Thursday, April 17, 2008

Data Management in Today's Business

If one factor underpinning the business world were named, it would undoubtedly be data management.

The significance of accurate data captures and interpretation is such that it may make or break most businesses. Organizations from large to small as well as corporations depend on efficient data management. Collecting and processing data are indispensable activities in any business. Trading and business transactions of all types require collecting, processing, and interpreting data to manage both the internal and external activities of the company. Information on the company’s products, employees, and marketing opportunities must all be studied carefully and analyzed for business promotion, expansion, and even the day-to-day conduct of normal business operations.

Data manipulation and interpretation comprise an integral part of business enterprises. Storage and retrieval methods are continually upgraded to adapt to the growing needs of the business world. Older, pre-computer methods of data management involved a huge amount of paperwork compared to our era of the paperless office. Computer handling of data is much faster and more efficient and accurate for all types of business data applications. One of the greatest advantages of computer data management is the ability to gather huge amounts of data in one place and to manipulate it easily.

Depending on volume and type, computerized information can be stored on a variety of media. Very large amounts of data that may need to be retrieved only infrequently can be stored permanently on secondary storage devices. Hard disks and CD-ROMs are popular for this purpose. Data can be burned onto CD-ROMs for storage using CD-writers while current information is stored on the computer’s hard drive.

Data sharing and transfer are accomplished in minutes by the advance of computerized data management. Information on any business topic can be easily accessed by anyone located anywhere. In organizations where data transfer and sharing are vital for success, the emergence of computers has been a great aid and has given a huge boost to their economic status. Airline reservations, railway bookings, medical records, and business performance data are easy to organize and manage with digital computing systems.

Although a boon to businesses, the widespread availability of data and the accumulation of backup data have also increased the threat of data theft and damage. Hackers and criminals all over the world seek to access and misuse business and personal information. In addition to the risk of loss from natural and other disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, and lightning, data has to be protected from thieves. This has given rise to data security software and the development of other safety measures by companies. The extra costs incurred for implementing protection against potential loss or theft are considered worth it for long-term security.

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