Friday, September 25, 2009

Data Entry Project - Product Uploading Requirement

Looking to work on Data Entry Project? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 21207489

Category : Data Entry

Title : Product Uploading Requirement

Estimated Budget : Looking for best proposals

Description :

We are Israel based company looking for qualified experts for our Product uploading requirement. We have a website where we require products to be uploaded we have around 400 products that we want to get uploaded with prices, images, all details will be provided to the selected data entry expert. We are looking for best proposals; the payment will be paid via PayPal after the work is completed. Interested experts are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profiles.

Country : Israel

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender - Microfilming Duplication, Scanning & Indexing

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 13854597

Category : Data Entry

Title : Microfilming Duplication, Scanning & Indexing

Estimated Budget : Looking for the proposals

Total Requirement : Contract of 1 Year

Description :
We are Hawaii; USA based organization looking for experienced and qualified service provider (From USA Only) for our requirement of Microfilming, Scanning and Indexing Service. Contract will be for 1 year.
Scope of Service:
1 ) Preference will be given to service providers from Hawaii.
2 ) Service provider needs to collect microfilms and necessary documents from our office and submit after the completion of work.
3 ) All the microfilms and documents must be kept in secured place.
4 ) Service provider needs to provide duplication service for microfilms. Service provider needs to collect microfilms from our office, and provide several duplicate copies as per the requirement in RFP document. Approximate volume of the work will be 2279000 frames.
5 ) Service provider needs to scan hard copies provided by us in TIFF format.
We are looking for the best proposals and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals on or before 14:00 Hrs October 6, 2009 via post, currier or hand delivery only. Last data for Question-Answer is September 29, 2009. This tender is Onshore and Offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

How to Make the Most Out Of Data Entry Job Opportunities?

With the recession making people more concerned about their pockets, online data entry jobs are gaining in significance. In fact, their popularity has given them the position of the second most popular means of income online right after paid survey opportunities. Certainly, the future seems to be promising for data entry professionals.

One of the reasons behind this popularity is simply due to their simplicity. The job requires very little skill as usually the task is basically to fill out online forms. The investment is minimal; only a computer with an internet connection is all you need.

However, the potential to make big money is huge once you learn the tricks of the trade. There are several different types of data entry jobs, picking up the right one is the key.

When you consider the different opportunities available, My Data Team is one which will appear during your research rather frequently. This international program will require you to write only 4 or 5 lines of text along with a list of keywords. It provides more than 11 thousand companies from different sectors like health, culture, business, home & society, etc and they will pay you fortnightly by wire transfer or check.

Certainly, the last thing you want is to be caught out by a data entry scam. Web Colleagues will also assure you of the real thing. This company also works directly with thousands of companies online, their work is to write short articles and distribute them online.

If you are considering setting up a secretarial business of your own, a secretarial Business-In-A-Box will help you out to a great extent. This is basically a start up kit that includes the basic information such as promotional materials and templates. This will help you start and develop your business very quickly, at the same time, it saves a lot of energy as well.

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Data Entry Project - Craigslist AD posting Requirement (Daily payout.)

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 16317038

Category : Data Entry

Title : Craigslist AD posting Requirement (Daily payout.)

Estimated Budget : upto 16 USD per Day

Total Requirement : Ongoing

Description :

We are Sri Lanka based company looking for service providers for our ongoing requirement of AD posting on craigslist. Service provider must have 1) PVAs 2) IPs. The volume of the work is 16 ads a day and it may be increase according to the requirement. Our approximate payout is upto 1 USD per LIVE AD that stays for at least 3 hours and will be paid on daily basis via PayPal. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profile.

Country : Sri Lanka

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender - Health Data Analysis

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 79393427

Category : Data Entry

Title : Health Data Analysis

Estimated Budget : 150000 USD

Description :
We are Canada based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our health data analysis requirement. Services required will entail data acquisition and data preparation activities. Our annual budget is 150000 USD. Contract will be for 5 years from 2009 to 2014.
Scope of service:
A) Services to be provided include a) Recommending data and/or information b) Identifying the sources for obtaining the data c) Obtaining and/or updating data d) Cleaning and/or summarizing data e) Preparing a quarterly schedule of data updates.
B) We currently have A Data Library (providing summary level, verified, up-to-date and documented: data, information and indicators) and a Data Analysis Tool (a desktop application providing access to Data Library) which are required to do the following:
1) Display verified summary information and data in a standard formats.
2) To display the data in table, chart, and map, by geographic area, time period, or other characteristic .
3) To compare data.
4) To show trends and time series analysis.
5) To print output.
6) To export to Microsoft Excel or download to Microsoft Office or save as .csv files.
7) To highlight comparative differences.
8) The tool must be compatible with the standard Microsoft Vista operating system.
This is an Onshore and Offsite tender. Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals no later than 5th October, 2009 up to 14:00 Hrs via post, courier or hand delivery only.

