Monday, March 31, 2008

Document management speeds NHS data entry by 80% in Scotland

NHS Scotland is rolling out document management and imaging software across 22 health boards to reduce manual data entry processes by 80%.

The project is part of Scotland's efficient government initiative that is driving the setting up of shared services throughout the health service.

The NHS in Scotland is already saving £2.9m a year by implementing a single set of business processes and sharing management software.

John Francis, programme director from the shared support services programme, said rolling out Version One's document management software would help meet the government's planned efficiency targets.

He said the software would be integrated with the NHS's COA Solutions accounting systems to enable hospitals to free up document storage space, eliminate third-party document storage costs, and allow staff to be redeployed.

"We look forward to reducing the number of paper documents the Scottish NHS generates and expect a substantial return on investment," said Francis.

Source :

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Document Scanning Service

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :56422407

Category : Internet Marketing,Data Entry

Title : Document Scanning Service

Estimated Budget : Need Best RFP

Total Requirement : 7 Millions Medical Records Papers

Description :

A UK based contracting authority is seeking tenders for the provision of document scanning service of the conversion of potentially existing paper based patient records to electronic format. The work would involve collecting, scanning and indexing records to medical records into a defined standard from named location throughout the authority. The minimum indexing will be applied to records that are bulk scanned and the scanned records will be populated into a database with mining capability for medical records management to provide statistical information. The total quantity of medical records to be scanned will be 7 millions and the whole contract will be of 4 years. The work would be an offshore or onshore based on the negotiation between the client and the providers.

The closing date of the tender is 25/4/2008 so interested companies are requested to send their proposal before the deadline. For more details and better understanding do refer to the terms and condition as specified in the attached Doc file

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Friday, March 28, 2008

Data Entry Projects - Website Submission Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 11654533

Category : Internet Marketing,Data Entry

Title : Website Submission Work

Estimated Budget : 200 USD per month

Description :

We are US based looking to outsource our requirement of website submission to our gallery website. We have a simple form on our site asking for Name, Email, Site Name, Site URL, Site Screenshot and site description. Service providers need to search sites and submit their information (No duplicate site details) this is an ongoing work. Our approximate budget is 200 USD per month, but can earn more on the basis on submission. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their proposals

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Keying From Images When Your Documents Are Not Forms

Some imaging applications require that large amounts of data be entered from documents that are not standardized forms. Forms processing is a well established technology for imaging systems, but it assumes the documents are highly structured. What about those applications where the documents are unstructured, or freeform. Traditional forms processing technology doesn’t work well, if at all. The many benefits of imaging can still be achieved, but special attention needs to be paid to data entry in these cases to keep from causing system bottlenecks.

What characteristics do these documents have?
  • Unlike structured documents, or forms, the data to be keyed is not in the same place on each page of the unstructured document. Often it is not even on the same page.

  • Structured documents are usually the same, or when there are multiple pages they appear in a consistent and predictable manner.

  • There may be many different kinds of data to be keyed from any page. There may not be any data, or there may be lots of data, on any given page. In general, the document determines what is to be keyed.

  • Unstructured documents are not amenable to the successful use of recognition engines (OCR/ICR/OMR) because the zones of interest are not definable. Recognition is seldom successful on unstructured documents because the zoning problems and laborious job setup. Recognition rates are poor when the zones are not precise.
What type of documents fall into this category?
  • Land Records
  • UCC-1 Documents
  • General purpose image indexing
  • Litigation Support
  • Wholesale Lockbox
  • Many Accounts Receivable Applications
  • Accounts Payables
  • Credit Card Vouchers
When implementing an imaging system, what data entry issues need to be considered for this type of image?

