Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Document Digitization Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 16090756

Category : Data Entry

Title : Document Digitization Services

Estimated Budget : 650000USD

Total Requirement : Contract for 2 Years

Description :

We are USA (California) based organization. We are looking for qualified service providers (From USA Only) for on-site photocopy and scanning services to copy confidential medical records, charts, depositions, and court documents for us. The estimated budget for this services is up to 650000USD for the two years term. The provider must provide the copied documents in either hard copy format or electronically through a secure website based on the format specified by us. The copied documents shall be in a digitized format on a CD in pdf format (portable document format). The services shall begin January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2010.

The work will be done at our location. The provider shall provide its own transportation, portable copier, scanning equipment, materials, and technicians necessary to provide these services. Interested service providers are requested to send their detailed proposal on or before November 5, 2008 by 5:00 p.m. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, September 29, 2008

Data Entry Project - Simple Data Collection Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 63122284

Category : Data Entry

Title : Simple Data Collection Work

Estimated Budget : 200 USD

Description :

We are USA based company looking for service provider for our requirement of ongoing Simple Data Entry and research work. We need service provider to copy paste data of agricultural laboratories companies from one website into a file maker file. Centers also need to company s website and gather all the company executive and place in the same file as example:-

First Name:
Last Name
PICTURE of contact:

If there is no contact name, centers need to search it on google.The work would be a one time work. Our budget is approximately 200 USD per month will be paid by pay pal . Interested service providers are requested to contact us with their portfolio as soon as possible.

Country :United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Profit from Work at Home Data Entry

Gone are the days when people need to leave their homes in order to earn a living. A large number of people (and the number continues to grow) earn money working online without the hassle of traveling to their working place. In fact productivity has increased dramatically as people can access their work regiment any time of the day from any location.

One of the fastest growing businesses today is the data entry Business. More and more are becoming affiliated in the work of data entry. What about the money? Are more and more people becoming “richer” by doing data entry? Well yes because it costs companies much less to outsource data entry to motivated web surfers then hiring internally for this role.

Companies that advertise in order to sell their products and services online are a dime a dozen and they all are willing to pay nicely to hire internet entrepreneurs to promote their products on their behalf. This program will take you step-by-step through the process of being associated to a company and how and where you place ads for them. Intially you will be representing a particular company, but once you have become accustomed to the procedure used you can them apply this to any product that is of interest to you.

Once you have set up an account, simply go to the site and login using your account information. You will have access to the data forms you need to fill out. Actually there are 4 different data entry types so you can work with the method that is most comfortable to you. The good part about this is that you can start immediately and work during times that fit into your schedule.

Members are then guided through the steps in entering data to place an ad for a specific company. Once you are familiar with this process you can expand your data entry campaign by placing different types of ads for any of the thousands of products that are available to choose from. The great thing about that is you can promote products that are of interest to you.

As with a full time position you are paid twice monthly by either a check, Paypal payment or direct deposit. Obviously the more forms you fill out and the more creative you are with ad placement the more money you will make.

By now you probably have a better feel of what online data entry is and what are some of the basic steps within the program. You do get lifetime access to the the tutorial, resources and links to the best paying data entry opportunities available. Personally I have made a nice living using these techniques so I can definately walk the talk.

About the Author:

Friday, September 26, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry & Scanning Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :19364421

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry & Scanning Services

Estimated Budget : 729000INR

Total Requirement : Approximately 2.5 crore Records for Data Processing

Description :

We are India (Uttar Pradesh) based organization. We are looking for reputed and experienced service providers (From India Only) for our requirement of Data Entry & Scanning Services. Our estimated budget is 729000INR.

Scope of Services:

  1. Scanning of commercial files.
  2. Data feeding in computer in DOS or Windows.
  3. The work must be carried through 8 hours in a day and 6 days a week.
  4. We will provide all the computer machines and computer stationeries to the provider for this work.

Payment will be on monthly basis. Provider needs to submit the bills on monthly basis. The work will be done at our location. Interested providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 17th October, 2008 by 15.00 hrs. The cost of the tender document is 550INR only. EMD (Refundable) is required. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Data Entry Project - Data Conversion Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 24287360

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Conversion Work

Estimated Budget : 100-150 USD

Description :

We are USA based company looking for service providers for our requirement of Document Conversion. We have 70 to 100 PDF pages and we need it to be converted in Ms-Word. The work must be completed in 2 days. Our estimated budget is 100 - 150USD will be paid after the completion of the work via credit card or pay pal. Interested providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible.