Country : Canada

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Data Entry Jobs Increases

Data entry workers are increasing in number everyday. It is estimated that a at least 40 million individuals work at home. Experts believe that prospect for data entry homework will be sunny in the years to come.

The increases in number of data entry workers are credited largely to the Internet. The World Wide Web has created vast opportunities for many individuals, including professionals, to stay at home and work at the same time.

One of the main reasons attributed for the increase in number of data entry home workers is the actual decline of full time office based data entry people. This has lead hundreds, if not thousands of employers, to subcontract out work to workers who prefer to work at home.

Another reason why work at home jobs are popular is because most of these are not very technical and does not require extensive training. Some companies don't even require their work at home workers to be college degree holders.

Another factor that has lead to the increase in number of data entry home workers is that employers actually get more advantage to it than hiring full time data entry worker. This is especially true for companies with a small work force. This is because outsourcing jobs actually saves these companies thousands of dollars.

Tasks sent out by companies for outsourcing to data entry home worker usually include typing documents and entering data into a home personal computer. When the job is finished, the data entry home worker will send the documents to the company through the email.

It is actually very easy to become a data entry worker. All you need is basic computer, typing, email and Internet skills. It would also be an advantage if you have basic writing and editing skills because some work at home jobs entails proofreading and editing existing document for errors and accuracy. The type of data handled by data entry home worker ranges from court processing, medical records, company profiles, among others. When it comes to equipment and software, all you need is a personal computer, a modem, a phone line or a Cable Internet or DSL subscription. But of course, the most important thing is the ability to manage your time well.

There are two system of charging for data entry work. One is to charge by the hour the other is to charge by the job. This usually depends on the agreement between the data entry home worker and the company. One can find data entry home worker position sin the different employment websites in the Internet.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Data Entry Project - Simple Online Data Entry Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 37670316

Category : Data Entry

Title : Simple Online Data Entry Work

Estimated Budget : upto 660 USD per month

Description :

We are USA based company looking for freelancer for our data entry & account creation requirement. We want service provider to work atleast for 3 hours per day, should create few email accounts; retype few forms and online phone book entry. If we found satisfactory outputs then we may consider providers for future work. Our estimated budget is upto 660 USD per month (10 USD per hour) which will be paid via PayPal on monthly basis. Interested service providers are requested to mail their profile as soon as possible.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender -USA Form Filling & Data Processing Service

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 96186478

Category : Data Entry

Title : USA Form Filling & Data Processing Service

Estimated Budget : 150000 USD to 500000 USD

Description :
We are USA based Transport organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our requirement for Form Filling, Data Entry and Data Processing Service. Contract will be for 1 year and extendable for 4 more years depends upon performance. Our approximate budget is between 150000 USD to 500000 USD.

Scope of Service:
(A) Service provider needs to collect documents from our office and submit after completion of work. Pickup and delivery fees must be included line items in quotation.
(B) Service provider must be able to handle batches of documents ranging between 2 to 20000. Most of them will be between 50 to 500 batches. Total volume of the work will be 20000 batches (form) during 1 year. Approximate key-stroke (characters) will be 6000000.
(C) Turnaround time for assignments, from pick-up to delivery of data, should not exceed two weeks.
(D) We will give 2 weeks notice before commencement of any project over 1000 batches.
(E) Service provider needs to take approximate 100 trips to our office to pick up the documents and submit previous documents.

Payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to submit proposals on or before 14:00 Hrs by October 9, 2009 via post, currier or hand delivery only. This tender is Global and Offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : United States

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Yahoo Product Data Entry Services

Today internet is connecting people and offering new raised methods of trading thought websites globally to the N numbers of shoppers. What I have noticed on internet; website owner whether they belong to the small business or involved in big firm are putting incomplete product details, there products lacking age criteria, specific weight, color and other description etc. They are running online store but still due to incomplete description / details causing minimal time for potential customers and they are seeking some other party.

