Cash is a very useful website with links related to websites that offer type at home opportunities, visit Tom Dahne is also the owner of the very popular Link Directory that invites webmasters to submit their sites for review and inclusion for free in Link Directory, visit

Friday, February 8, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Mass Digitization Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 26128637

Category : Data Entry

Title : Mass Digitization Work

Estimated Budget : Need best proposals

Description :

We are USA based contracting authority. We are planning to digitize the entire collection of legacy materials. The estimated size of the collection is approximately 2.2 million documents, which amounts to about 90 million pages. The collection consists of publications in many different forms, including books, pamphlets, oversized maps and posters, and microform. Most of the materials that are expected to be digitized in conjunction with this effort are mainly books, pamphlets, and microform (microfiche).

Selected provider will digitize these materials in to PDF or TIFF images. We are looking for best proposals form providers. So, interested providers are requested to apply on or before 24th February, 2008. All the requested information must be sent to e-mail address given in the document before the deadline in MS-Word format. Have a look on attached documents. Work will be carried out in USA at provider’s premises.

Country : United States

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry & Scanning of Forms, Data Processing

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 95261791

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry & Scanning of Forms, Data Processing

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Description :

We are India based reputed university. We are looking for good service providers for our requirements of scanning of forms, data collection, printing of forms, data processing & data development. We need best proposals from service providers from India only.
Work Requirement:

  1. Data Collection of candidates who would register online
  2. Scanning of admission forms
  3. Data capturing from ICR/OMR forms
  4. Preparation of lists and reports for colleges on CD
  5. Data entry
  6. Data processing
  7. Printing of admission & registration forms
  8. Validation of data
Volume of this work is more than 1,50,000. Payment will be made monthly on invoice base. The work will be done at our premises only. Firms/companies interested in this work given above, may submit their proposal on or before 29, February 2008. Have a look on the attachment for more details. EMD is required.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

EBE launches data entry program

EBE Technologies has launched Internet Data Interchange (IDI), a web-based data entry program that automatically fills in data from carriers’ dispatch and accounting systems to and from shippers and intermediaries’ web portals, the company said.

According to EBE, the carrier can improving its processing efficiency by automatically retrieving information from the shipper and transferring data such as load confirmation number right to the dispatch system.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Scanning and Printing Of Audio Facial Capture

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10414580

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning and Printing Of Audio Facial Capture

Estimated Budget : 60,000 GBP

Description :

A UK Based contracting authority is seeking tenders for a data capture facility by process of 3d scanner and 3d printers. The scanner should capture video facial which would be usable by the authority and capable of producing 3d volumes with texture to be imported into XSI, 3dsMax and Alias Maya.

The closing date of the tender is 18/2/2008 So interested providers are requested to send their proposal before the deadline. For more details do refer to the terms and condition as given in the Doc file

Country : United Kingdom

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender - Scanning and Printing Of Audio Facial Capture

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10414580

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning and Printing Of Audio Facial Capture

Estimated Budget : 60,000 GBP

Description :

A UK Based contracting authority is seeking tenders for a data capture facility by process of 3d scanner and 3d printers. The scanner should capture video facial which would be usable by the authority and capable of producing 3d volumes with texture to be imported into XSI, 3dsMax and Alias Maya.

The closing date of the tender is 18/2/2008 So interested providers are requested to send their proposal before the deadline. For more details do refer to the terms and condition as given in the Doc file

Country : United Kingdom

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender - Scanning and Printing Of Audio Facial Capture

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10414580

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning and Printing Of Audio Facial Capture

Estimated Budget : 60,000 GBP

Description :

A UK Based contracting authority is seeking tenders for a data capture facility by process of 3d scanner and 3d printers. The scanner should capture video facial which would be usable by the authority and capable of producing 3d volumes with texture to be imported into XSI, 3dsMax and Alias Maya.

The closing date of the tender is 18/2/2008 So interested providers are requested to send their proposal before the deadline. For more details do refer to the terms and condition as given in the Doc file

Country : United Kingdom

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, February 4, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry & Data Capture Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 11568550

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry & Data Capture Services

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Total Requirement : Contract for 1yr.

Description :

We are USA based organization looking for qualified service provider for our requirement of Data Entry & Data Capture Services through OCR/ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition). The maximum number of characters is not more than one million hundred (1,00,000,000). We need quotation per character from providers.

Our Requirements:

  1. Provider needs to provide image enabled data entry services.
  2. Provider needs to retrieve images of documents.
  3. Verify the correctness of data entry.

Service provider needs to generate the invoice for payment and we will pay as per the invoice and the agreement. Deadline for submitting proposals is March 4, 2008 by 10:00AM. The work will be done in USA only. Providers from USA only need to apply. For more information have a look on attachment.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How heavily do you depend on MS Word?

BRAVO BILL Gates and wonderful Microsoft, which gave us a word processing tool called MS Word and made our lives easier! Millions of people using MS Word around the globe are in a way getting addicted with this word processing application. I have heard people saying, “Oh! Your personal computer does not have Word? How do you work?”

Gates would be happy hearing and reading such statement every time it appears in different forms. Such is the dependence on MS Word that it has come to rule our life where documentation is concerned. In reality, the features and workability are very easy in this application, and you can be your self-tutor, learning this application, if in case you have not used it before. But I am really afraid to say that you are not one of the word users. In any case, you might be using any other word application software for word processing. I do not know how dependent you are on that software for accuracy and precision so far as writing, spelling and grammar check are concerned.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Melissa Data Announces Data Entry Software for Call Centers

Melissa Data today announced the release of Express Entry, a software program that allows call center and service center agents to improve the speed and accuracy of data entry. Powered by Melissa Data’s CASS Certified ™ address correction engine, Express Entry works by reducing the number of keystrokes needed to input a mailing address and then validating the completed record to U.S. Postal Service specifications.

Express Entry was designed to improve data quality and boost productivity in the call center or any other place where rapid address entry is required. Using a simple template, agents need only enter a ZIP Code™ and full or partial street address. Express Entry fills in the city name, state abbreviation, and verified ZIP + 4 Code™.

Express Entry can eliminate up to 39 keystrokes for each record. Once the address is standardized, the record can then be transferred to any application running in the background including a form letter, spreadsheet, database or CRM program. If an input address is not able to be verified, Express Entry provides options for selecting near matches.

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