Country :United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Data Entry Services For Any Size Business

Companies of any size are now outsourcing for tasks that can be accomplished by data entry services at home. It not only saves them money, it is better for you if you want to reach out to those who need your services. If you are in the process of starting a data entry services company, you will be working on a business to business basis. It makes no difference if you are working on your own with no employees. As an individual, you outsource when you buy anything for your office that you cannot make yourself such as supplies. Data entry is one of the most popular forms of outsourcing you will find today.

Responsible for the Treasure

When you open a data entry services company for yourself, you are asking to be put in charge of the most treasured commodity that a company possess. The data makes the company what it is and dictates how products and services are marketed, keeps track of customer information, is used for tax purposes and can even be trade secrets to their success. Companies who outsource for data entry services are looking for detailed and organized firm to meet their needs.

The In and Out

The key to data entry is to understand that not only are you outsourcing your services, you may need to hire outsource companies to help with your business. When things grow, more time will be needed for payroll and for increase in projects. This means that you will begin to outsource work to make up for the extra work. Take care of the little people and you will be rewarded for it as they will do an extra special job for you.

Data Entry Services Offered

When you venture out into the world of business, it is important to decide what speciality or expertise you want to offer. Trying to do too much or things you have no experience in can be a disaster for businesses. You may choose to work with colleges, doctors and hospitals, marketing companies, local newspapers and media, or insurance companies. The opportunity is out there for a profitable business. The key is to be ready to work and have all the tools you need within reach.

The Tools of The Trade

Before you begin to offer services to the community and around the internet, you will need a few tools to make sure you can do the job properly. The first thing you need is a computer with a secure and reliable internet service. You will also need a good knowledge of grammar, spelling, and writing. When starting your own data entry business, you will need to learn the tax rules that come with starting a business and when you begin to hire others, you will know he right procedure to follow. Also check with local and state officials to see what licenses and fees they may need for you to have. These aside, the data entry services business is a great way to stay at home and provide for you.

Cody Moya writes about Internet Marketing Tips in his Free Internet Marketing Courses. You can sign up for his free Tips and get additional information at his website: www.FreeInternetMarketingCourses.com

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Processing Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :20457398

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Processing Services

Estimated Budget : 1400000INR

Total Requirement : Approximately 2.5 crore Records for Data Processing

Description :

We are India (Raipur) based organization. We are looking to outsource the work of Data Processing. Thereof we invite reputed and qualified service providers (From India Only) for this service. We have approximately 2.5 crore records for data processing. The estimated cost of this work is 1400000INR (Fourteen Lakhs).

Scope of services:

  1. Manual data entry of the records through the software provided by us.
  2. After completion of the work, copying of entire data on DVD/CD as backup media besides generating a hard copy.
  3. After completion of work, loading of the data entered into computers.
  4. The service provider will be responsible for the safe custody of the records.
  5. All the services shall be performed by the persons qualified and skilled in computer application.

The work will be done at our premises. There will be a pre-bid meeting on 03rd October, 2008 at 1500 hours; there shall be a live demonstration of the nature of work involved. All the interested providers may attend to pre-bid meeting (optional) to know about the nature and scope of work. Interested providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 24th October, 2008 by 3:00pm. The cost of the tender document is 500INR only. EMD (Refundable) is required. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, September 22, 2008

Data Entry Project - Ongoing Craigslist Ads Posting Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 94463579

Category : Data Entry

Title : Ongoing Craigslist Ads Posting Work

Estimated Budget : 100 -400 USD per week

Total Requirement : Ongoing

Description :

We are a USA looking for Company & Freelancers for our requirement of Craigslist Advertisement Posting. We need one Ad, once per day in each top 100 cities of USA and Canada. The posting will be under the category of “For Sale-Business". We will provide different advertisement and titles for posting. Providers need to manage their own e-mail addresses and remote IPs for this project. We need posting between 9am to 7pm EST. Our estimated budget is 100 - 400USD per week. Payment will be on weekly basis by PayPal or credit card.

Note: Only experienced craigslist posters are requested to contact us.