As concern to website; it needs an assistance of highly skilled professionals for successful impression on clients or Visitors as website is a mirror which actually reflects the potential value of assistance serviced by any organization.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Data Entry Project - 24X7 Captcha Entry

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 11111795

Category : Data Entry

Title : 24X7 Captcha Entry

Estimated Budget : 1.40 USD per 1000 Entry

Description :
We are India based company looking for Center with minimum of 5 seats for ongoing requirement of Captcha entry. We want center to do the Captcha entry for us .Center can run 24X7 and can work as they can .Our approximate payout is 1.40 USD per 1000 Captcha Entry. We will make a payment via PayPal on weekly basis. Interested centers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profile.

Country : India
Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 12626681

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry Services

Estimated Budget : 547500 INR

Description :
We are based in Andhra Pradesh, India and we are inviting tenders from qualified and experienced service provider (From India Only) for our Data Entry Requirements. The Contract will be of 1 year. Our Estimated budget for this work is 547500 INR.
Scope of Services:
1) Service Provider needs to provide Data Entry Operators who will be feeding data into the system and will be working in 8 hour Shift.
2) These operators have to feed Approvals of signing-ON & OFF, Updating of Bio-data & Trainings, FOIS data and any other data as per requirement.
3) Volume: An approximate of 8 Data Entry Operators will be required on daily basis.
4) The work will be performed at our premises.
5) No escalation of labour or materials will be allowed in this contract under any circumstances.
Cost of tender document is 2000 INR. Tender Document will be available till October 19, 2009 by 17:00 Hrs. EMD required will be 10950 INR. Interested Service Providers are requested to send their proposals by Registered post on or before October 20, 2009 15:00 Hrs. This Tender is Onshore and Onsite. Please review the attachment for more details.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Work from Home Data Entry

As more companies are looking for ways to save money, the number of work from home data entry jobs are increasing. Corporations are looking at ways to cut excess costs, and by creating work from home data entry jobs, companies do not have to pay a number of the benefits and other costs associated with staffing an office. If you have the right skills, you may find that work from home data entry jobs may be just the right fit for your desire to work out of your home.

If you are considering work from home data entry as a career, you will need to take into a few considerations about work from home data entry jobs. Most often these jobs are not full-time, meaning they do not come with benefits like vacation, health insurance, and more. You will have to make sure that you can provide those items on your own. By not paying benefits, companies can save significantly.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Work From Home Data Entry in the 21st Century

Everything that you see in life is some form of Data Entry Jobs! Take a look around, the sign across the street, the driver license plate on that car, the potatoes chip bag that you about to open for snack is all a form of Data Entry. Someone or something has to input data (Data Entry) which produces a results that we see.

Companies are starting to utilize the efforts of work from home date entry personnel mainly because of cost. There are two substantial cost reduction by a company when they out source their data entry jobs to work from home data entry personnel. Firstly, most company offer little benefits if any to there contract work from home data entry personnel. Most companies contract just for the work done and nothing else. Secondly, the equipment in most cases use by the work from home date entry personnel if provided by themselves and generally is main prerequisite by the company.

Since the emergence of the Internet over the past 5 years work from home data entry has become a fast growing enterprise which has been able to process a rapidly growing amount of information for hundreds of companies world wide. Online data entry jobs and information processing workers help ensure the smooth and efficient handling of information especially when it's in a data entry work at home environment. By keying in text, entering data into a computer, operating a variety of office machines, and performing other clerical duties, these workers help organizations keep up with the rapid changes that are characteristic of today's "Information Age all from the comforts of their home."

In addition to the Data entry jobs titles discussed below—such as word processors, typists, and data entry keyers—data entry, Work from home data entry and information processing workers are known by various other titles, including electronic data processors, keypunch technicians, and transcribers.

Data Entry work at home usually involves setting up and prepare reports, letters, mailing labels, and other text material. As entry-level workers (like most of them are) work from home data entry, word processors may begin by keying headings on form letters, addressing envelopes, or preparing standard forms on computers.

As they gain experience, they often are assigned tasks requiring a higher degree of accuracy and independent judgment this process of promotion can be taken online and setup by most companies through software that can be given to a entry level work at home data entry personnel to determine their skill level and experience.