Then for each issue, what characteristics should you look for in key-from-image data entry
software/hardware if you deal with this type of images?
  • Often there are a variable number of pages (images) that make up a document set. (Think of the document set as a file folder containing a variable number of pages.) The data to be keyed is associated with the document set, not necessarily the individual images. Thus, there can be a many-to-many relationship between data records and images.
  • Often there is a need to view the images in a document set and to advance to the next document set. This requires special functions to advance to the first page of the next document.
  • Balancing financial documents is often required.
  • Unstructured documents usually require 19" or larger monitors for productive keying because the full image must be displayed. Structured documents can be keyed using small monitors because only a snippet of the image needs to be displayed in order to key one or more data fields.
  • Interfaces with other parts of the imaging system.
  • Compatibility with any key-from-paper systems that will continue to work in parallel with the imaging system.
  • Conversion and training.
  • Ease of maintenance – making changes to the job setup.
In conclusion, if your organization is implementing imaging and you deal with this type of document, don’t let data entry problems keep your imaging project from being successful. A little attention to the issues outlined above will ensure that you put together a complete system that fits the way your organization works.

Source :

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Collection and Collation Service

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :12372100

Category : Internet Marketing,Data Entry

Title : Data Collection and Collation Service

Estimated Budget : 1,50,000 GBP

Description :

A UK based contracting authority is seeking tenders for the provision of data collection and collation service through web based survey management system and develop appropriate applications to facilitate the 2008/09 Place Survey. The survey would be off all the council residents of the authority being diversified in different places which would involve data collection by way of online marketing and public opinion research. This would also facilated with appropriate reports based on the data collected in the Place Survey. Samples would be provided by the authority after the awardation of the contract.

The whole contracting work will be of 1 year and the closing date of the tender is 1/5/2008 so interested companies are requested to send their proposal before the deadline. For more detail specification of the work and better understanding do refer to the attached Doc file.

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, March 24, 2008

Data Entry Home Online Jobs- Best part time job

Honestly, in today’s fast growing world, everyone wish to earn a lot of money and they want to utilize their each and every valuable second to make some decent money. But how can anybody earn money, let me correct myself, a lot of money and most importantly, in one’s own home or at during full time job? Well the answer is via online data entry jobs.

These days the concept of freelancing is becoming popular all over the world. The people who are very busy in their field, they also do work on freelancing sites and earn some handsome money. Now you can get work at home very easily and earn a lot of money in no time.

Its sounds great, but to earn money you have to visit the freelancing sites where you can start to know the basic aspects of the work. I can tell you from where you can starts your journey towards your online jobs career.

First of all you have to visit freelancing website and then you sign-up. The sign-up is absolutely free. Registration is necessary because they want to know all about you. After registration you can find different kinds of work on that site including basic computer work like data entry and copywriting jobs. So only if you know how to operate a computer and that you are not a computer professional, still you can work at freelancing sites as data entry and copywriting jobs are extremely easy jobs to do. Choose copywriting jobs or data entry jobs; it’s all your choice.

Then after choosing the type of work you want to do, start looking for jobs under that category. Remember to see the amount of the money that is allowed by the buyer to be placed for projects. To get the work you must place your bid at the lowest level. Only working for cheap rates can help you win projects or else I am afraid to say that you will never going to build any online jobs career for sure.

After biding on projects, contact the buyer (creator of project) and wait until the buyer contacts you. If he likes the bid amount and your profile, he will contact you and then you both can to decide aspects about the work and after satisfying the buyer, you can then start the work for that buyer. Remember to deliver work in time to buyer.

Article Source: Data Entry Home Online Jobs- Best part time job

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Offshore Data Entry is the need of the day for any business

To run a business successfully means embracing a new challenge everyday. It indicates exciting avenues to be ventured into and daunting hurdles to be overcome while keeping ahead of competitors. Each day is a new day that needs to be met with new strategies, plans and goals. However certain crucial aspects of running a business can become monotonous and can require repetitive work on a regular basis but the accuracy needs to be impeccable. The data entry requirements of a company fall under this category of essential tasks that can be quite time consuming and repeatable but essential for running the business successfully. Business houses are therefore looking for options to get this task done smoothly without using up important resources of the company yet maintaining the required standard of accuracy and confidentiality. Offshore data entry is therefore fast becoming the preferred option of every business entity.