Country : Canada

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Clerical Data Entry Is A Legitimate Home Based Job

Clerical data entry working form home employment will allow you to earn a decent full or part time income and it can be a job that you can do at times that are convenient to you. This form of work is one of the best ways of making money online nowadays.

Data entry jobs are not similar to normal typing jobs. However these jobs are simple to perform and you need not deal with the customers, phone calls and so on. Most of the firms do not require any experience for the applicant to get the job. You need to have some basic computer knowledge along with the capability of surfing the internet.

There are some companies that may require some form of previous experience for clerical data entry jobs. You will also need to have a home computer with a internet connection. Having any of the above qualifications, will mean you will be qualified to gain employment in this type of work. You can earn a decent full or part time income with this type of job

With a clerical data entry working from home job, you should be able to earn $20 to $200 per day. First you will need to search for a reliable company, then send them your resume. Just about all training is step by step instructions and given online. It does not matter where in the world the company is located, because this is a online job you can still apply. Once you have completed any training that is required, then all you need to do is start the job by entering data online in the required format.

In order to start a clerical data entry working from home job, you may require a home office, even though the company does not mention it. You need a home computer with high speed internet access, email address, knowledge of internet and browser use and some basic knowledge in Microsoft Office programs.

If you want to apply for a clerical data entry work at home job, then beware of scams in the internet. There are some companies that may ask you initial investment to get the job. Be cautious about such companies. You should remember that you need not pay anything to get a data entry job.

Home based clerical data entry jobs help many people earn an income online. There are literally thousands of companies out there that will charge you money before they employ you. Before you apply to any company, you need to do some research first. When you do your research, make sure to look at the websites that offer a list of honest companies, that are looking to employ you.

Once you find a reputable company and have joined them, you should get a regular monthly payment for any work carried out by you. These jobs are ideal for stay at home moms, house wives, disabled people, college students and retirees.

Since there is no pressure in clerical data entry jobs, you can work peacefully and can earn a income.

Source : http://www.articleselections.com

This article was written by Graham Williams, an up and coming expert on working at home. Did you find these tips on Data Entry Jobs useful? You can find out a lot more free advice about working at home by going to Free Work At home Help.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Offline Data Entry Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :42937399

Category : Data Entry

Title : Offline Data Entry Services

Estimated Budget : 215000INR

Total Requirement : Contract for 1 Year

Description :

We are Maharashtra based government organization. We are looking for data entry service providers (From India Only) for our requirement of Offline Voucher Data Entry Services. Our estimated budget is approximately 215000INR. The contract will be for 1 year.

Scope of services:

  1. Data entry of various applications.
  2. Offline voucher data entry.
  3. Bank & cash book data entry.
  4. Neatly arrange documents in various bundles.

Payment will be based on work order. Work will be done on our premises. Interested providers are requested to send their best proposal on or before 14.30 Hrs on 04th October 2008. The cost of the tender document is only 563INR. EMD (Refundable) is required. For more details have a look on attachment. E-mail enquiries will not be accepted.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Data Entry Project - Simple Data Entry Project

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 10400932

Category : Data Entry

Title : Simple Data Entry Project

Estimated Budget : 1- 1.5 Lakh (INR)

Total Requirement : 2.5 Lakh Records

Description :

We are India (Ahmadabad) based company looking for service providers (only from Ahmadabad) for our Online Data entry requirement. We need centers with setup of 20 – 25 seats to do data entry from directory to our software, data may be in English or Gujarati that need to enter in English, volume of work is 2.5 lakh records (every record have 9 fields) turn around time is 2-3 months .Our approximate budget is 1 – 1.5 lakh will be paid on monthly basis via cheque, we are also looking for best quotations for this work. Interested providers are requested to contact with their profile as soon as possible.

Note: This is an urgent requirement; we need providers as soon as possible.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Data Entry Jobs Are Extremely Well Paid

Usually, real data entry jobs require someone to pass a typing test and/or they may require that someone has previous experience. However, if you have realistic expectations, can follow simple directions, and are not afraid of a little honest work, these are the perfect work-from-home data entry jobs. Many people who are considering data entry jobs online will complete a type of pro and con sheet prior to making the decision. When you do data entry jobs online as your major income source, or even as part time work to supplement your income, one of the major benefits is that you are working right from your home office. Obviously, when you do data entry jobs online, the ability to set your own hours is a great benefit. When you do data entry jobs online, you will find a variety of jobs are available. Depending upon your own tax situation, having a business such as completing data entry jobs online is a great way to pay fewer taxes.