Senior word processors or High Level Data Entry Clerks may work with highly technical material, plan and key complicated statistical tables, combine and rearrange materials from different sources, or prepare master copies.

Most keyboarding is now done on computers by work from home data entry clerks that normally are connected to a monitor, keyboard, and printer and may have "add-on" capabilities, such as optical character recognition readers. Word processors with data entry jobs use this equipment to record, edit, store, and revise letters, memos, reports, statistical tables, forms, and other printed materials.

Although it is becoming less common, some data entry work at home workers are employed on centralized word processing teams that handle transcription and keying for several departments with the company that assigns them. In addition to fulfilling the duties mentioned above, work from home data entry workers often perform other tasks, such as answering telephones, filing, and operating copiers or other office machines while working from home.

Job titles of these data entry jobs workers frequently vary to reflect these duties. For example, administrative clerks combine word processing with filing, sorting mail, answering telephones, and other general office work. Note readers transcribe stenotype notes of court proceedings into standard formats.

Data entry keyers usually input lists of items, numbers, or other data into computers or complete forms that appear on a computer screen. Some work from home data entry workers also may manipulate existing data, edit current information, or proofread new entries into a database for accuracy. Some examples of data sources include customers' personal information, medical records, and membership lists. Usually, this information is used internally by a company and may be reformatted before other departments or customers utilize it as part of their data entry jobs.

Keyers (work from home data entry) use various types of equipment to enter data. Many use a machine that converts the information they type to magnetic impulses on tapes or disks for entry into a computer system. Others prepare materials for printing or publication by using data entry composing machines. Some keyers operate online terminals or personal computers.

Increasingly, data entry keyers are working with nonkeyboard forms of data entry, such as scanners and electronically transmitted files. When using the new character recognition systems, data entry keyers often enter only those data which cannot be recognized by machines. In some home offices, keyers also operate computer peripheral equipment such as printers and tape readers, act as tape librarians, and perform other clerical duties.

Remember everything that you see in life is some form of Data Entry and in the 21 Century it's more than likely being done by a work from home data entry specialist.

About Author:
Randy G. Hutchings is an Online Marketer who has given reviews and written many articles about Online Scams in Homebase Business and ebusiness markets. Online Data Entry Jobs

Friday, September 11, 2009

Data Entry Project - Need 150 USA car forum posts and 100 craigslist post

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 15392674

Category : Data Entry

Title : Need 150 USA car forum posts and 100 craigslist post

Estimated Budget : Looking for Best Proposals

Description :
We are a USA based company looking for Qualified Data entry experts for our forum posting requirement. We require a good expert to post 150 forums, also with those posts. The selected service provider can post upto 3 posts in a same forum; we will provide a Short text with a link for the posting. We also require 100 USA craigslist posts. We are looking for best proposals. Interested experts are requested to contact us with their profiles as soon as possible.

Country : Canada

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender- Data Entry & Report Generation Work

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 12423685

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry & Report Generation Work

Estimated Budget : 1280000 INR

Description :
We are Uttar Pradesh; India based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider (Only from India) for our requirement of Data Entry and Report Generation Work. Our estimated budget is 1280000 INR. This is Onshore and Onsite tender.
Scope of service:
1) Data Feeding of customers data, processing and printing of reports, reports generation work.
2) Data Entry of all reports in pay section (BRS, Cash flow, Expenditure statement, trial balance, etc.)
3) Data Entry of Planning section (Expenditure detail, project estimate etc.)
4) Data Entry of Material Management Section (Store receipt, store issue etc.)
5) Typing and Printing of letter and charts.
Cost of tender form is 562 INR. Tender forms will be available till 16th September, 2009. Payment terms are negotiable interested service providers are requested to submit tender forms no later than 17th September, 2009 up to 14:30 Hrs via post, currier or hand delivery only.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, September 10, 2009

5 Things To Consider Before Hiring A Virtual Assistant

As businesses have realized the benefits of outsourcing, more and more business owners are seeking the services of virtual assistants for their activities. Virtual assistants can take care of your tasks and activities and save you a great deal of time. Also, because they are industry professionals, you can receive excellent quality results.

However, as easy as it may sound, its highly advisable to spend quality time selecting your virtual assistant. The right virtual assistant can help you expand your business whereas a wrong choice can just do the opposite. Before you hire a virtual assistant, make sure you consider some key points.

