Friday, October 12, 2007

Before Hiring a Data Entry Company

It is essential to clarify your data entry focus before you can effectively plan and execute marketing campaigns, determine the effectiveness of collections, or track patient outcomes.

Perhaps your data entry needs are ongoing, but you cannot afford a permanent data entry staff or the services of a temporary agency, or your data entry needs are seasonal and you cannot afford to pay your current staff overtime. Yet the work must be done! Not only must the work be done, but it must be done efficiently and the results must be accurate. In such a case, it’s well worth exploring alternative data entry solutions. Outsourcing companies can help you with your data entry needs while you make optimum use of your in-house staff. Your staff will not have to do overtime or rush through their assigned duties to complete data entry tasks.

As you analyze your data entry needs, include planned events and a list of the types of data you would like to obtain. Next, estimate how much data you would need to send to an outsourcing company. Since data entry services typically charge by the keystroke, having this information on hand would be helpful in estimating cost. As part of your research, call up representatives at different outsourcing companies and talk to them about your data entry needs. Don’t forget to ask about data transmission options, turnaround time, and anything else you can think of.

It is essential to clarify your data entry focus before you can effectively plan and execute marketing campaigns, determine the effectiveness of collections, or track patient outcomes. Data collection, entry, and processing must be done right to result in obtaining the right information. The “right” information can be defined as information that you can use in practical terms to ensure the success of your business.


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