Offshore data entry is the process of hiring an external entity to perform the data entry functions for the business in a country besides the ones where the products and services of the business will be sold or used. The offshore data entry services provided by a vendor help the firm access processed and accurate data that has been well –presented to be of maximum use to the firm. The offshore data entry firm employees have the task of collecting data from written or printed records and entering them into the computer system. This data is maintained in a systematic manner to be as informative to the business as possible. The offshore data entry records are then transferred back to the client for regular referral and checking. Some of the major countries that are providing such offshore data entry services are India, China, Russia, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Egypt, Malaysia and others.

The major criteria for a job to be qualified for offshore requirements are that the task should be repeatable, have high information content, be transferable over the internet, the process is easy to set up and the wages paid to the offshore data entry staff must be reasonably lower than those in the original country. The major requirement for offshore data entry services arises from the strong need to cut down on costs and the internet and the facilities it provides has given a direction to this need. Offshore data entry jobs have opened up a world of opportunities for professionals around the world and the constant advancement in the field of technology and internet further add to the advantage.

The prevalent exposure to internet has enabled many freelancers across the globe to offer their services for offshore data entry to small businesses and this works out to be a winning deal for both the parties involved. Free trade advocates are vocal about their support for offshore data entry business as they feel that this will provide benefits to economies as a whole in the form of labor off shoring. Whatever may be the reason for a company to employ offshore assistance, but the fact remains that in today’s world offshore data entry is a booming business and the trend definitely seems to be on an upward motion.

About The Author
Allies Harbor is a writer and writes articles on various topics including outsourcing. To know more about Accounting outsourcing,Business Process Outsourcing, Benefits of SEO outsourcing India,Outsourcing SEO Services,Article syndication,Software Outsourcing India,Outsourcing SEO,Data entry services, Offshore Data Entry visit

Source :

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry of Bills & Vouchers

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :33557001

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry of Bills & Vouchers

Estimated Budget : Rs. 300000/-

Total Requirement : Approximately Volume of Work is 1620000 Bills and Vouchers

Description :

We are India based government authority. We are looking for service provider (from India only) for our requirement of Data Entry and Sorting of our bills & vouchers. The estimated volume of bills & vouchers is round about 1620000. The estimated budget of this work is more than Rs.300000/-.

Scope of work:

  1. Provider needs to scan the bar code printed on bills or to enter data manually in absence of bar codes or in case bar codes are not readable.
  2. The volume of work monthly is approximately 135000 & yearly approximately 1620000 vouchers.
  3. The provider will be responsible to keep/maintain records of data entry works carried out.
  4. Data given on the particular date should be completed maximum up to the next day.
    The work will carried out at our premises. We need rate per 1000 bills and vouchers. Payment will be basis on invoice submitted by provider for work completed.
Interested providers are requested to send their quotes on or before 3rd April, 2008. Cost of tender document is only Rs. 563/-. And EMD (Refundable) of Rs. 8000/- only shall be furnished by provider. For more details have a look on attachment. No e-mails will be entertained.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Data Entry Projects - Scanning & Indexing of Engineering drawings

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 50292863

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning & Indexing of Engineering drawings

Estimated Budget : Looking for best proposals

Total Requirement : 3000 - 3500 drawings

Description :

We are India Based Company looking for service providers for our Scanning and Indexing requirement. We need providers for scanning and indexing of 3000 - 3500 Engineering drawing, volume of work may increase. This is an urgent requirement and we are looking for best quotations from companies only. Interested companies are requested to contact with their quotations, profile and samples work if any, as soon as possible. .

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, March 17, 2008

A flexible word-processing program for about $25

I am writing this column using a word-processing program that costs less than a round of grand lattes. The program, Writer, looks a lot like Microsoft Word XP, has many of the same features, and if I choose to share the document with someone who has only the more expensive Word, I need only save it as a .doc file, and my colleague can open it, edit it and send it back to me.

Writer is part of Office Suite 2007, and it's compatible not only with Word but also the Excel spreadsheet program, Access database and PowerPoint. Did I mention that it costs less than two tickets to a first-run movie?

Call me thrifty, but I recently plunked down nearly $500 for the complete Office Suite 2007 from Microsoft, and now I'm having buyer's remorse.