Skills and Expertise of the VA

Before you start searching for a virtual assistant, ask yourself a few questions.
Why do you need a VA for?
What tasks will you delegate to the VA?
What skills do you want the VA to posses?
Answers to these questions will help you determine the exact area of work for which you need a virtual assistant for you can select the best choice for your requirements.

Budget for the VA
It is very important to decide how much you can spend on the virtual assistant per month. Decide what tasks that you want the VA to complete and estimate a specific time period in which all the tasks will be completed. Based on these figures, you can determine a budget for the project. Virtual assistants generally charge less than the standard market rates. In fact, if you hire virtual assistant services from offshore countries like India, you can get even cheaper rates at the same time excellent quality of deliverables.

Communication with the VA
Because they are virtual assistants, their services can be accessed only virtually without them being physically present at the office. Therefore, it is important that you ascertain the mode of communication well before hand. You can communicate with them through emails and instant messengers. You can even schedule phone conferences but then that would add on to the expenses at your end.

Experience of the VA
It is extremely important to check the experience record of the virtual assistants. Virtual assistants are generally industry professionals who have enough expertise of their work field. However, it is important to check if they have prior experience of handling projects like the one you need them for. Previous experience of the same kind makes it easier for them as well as you to explain and carry out the projects easily.

References on the Internet
Since virtual assistants offer their services virtually, there should be substantial reference material on the internet. Do a quick internet search to figure out the popularity of the virtual assistant. Are they popular on the internet? Do they have a web presence? Or all they have is a name to claim? If you find nothing about the VA on the internet, then you shouldn't really be working with them. If a virtual assistant doesn't have a steady online presence, then you wouldn't expect quality of their virtual work either!

About Author :
Maneet Puri is the director of LeXolution IT Services, a reputed IT outsourcing firm located in India. The company specializes in delivering seamless and cost effective services to its clients like virtual assistance, internet research services and other data entry services.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Data Entry Project - Simple Online Data Collection

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type :Project

Id : 14157854

Category : Data Entry

Title : Simple Online Data Collection

Estimated Budget : upto 960 USD For Entire project

Description :

We are India based company and looking for service provider for our requirement of online data collection. We have list of the companies and we want service provider to find a contact detail of the Top level peoples name MAINLY of CXO Level, like CEO, CTO, CIO, President, Head IT etc. The total volume of the work is 12000 detail to be collected and we want this work to be completed with 15 days . We are looking for minimum following detail for one contact.
  1. Correct Spellings (Name) of the company
  2. Correct Address
  3. Contact Person Name (first Name)
  4. Contact Persons Name (Last Name)
  5. Contact Persons Designation
  6. Contact Phone No 1
  7. Contact Phone No.2
  8. Contact persons Email ID
Our approximate budget is upto 960 USD (upto 0.08 USD per Person contact detail) and will be paid after completion of the work only for verified contact detail via PayPal. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible with their profile.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry (Computerization) of Public Records

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 14174334

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry (Computerization) of Public Records

Estimated Budget : Looking for Best Proposals

Description :
We are Ireland based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our requirement of Data entry of Public Records. Service provider needs to computerize 300000 records by Data Entry. Turn-around Time for this work is 2 months.

Scope of Service:
A) Volume: An Approximate of 300000 records needs to be computerized via Data Entry.
B) There will be 21 fields per record.
C) We may hire more than 1 service provider for our requirement. And in that case, each selected service provider will be guaranteed with at least 100000 records to be data keyed.
D) The Deadline to complete this work is 2 months i.e. by November 30, 2009.
E) This work is offline. Internet is not required to carry the work. Data Entry must be completed in Ms Access 2000.

We are looking for the best proposals and payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to contact us on or before 12:00 Hrs on September 23, 2009 via our secured website submission. This tender is Global and offsite. Providers may have to visit our locations for meetings and briefings. For Further details, please look for attachment.

Country : Ireland

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

The Evolution of Data Processing

Data Processing has changed greatly over time. While one can track the beginnings of the modern analytical computer to Charles Babbage (1791-1871), we really saw the beginning of modern day information systems during World War II when they were used as code busters. After the war, few anticipated how much computers would affect our lives. Early on even IBM thought that there would only be a handful of companies that would need a computer.

