Monday, December 3, 2007

Data processing systems are often called information systems for this reason.

In data processing, data is converted by computer into understandable, coherent information. Data is only useful when it is organized and meaningful in practical terms. Data processing systems are often called information systems for this reason. In practice, either term may be used, since data processing or information processing systems both convert raw data into information as output that can be understood and used by people.

Most companies develop criteria for data entry and only make changes when forced to do so. Few companies conduct a thorough periodic review of their data entry procedures and processes. When the initial data entry format continues to be used without review, the resulting information may decrease in usefulness to the company and efficiency is likely to be greatly reduced.

Seldom are data entry employees asked for their opinions on how the data entry processes could be made faster, easier, and more efficient. Even companies in the business of creating task forces in sales, marketing, and process improvement rarely see data entry as a key concern for review. This mistake can be costly. Adding more processes to an outdated system every time a new marketing idea comes along can result in cumbersome, inaccurate data of little value.

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