Read More Article...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Conversion of Images in Digital Format

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 20294308

Category : Data Entry

Title : Conversion of Images in Digital Format

Estimated Budget : 125000USD to 155000USD

Total Requirement : Approximately Volume of Images is 440000

Description :

We are USA based organization looking for reputed companies only from USA for our requirement of conversion to digital format of images. The work involves conversion card images to digital format. Provider needs to provide converted images via appropriate data medium such as CD Rom disks, ftp etc. The contract is for 1yr. Approximately volume of images is 440000. The estimated budget of this work is 125000USD to 155000USD.
Scope of Work:

  1. Condition of card images varies considerably. Many card images are warped, have worn or frayed corners, and very poor image quality.
  2. Many cards have two images per card. Provider will propose a plan to split and crop individual page images. If the image quality is so poor that the images cannot be split, the provider should notify us. We will address those situations on a case-by-case basis.
  3. The majority of the images are on silver halide film, however some of the duplicate cards are diazo. Some of the film images are in sepia pockets.
  4. Providers may review cards at our office.
  5. Viewable images may be difficult to produce from some of the original cards. Duplicate cards may be available for image conversion if necessary.

Interested companies are requested to apply on or before 1st April, 2008 by 4:00PM. Providers from USA only need to apply. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Scanning, Conversion of Documents & Data Entry

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 10392587

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning, Conversion of Documents & Data Entry

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Total Requirement : Approximately Volume of Work is 800000 Documents

Description :

We are India based government authority. We are looking for experienced companies for our requirement of large data entry work. The work involves Scanning, Conversion of Documents, and Data entry by typing and OCR and metadata preparation of our database. We have approximately 800000 documents (books) in English, Hindi & Urdu languages for data entry and scanning. The payment will be on monthly basis. The work involves Scanning, Typing and Metadata preparation of database with necessary formatting and conversion of scanned pages into PDF/Text/RTF/Word format. The accuracy of the final documents should be 100%. The example documents are given with the tender document.

Work Requirement:

  1. Scanning of B/W printed documents (books) into Tiff / PDF / JPEG format file.
  2. OCR / Typing.
  3. Preparation of Metadata for the database.

Interested companies must give their quoted rates inclusive of transportation of documents from our location. We want 2500 pages per day of data shall be processed. Successful provider shall collect the documents (books) for scanning on a weekly basis and the scanned image and text data are to be submitted back to us on a weekly basis. A pre-bid conference will be held on 25th March, 2008 by 1100 Hrs. at given address. Interested companies are requested to give their quotes in a required format on or before 16th April, 2008 by 1230 Hrs. For the details of EMD have a look on attachment. Only providers from India are requested to apply.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Association Offers Free Product Data Conversion Software

The Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) has released a free, open-source, software utility that converts part number interchange data into the Product Information Exchange Standard (PIES) format.

The PIES Interchange Transformation Utility accepts interchange data in a flat file (spreadsheet) format and converts it to the latest version of (PIES) XML.

The conversion of data in this way is a critical component in the proliferation of electronic cataloguing that is being used increasingly by auto parts stores.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Processing and Conversion of Scanned Images of Documents to Coded Data

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 16680031

Category : Data Entry

Title : Processing and Conversion of Scanned Images of Documents to Coded Data

Estimated Budget : Seeking For Best Proposal

Total Requirement : 3120000(three million one hundred twenty thousand) pages per yearly conversion

Description :

A Netherland based contracting authority is seeking tenders for the provision of processing and conversion of scanned images of documents to coded data. Scanned images to be processed are contained in selected authority and general administration documents, letters and forms. The information in the scanned images is not open to the public and may not be disclosed or used for any other purposes than the ones defined in the contract.