Now you need to decide on the below PATHSI am very good in selling products online. I want to earn money by selling products online (Will require investment)I am very good in getting referrals. Hundreds of market research companies use online surveys to give consumers exactly what they want. You can have a look at the website which has the guestbook and give a proper comment about the website, like " Nice website on Online Jobs I enjoyed reading it " in the end under your name you can put your website link. I have mentioned Google Adsense as "The Easiest and Fastest way to Earn Money online" but in reality its quite difficult when you start using Adsense, yes for the past two months 99 persons has joined under me in Adsense but only 2 persons has crossed the $5 limit, that means i have got only 2% conversion rate (success rate). Extensive marketing tools so you can market how you like online or off. I would like to personally welcome you to Online-Data-Entry Jobs.

This means that affiliate Internet business marketing is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to make money at home. They range from more money per hour of work, to lower cost for some of the expenses of getting to and from your work place. There’s a brand new Membership site that has 5 websites you get that make money for you automatically and you can get them in just 6 minutes from now – all with just 1-click.

Your critical business data is safe and secure by availing the services of Data Entry India. Medical transcription is an at home business that offers huge benefits for those who decide to pursue it. If the restrictions of a onine to five job are not for you and if you are seeking a job that offers a change of pace, think about starting your own home based business. A work at home business provides a time schedule that revolves around the needs of your life and not the other way around, this is very typical of a traditional job.

Many of the Data Entry jobs advertised on this site are based locally across the UK, you can see some of the more popular areas which our visitors search for are on the sides of this page. Search for Data Entry jobs online now and find the ideal job vacancy that you have been looking for. Now the new online data entry job being offered is Global Data Entry Home Typists, which has been exclusively designed for people with no experience in the field of online data entry jobs at home or work from home employment.

Jacob L. love to write articles on various topic. For more information please visit www.ourdataentry.com and www.ourdollars.com

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :17806581

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry Services

Estimated Budget : 1400000INR

Total Requirement : Approximately 700000 Records for Data Entry

Description :

WWe are Chhattisgarh based organization. We are looking for reputed and experienced service providers (From India Only) for our requirement of data entry services. We are looking to outsource the work of data entry. The estimated budget of this work is 1400000INR (14 Lakhs). The work must be completed in 2 months.

Scope of services:

  1. The approximate total no. of schedule data entry is 700000.
  2. Each schedule entry comprised about 15 to 20 key depressions which would be the standard for quoting the rate per date schedule entry.
  3. There should not be any errors in the data entry. No payment shall be made for such entry.

Payment will be made on submission of bill on completion of one month's data entry work, after due verification of the work done. The work will be done at our premises. Interested providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 15th October, 2008 by 15:00. The cost of the tender document is 500INR. EMD (Refundable) is required. There will be a pre-bid meet. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, September 15, 2008

Data Entry Project - Ongoing Data Captcha Entry

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 14757651

Category : Data Entry

Title : Ongoing Data Captcha Entry

Estimated Budget : 1.25 USD Per 1000 Entries

Description :

We are India based looking for service provider for online data entry work. We are looking for service provider with 5-10 seats (only night shift) for our ongoing captcha entry requirement. Our budget is 1.25 USD Per 1000 valid entries will be paid by pay pal on every fortnight basis. Interested service providers are requested to contact us with their portfolio as soon as possible.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Data Entry From Home For Money

If you are comfortable typing on a computer then Data Entry Jobs may be for you. There are misconceptions when doing data entry that you will be typing endlessly to earn nothing. The truth is data entry is an easy work at home job if you feel comfortable on the computer. If you can type at a good speed and be accurate this can be an easy source of income. Of course today with the tools available like spell check, grammar check etc, it makes it a lot easier. In fact it's possible to earn over $40 per hour doing data entry jobs on line.

Another misconception is that data entry jobs are scams. This is probably the "too good to be true" adverts with promises of overnight riches working from home. A few people will join a Data Entry program and think that the money will start flowing in. If it doesn't then they call the program a failure. Like most things in life, you won't get something for nothing. There are legitimate data entry work programs available. One simply needs to narrow down the field by choosing from the best programs available with and upholstery cleaners in back guarantee. When doing this it's a win - win situation. It's nice to know you have the protection if it's does not work out for you. It is not very expensive to get started in one of the Data Entry Programs so the risk / reward is very good in my opinion. So what do you have to do to get started?