In those days, computers were massive systems based on vacuum tubes and core memory. With the advent of the integrated circuit, computer architectures took a giant leap forward. The mainframe systems of the late 1980's evolved into Client/Server applications of the early 1990's. In parallel, the Internet grew from a few engineer and research systems to a World Wide network. It wasn't until an Al Gore authored bill allowing commerce to be carried out over the Internet did things really start to change. Every business, every organization, had to carve out a space on "The Net."

The ubiquitous nature of The Internet made it the perfect way for business to have a global reach while maintaining a local presence. Soon, application vendors were making Internet based applications. Today, solution providers are exploiting service oriented architectures and BPEL to provide more agile environments in which to do business.

Today, combining Internet access with massive, inexpensive compute power, data processing has been transformed from an ancillary function of accounting departments to mechanisms by which organizations can transform and enhance their internal processing while integrating their interactions with customers and suppliers.

The key to modern day data processing is not simply the automation of some manual process. Today, business realizes that data processing, information systems, change the very processes that are used to run the business. They not only do same things more efficiently, the do thins differently.

In the past an order was printed and sent to a supplier. The order was received and, if the item was in stock, it was shipped. Items not in stock were placed on back order. Today with Supply chain integration, the entire supply chain is integrated into one network. Warehouse management software notifies suppliers when stock levels drop and order are placed. The suppliers themselves use data mining and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software to predict ordering patterns and anticipate customer needs.

Even how businesses interact with their customers has changed. In the past, businesses used mass marketing to appeal to the greatness number of possible customers. Today, we have mass customization where businesses on a group basis provide customized goods and services.

No, this is not your father's data processing. No longer is the world of data processing a pocket-protector clad engineer's world of spinning tapes and punched cards. Today, data processing and data entry affects all our lives in ever new and more exciting ways.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

The Evolution of Data Processing

Data Entry Project - Email ID Collection Work ( with 50% advance payment )

Looking to work on Data Entry Project ? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type :Project

Id : 11686131

Category : Data Entry

Title : Email ID Collection Work ( with 50% advance payment )

Estimated Budget : Approximate 125 USD

Description :

We are India based company looking for service provider for our requirement of Email ID collection of USA based people. We need 50000 Email ID and we do not want any email ID of yahoo domain others are accepted, email Id must be correct and valid. Our approximate budget is up to 125 USD ( 2.5 USD per 1000 Email ID) . We are ready to pay 50% as an advance payment the rest of the amount will be paid after completion of work via PayPal. Interested service providers are requested to contact us as soon as possible.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Data Entry Tender - Data Entry Services

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 18107602

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry Services

Estimated Budget : 555000 INR

Description :

We are Tamil Nadu; India based organization looking for qualified and experienced service provider (Only from India) for our data entry services. We are looking for data entry operators for Operations and Maintenance work. Our estimated budget is 555000 INR.
Scope of service:
  1. Carry out data entry operations.
  2. Total Number of operations - 2020.
  3. One operation means working time of 8 hours.
  4. Contract will be for 6 months.
This is Onshore and Onsite tender. Payment Terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to contact us no later than 9th September 2009 up to 14:30 Hrs via post, currier or hand delivery only.

Country : India

Status: Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are All Data Entry Jobs a Scam?

Myths and Facts About This Kind of Work

Whenever somebody uses a search engine like Google to look for data entry jobs the first few pages will be filled with ads claiming that anyone can do this work and make piles of money. The claims are so unbelievable it should be the first tip-off that these companies probably won't deliver what they promise.

The second red flag is the small registration fee, which they say is to cover the expenses of running the business and of course to ensure you are serious about doing the work. Before sending hard earned cash away to these companies, stop and think.
How Would You Know if a Data Entry Job Is Fake?

The first thing that should alert anyone that this is a scam is the registration fee that is required before a worker can begin. They should be paying the workers and not the other way around. Pay close attention to the layout of the website. If there are big pictures of dollar notes, fancy cars and other expensive items then proceed with caution. A real data entry company will never look like this.

Secondly, check with the Better Business Bureau and see if there are any complaints against the company. As good and as real as it might seem research is still necessary. No company anywhere in the world will pay somebody thousands of dollars a week to type and to copy/paste content. Jobs that are this profitable so quickly simply do not exist either in the real world or in cyberspace.

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