Main processing work steps shall be:
  1. Scanning of paper documents and creation of facsimile files;
  2. Transferring/Copying documents from electronic facsimiles (bitmaps) that are already scanned and delivered by the authority onto data carriers, dedicated servers or making the documents available online;
  3. Processing the electronic facsimile files into text and image segments;
  4. Text capture from the documents using OCR and/or ICR ("Intelligent Character Recognition") technique;
  5. Upgrading the output of the OCR and/or ICR system to the authority quality level by manual character capture;
  6. Proof-reading of texts captured;
  7. Converting data from PDF files, text processor or XML to the format specified by the authority;
  8. XML tagging, mark-up and parsing of texts;
  9. Processing the extracted images and drawings and inserting the corresponding XML mark-ups in the text;
  10. Using the XML marked up text and the image data for final document composition (formatting) to create documents in PDF and other formats specified by the authority;
  11. Indexing;

    • Storing of text and image data on data carriers;
    • On-line delivery of the deliverables/batches to a dedicated server. The work shall be performed at the contractor\\\'s site provided that he meets the security and other authority requirements specified in the Procurement Documents.
The above work will be divided into two lot which would be awarded together. The total volume of work will be 3120000(three million one hundred twenty thousand) pages per yearly conversion and the payment will be made monthly following acceptance of each delivered batch of coded data. The whole contracting work will be of 1 year which could be extended up to 1 year based upon the work and the closing data to send the request is 27/3/2008 so interested companies are requested to send their proposal before the deadline. For more details do refer to the terms and conditions as attached in the Doc file.

Note:-All the request should be sent through FAX only and no emails request would be entertained.

Country : Netherlands

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, March 10, 2008

Data Entry Project - Scanning of 2000 Books and Journals

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 13232013

Category : Data Entry

Title : Scanning of 2000 Books and Journals

Estimated Budget : Looking for best proposals

Total Requirement : Team of 5 Members (Only for service providers of Gujarat)

Description :

We are India based looking for service providers for our scanning work. We need team of upto 5 members to come and work in our premises, we will provide computers and other arrangement have to manage by providers (OCR software and scanner) Volume of work is around 2000 books and journals with 200 pages each, we want them to be in softcopy in PDF. Interested service providers Only from Gujarat are requested to contact with best proposal and quotations.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Work With Data Entry From Home

Work with data entry from home is becoming extremely popular as more and more people are going online to make some extra cash. Data entry’s popularity stems from the fact that typing positions and programs can be a relatively easy way to make some extra money.

Data entry positions can be found by doing research in the right places. If offers are to make $1000 dollars a day, or become a millionaire in a year, then it should be avoided. These are frauds and give legitimate data entry opportunities a bad name. The reality is that it is possible to make money with data entry but it is important to have realistic expectations.

The online world is booming, thousands of websites are made every day. Companies need advertising and that is where the data entry opportunity arises. Typing short advertisements for the company’s products and services and submitting them online will make them sales; and when the company earns, the data entry worker earns.

For whatever reason, most businesses prefer to outsource their data entry and advertising positions. Having a large number of data entry personnel creating advertisements for a business and submitting them online can drive a site to success. So what does this mean for someone who wants to work with data entry from home?

Simply put, it means that if one has the dedication and desire to make money and work with data entry from home it is entirely possible to do so. There are many programs online to teach one how to get involved in this lucrative opportunity, teach exactly what you needs to be done to make money, and will provide members with databases of thousands of businesses who need data entry help.

Beware when researching such programs and systems, as there are very few legitimate programs out there. However, a good one can teach how one how to make money for themselves by typing simple data into online PPC forms to advertise companies products and services.

Data Entry Made Easy is one of the most popular data entry programs online, and is long established with many satisfied members. They are currently offering a 50% discount for a limited time. This program is suitable for anyone wishing to learn how to work with data entry from home. No experience is required.

Visit for more information.

Source :

Friday, March 7, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Document scanning and conversion

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 16299479

Category : Data Entry

Title : Document scanning and conversion

Estimated Budget : 15000USD to 25000USD

Total Requirement : Approximately 160 Books for Scanning

Description :

