Friday, September 11, 2009

Data Entry Project - Need 150 USA car forum posts and 100 craigslist post

Looking to work on Data Entry Tender? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type :

Id : 15392674

Category : Data Entry

Title : Need 150 USA car forum posts and 100 craigslist post

Estimated Budget : Looking for Best Proposals

Description :
We are a USA based company looking for Qualified Data entry experts for our forum posting requirement. We require a good expert to post 150 forums, also with those posts. The selected service provider can post upto 3 posts in a same forum; we will provide a Short text with a link for the posting. We also require 100 USA craigslist posts. We are looking for best proposals. Interested experts are requested to contact us with their profiles as soon as possible.

Country : Canada

Are you interested to work on this Project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here


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