Saturday, May 23, 2009

Data Entry Tender - Documents Digitization Services

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 97339854

Category : Data Entry

Title : Documents Digitization Services

Estimated Budget : 40000 GBP

Total Requirement : Approximately 687000 Documents for Scanning

Description :

We are UK based organization. We are looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our requirement of Scanning & Indexing of Documents. Provider will provide Scanning and Indexing of invoices, employee leaver cards and travel & subsistence claims documents. Approximately 687000 documents for scanning. The number of documents does not include the current year, which may also require to be scanned. Our estimated budget is 40000 GBP.
Scope of services:
  1. Scanning and Indexing of invoices, employee leaver cards and travel & subsistence claims.
  2. These documents, both paper and card, range from A5 - A3 and may require double sided scanning.
  3. Index will require being compatible with Civica Document Management System.
  4. Provider will arrange pickup and delivery of documents via courier or hand delivery.
  5. The work will be done at provider`s location (OFFSITE).
Payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to send their expression of interest on or before 2nd June, 2009 by 12:00 noon via email, post, courier or hand delivered only. This tender is global and offsite. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : United Kingdom

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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