We are USA based organization looking for a qualified document imaging company to scan approximately 160 ordinance and resolution books. These books are currently located at our office. All books will be picked up by successful company and transported to their facilities to scanning/converting purposes. After completion of the project, all books will be returned to us. The approximately budget of this work is 15000USD to 25000USD.
Specifically, we request a qualified provider to provide the following services:
  1. Scanning of approximately 21 legal-sized books with an average of 218 pages per book.
  2. Scanning of 137 letter-sized books with an average of 325 pages per book.
  3. Scanning needs to be done in accordance with the guidelines and standards set by us.
  4. Document size is a mix of 8 ½” x 11” and 8 ½” x 14.
  5. Documents contain a mix of single-sided and double-sided pages.
  6. Some documents are over one hundred years old and are in varying condition. These records are archival and need to be handled with care.
  7. The firm’s approach to protecting these documents and for establishing accountability in regards to the care and integrity of the documents.
  8. Scanned documents must be viewable in PDF format at a minimum of 300 dpi.
  9. Each scanned document must be saved as an individual file referencing the Ordinance or Resolution number in its title.
The contract will be awarded by 21st March, 2008. Interested companies are requested to submit their proposals on or before 12th March, 2008.

For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Data Entry Project - Mass Mailing Service required

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 16777555

Category : Call Center,Internet Marketing,Data Entry

Title : Mass Mailing Service required

Estimated Budget : 50 USD per sale

Total Requirement : Will Depend on Performance

Description :

We are a USA Based company looking for providers for our mass mailing requirement. We need some one who can sell our product by mass mailing. We will make a shopping cart for you and also provide website to work on. You need to generate your own database. Payout will be 50 USD per sale. We will try this for a month and will continue if get atleast 3 sales a month. Interested Service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Legitimate Data Entry Jobs

When we talk about home working and online working, many questions arise in the minds of people. Many of them think that its all fraud and earning money online is all a scam. I do not say that there is no scam on the internet but I know many of websites where you can obtain legitimate data entry jobs as well as other technical work.

I have been working online for quite sometime now and I am currently earning more than $2000 a month from online data entry jobs. So if it’s all a scam, then how am I able to earn such handsome money from doing such jobs on the internet. So it is true that you can find legitimate data entry work and it is very simple to do this type of work as there are no technicalities involved in them. If you can devote a few hours daily, you can earn about $500-$1000 a month and all this would be a bonus to your budget.

The trend of online working is on the rise and people have started to admire the concept and today a lot of people are availing this opportunity to earn some extra money. If you are interested to enter into this, you have to get yourself registered with one or more freelancing websites and then you will be able to apply for such jobs. The process of registration is totally free so you do not have to worry about spending money on the registration process. Once you have registered, you will see many online jobs and you can bid for one or more jobs.

The payment process is also very simple and you can avail one of many options available to you. Your account on the freelancing website will be credited with the amount each time you earn money by doing online work. You can order any amount available in your account anytime and you will get it in a few days.

Do you need Online Jobs? If yes, then click here

Source :

Monday, March 3, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Form Filling Data Entry

Looking to work on Data Entry Projects? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 23565001

Category : Data Entry

Title : Form Filling Data Entry

Estimated Budget : Need best quotations

Description :

We are Canada based organization looking for a reputed provider to provide data entry services on and as, if and when required basis to capture data for our application forms. Payment will be on monthly basis. The successful provider will be required to meet or exceed the data keying accuracy standard of 99.5%. Key entry will be verified. The provider will be required to ensure verification of keying is performed by someone other than the original entry operator. The provider will be required to provide data entry services for the period of April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. Providers need to give their quotes for 3yrs. Contract can be extended on the basis of service. The successful provider will be required to arrange and pay for Courier service. The provider will be required to ensure the data against misuse, loss, destruction, or unauthorized access in a manner that is consistent with our protection and privacy standards.

Interested companies are requested to apply on or before 12th March, 2008 by 14:00hrs. Please refer the sample files for more details.

Country : Canada

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Data Entry Jobs Increases

Data entry workers are increasing in number everyday. It is estimated that a at least 40 million individuals work at home. Experts believe that prospect for data entry homework will be sunny in the years to come.

The increases in number of data entry workers are credited largely to the Internet. The World Wide Web has created vast opportunities for many individuals, including professionals, to stay at home and work at the same time.

One of the main reasons attributed for the increase in number of data entry home workers is the actual decline of full time office based data entry people. This has lead hundreds, if not thousands of employers, to subcontract out work to workers who prefer to work at home.