Read More Article...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Data Entry Project - Ongoing Document Conversion Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 12393387

Category : Data Entry

Title : Ongoing Document Conversion Work

Estimated Budget : 150 USD Per month

Description :

We are US based company looking for service for our offline data conversion work. This will be an ongoing work, we need conversation of approximately 700 files per month from PDF to text and then fill the data into excel with required specific columns( eg. first name, mid, Last Name, degree, title, dept, company, dub Co, address1 , address 2, city state, zip, country, phone, fax, email, codes). We will provide the PDF on FTP. Our budget is 150 USD per month will be paid by pay pal on monthly basis. Interested service providers are requested to contact us with their profile as soon as possible.

Note: No phone calls will be entertained and service providers are requested to contact by email only.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Document Scanning Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :19165343

Category : Data Entry

Title : Document Scanning Services

Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals

Total Requirement : Approximately 200000 (2 Lakh) Documents for Scanning

Description :

We are India based organization. We are looking for a reputed and experienced (From India Only) firm for our requirement of Scanning & Storing of Documents. We have approximately 200000 (2 Lakh) documents for Scanning & Storing. The contract will be for 1 year and can be extended to 1 year.
Scope of work:

  1. Scanning of documents.
  2. Scanned images are to be stored in a database.
  3. Suitable program are to be developed for easy retrieval of the scanned document and its printing.
  4. Scanned images to be supplied in good quality CD/DVD in protective case.
  5. The whole job to be completed within stipulated time from the date of issue of work order.

Payment will be on monthly basis. The work will be done at our premises. Interested providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 26th September, 2008 by 15:00 hrs. The cost of the tender document is only 500 INR. EMD (Refundable) is required. For more information have a look on attachment. We will not entertain any e-mails.

Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, September 8, 2008

All About Home Based Online Data Entry Projects

Data entry jobs are some of the most widely sought after on the Internet today. Medical billing, dropship wholesaling, and a host of other jobs have played second fiddle to data entry which has hit homes across America like a storm. Every day, lots of businesses are switching towards home based employees to conduct themselves in easy and hard work performing data entry tasks at home. All home based business data entry jobs require the use of two simple tools: a personal computer and a high speed Internet connection.

Data entry positions to work from home are offered by thousands of companies looking to have some kind of data entered in a certain format. Hiring out to individuals is one way of fulfilling this void. Company honchos keep tons of numerical data in paper and other forms and award data entry positions so that people can feed this information into computers based on a special format. Many companies offer data entry jobs so that forms and applications can be completed with patients contact information, records, and history of membership.

Unfortunately, data entry from home jobs is largely advertised on the Internet and has proven to be scams. Many data entry scams have sales letters that promise hundreds of dollars in commissions every week and being able to quit a day job. In reality, many data entry scams require its patrons to use programs that teach them how to promote affiliate sites using a bunch of advertising programs like Adwords and Chitika. Sometimes, these data entry home jobs are worthless lessons taught to buyers of $100 dollar packages. Other data entry job programs teach its users how to re-sell manuals sent to them.

The most legit data entry jobs come from applying to Elance.com and guru.com and putting in a bid for job requests. These outsourcing data entry seekers are looking for individuals who can handle company work. Oftentimes, it is cheaper to outsource than to perform data entry jobs in-house. Elance boasts a large data entry contingent where writers and computer programmers can place bids. Free data entry positions usually generate a lot of competition both on and off Elance. However, if you are good and have established a portfolio of prior work (especially) you can earn a solid secondary income doing home data entry work. All in all, most of the data entry jobs you see out there on the Internet are scams. Be sure to look for jobs in reputable sources to earn the best chance.

About the Author:

Matthew is the currently the founder of a Home Based Business Review website including forum, articles, free eBooks and more. Matt is 32 years old and currently living in San Diego, California.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Data Entry Project - Online Records Typing Service

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Project

Id : 17383370

Category : Data Entry

Title : Online Records Typing Service

Estimated Budget : Seeking Best Proposals

Description :

We are US based company looking for service provider for an online data entry service & simple data entry typing work. Our volume of work is 40000 pages records need to be format in a proper way in excel sheet(check attachment for records file and excel samples). We are looking for best proposals with turn around time of 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months. Our mode of payment may be wire transfer or pay pal. Interested service providers are requested to contact us with their profile as soon as possible.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Collection & Collation Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :10747908

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Collection & Collation Services

Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals

Total Requirement : Contract for 24 Months

Description :

We are UK based educational organization. We are looking to obtain the services of Data Collection & Collation for our organization. The contract will be for 24 months. The successful service provider will collect examination data based for our various bodies.