Another reason why work at home jobs are popular is because most of these are not very technical and does not require extensive training. Some companies don’t even require their work at home workers to be college degree holders.

Another factor that has lead to the increase in number of data entry home workers is that employers actually get more advantage to it than hiring full time data entry worker. This is especially true for companies with a small work force. This is because outsourcing jobs actually saves these companies thousands of dollars.

Tasks sent out by companies for outsourcing to data entry home worker usually include typing documents and entering data into a home personal computer. When the job is finished, the data entry home worker will send the documents to the company through the email.

It is actually very easy to become a data entry worker. All you need is basic computer, typing, email and Internet skills. It would also be an advantage if you have basic writing and editing skills because some work at home jobs entails proofreading and editing existing document for errors and accuracy. The type of data handled by data entry home worker ranges from court processing, medical records, company profiles, among others. When it comes to equipment and software, all you need is a personal computer, a modem, a phone line or a Cable Internet or DSL subscription. But of course, the most important thing is the ability to manage your time well.

There are two system of charging for data entry work. One is to charge by the hour the other is to charge by the job. This usually depends on the agreement between the data entry home worker and the company. One can find data entry home worker position sin the different employment websites in the Internet.

Date entry jobs is not only advantageous to employers it is also ideal for some members of the labor force. Home data entry jobs are ideal for single moms and dads of babies who cannot afford to leave the house. A work at home data entry job affords the employees to crate his own timetable and not be a slave to the alarm clock. Being a data entry home worker is actually like being your own boss.

Data entry jobs can be very lucrative. In 2004 Internet business sales amounted to over $2.5 trillion with purchases of consumers products exceeding $100 billion. This growth is one of the main reasons why more and more people are considering working at home.

About the Author:

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides data entry resources on

Data Entry Jobs Increases

Data entry workers are increasing in number everyday. It is estimated that a at least 40 million individuals work at home. Experts believe that prospect for data entry homework will be sunny in the years to come.

The increases in number of data entry workers are credited largely to the Internet. The World Wide Web has created vast opportunities for many individuals, including professionals, to stay at home and work at the same time.

One of the main reasons attributed for the increase in number of data entry home workers is the actual decline of full time office based data entry people. This has lead hundreds, if not thousands of employers, to subcontract out work to workers who prefer to work at home.

Another reason why work at home jobs are popular is because most of these are not very technical and does not require extensive training. Some companies don’t even require their work at home workers to be college degree holders.

Another factor that has lead to the increase in number of data entry home workers is that employers actually get more advantage to it than hiring full time data entry worker. This is especially true for companies with a small work force. This is because outsourcing jobs actually saves these companies thousands of dollars.

Tasks sent out by companies for outsourcing to data entry home worker usually include typing documents and entering data into a home personal computer. When the job is finished, the data entry home worker will send the documents to the company through the email.

It is actually very easy to become a data entry worker. All you need is basic computer, typing, email and Internet skills. It would also be an advantage if you have basic writing and editing skills because some work at home jobs entails proofreading and editing existing document for errors and accuracy. The type of data handled by data entry home worker ranges from court processing, medical records, company profiles, among others. When it comes to equipment and software, all you need is a personal computer, a modem, a phone line or a Cable Internet or DSL subscription. But of course, the most important thing is the ability to manage your time well.

There are two system of charging for data entry work. One is to charge by the hour the other is to charge by the job. This usually depends on the agreement between the data entry home worker and the company. One can find data entry home worker position sin the different employment websites in the Internet.

Date entry jobs is not only advantageous to employers it is also ideal for some members of the labor force. Home data entry jobs are ideal for single moms and dads of babies who cannot afford to leave the house. A work at home data entry job affords the employees to crate his own timetable and not be a slave to the alarm clock. Being a data entry home worker is actually like being your own boss.

Data entry jobs can be very lucrative. In 2004 Internet business sales amounted to over $2.5 trillion with purchases of consumers products exceeding $100 billion. This growth is one of the main reasons why more and more people are considering working at home.

About the Author:

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides data entry resources on