The main services the provider will be expected to provide are:

  1. Collect data from a number of awarding bodies in a pre-defined format.
  2. Match the data collected at the pupil level to provide a complete and accurate achievement record for all pupils aged 15 or over in schools of our city.
  3. Assist us in validating the data with schools, responding to queries raised.
  4. Once validation is complete, provide us with a pre-defined set of tables from this matched pupil dataset.

Payment terms are negotiable. Some part of this work will be onsite. Interested service providers are requested to send their request to obtain the documents via e-mail on or before 20th September, 2008 by 17:00 hrs. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Online Data Entry : Scam or Opportunity

More and more people all over the world are deciding that they don't want to go to work anymore. It's not that they don't want to work…they just don't want to work for someone else. The fact is that anyone with a “Title” like Supervisor or Manager is eventually going to be influenced by that title…at some point they are going to treat those who work “beneath them” like they are actually beneath them.

I'm not trying to say that this is always the case. In fact I've had quite a few bosses and supervisors who treated me fairly and equally without ever acting like a dictator. However, as the world puts more and more faith into a system where our labels define us, these people are becoming vastly outnumbered by those who need to feel superior.

In an effort to be free from these invisible shackles and scorning remarks people have, once again, turned to the World Wide Web. Most people who jump on the internet looking for financial freedom find themselves immediately lured into one of the many “Millions in Minutes” programs. It's impossible to avoid these programs of course and, more often than not, the bright flashy picture of paychecks, cars, stacks of cash, and beautiful beaches are too much for us to ignore. After all, the title “wealthy” promises even more superiority over others than the title Supervisor. Unfortunately these programs rarely, if ever, make anyone wealthy (except the owner of the site, of course)

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry & Report Generation Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :13270616

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry & Report Generation Work

Estimated Budget : 1750000INR

Description :

We are India based government authority. We are looking for reputed and experienced service providers (From India Only) for our requirement of Data Entry & Report Generation Work. The estimated budget for this work is 1750000INR. The data entry is to be done in various software including entries of text, tables, graphs & drawings on computers in English and Hindi.

Scope of services:

  1. Data Entry including entries of text, tables, graphs & drawings etc on computers in English and Hindi both.
  2. The data entry is to be done on various application software packages such as Word Star, dbase, MS office (Windows 3.11) and Window 98, office 2000 ,office 2003 and similar packages including Hindi packages and other packages which will come into use in future.
  3. The material to be entered may be given orally or typed or handwritten form.
  4. The work will be carried out in various locations.
    The work will be done at our premises. Interested providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 10th September, 2008 by 15:00 hrs. The cost of the tender document is only 562INR. EMD (Refundable) is required. For more details have a look on attachment.
Country : India

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Monday, September 1, 2008

Data Entry Tender - Document Management Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday.

ITMatchOnline.com is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id :14823945

Category : Data Entry

Title : Document Management Services

Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals

Total Requirement : Contract for 2 Years

Description :

We are USA based organization. We are looking for providers (From USA Only) for our requirement of Document Management Services. Provider will do data entry in our CRM, scanning, document digital conversion. Provider will also needs to provide us document management system. This system should allow us to store documents using low-cost electronic storage media such as hard disks and CD-ROM.

General Requirements:

  1. Document Scanning, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Data Entry, Editing.
  2. Provider needs to search digital documents within an existing Microsoft CRM 3.0 & system as well as web base search of archived documents.
  3. The document management system should include a modern database system to store and retrieve imaged records, with sophisticated search and retrieval capabilities of selected records. Documents and images should be capable of being routed electronically using the Microsoft Exchange E-mail messaging system already in place.
  4. Security is required to allow only authorized staff members with access to selected documents and images. In particular, the implementation should prevent unauthorized access to specified records.

Payment terms are negotiable. Interested providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 5:00 p.m. on Sept 12th, 2008. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : United States

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here