Source :
Friday, May 30, 2008
Who Should I Hire to Complete My Data Entry Tasks?
Source :
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Form Filling of Survey Documents is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id :11773699
Category : Data Entry
Title : Form Filling of Survey Documents
Estimated Budget : 750-1000 USD
Description :
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Data Entry Project - US Data Collection Requirement is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id :27225865
Category : Data Entry
Title : US Data Collection Requirement
Estimated Budget : 70 USD Per 100 Leads
Description :
Country : Singapore
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Data Entry Project - US Data Collection Requirement is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id :27225865
Category : Data Entry
Title : US Data Collection Requirement
Estimated Budget : 70 USD Per 100 Leads
Description :
Country : Singapore
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
How To Know When You Need Professional Data Entry Software
Once you reach a certain volume, however, it makes sense to take advantage of professional quality data entry software.
Read More Article...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Data Capture and Digitization (Scanning) is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Tender Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 45636726
Category : Data Entry
Title : Data Capture and Digitization (Scanning)
Estimated Budget : Between 14000000 and 16000000 GBP
Total Requirement : Contract for 6 Month
Description :
However, there will be a degree of flexibility and the Organization will look to work with the supplier to identify the most efficient way of delivering the service.
The Contractor shall digitize the plans in Map Info format and form a set of layers represented in the list above and one layer for each entry including the details for each layer.
Cropping will involve removing detail not required from an image. We will provide rules and guidelines within the specification.
The Organization will make the plans and data available, in batches, on request from the Contractor. The plans and data will be available immediately and documents must be returned to the organization undamaged within a limited timescale.
The following is a list of the information the organization has to be scanned and digitized under this contract:-
A. 1:2,500 plans,
B. 1:10,000 plans,
C. Adoption notices,
D. Section 38 Agreements,
E. Section 278,
F. Road Improvement Documents
G. Land Acquisition
H. Bypasses,
I. Dedications,
J. Stopping-up Orders
K. Common Land,
L. Village Green,
M. Redundant Common Land and Village Green,
N. Schedule of Alterations.
The initial volume will be in excess of 1000 documents to be scanned, cropped and Geo-referenced.
We have attached the document that will help you for the Tender Application. The Closing date for the Tender is 6/16/2008.
Interested Service Providers are requested to apply for the Tender before the DEADINE.
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Scanning & Preparation of PDF Files is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Tender Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 12717602
Category : Data Entry
Title : Scanning & Preparation of PDF Files
Estimated Budget : 525,000 INR
Total Requirement : Approximately 300,000 Documents
Description :
We are India based organization looking for service providers (From India Only) for our requirement of Scanning and Document Conversion into Updatable PDF files. Estimated cost of this work is Rs. 525,000.00. We have approximately 3000 files containing approximately 300,000 (Three Lacs) documents. The work must be completed in 24 weeks.
Scope of work:
- Scanning of document
- Preparing updatable PDF files
- Return us the PDF files on CDs
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Friday, May 23, 2008
Work at Home as a Microsoft Excel Expert
As a spreadsheet and data storage software program, Microsoft Excel is an important part of the business and data management process in many organizations. For people who are interested in Excel data entry, most jobs will consist of online copying, pasting, editing, sorting, and indexing of information for data capture, catalog data entry, survey data entry and online form data entry. Jobs and contracts can be found by searching freelance job bidding sites. These sites post multiple opportunities in various industries.
If you are particularly good at creating Excel templates and working forms in the program, you could consider custom-designing and selling templates to different industries. For example you could create a template for Marketing, where a company could copy and paste entries from phone and industry directory websites into a sheet and create automated prospect lists. Or, you could design financial spreadsheets for local Accounting firms.
A lot of different companies may need a professional to create online processes for collecting and organizing web-based timesheets that manage employee time and projects online. Smaller businesses and practices don't have dedicated staff to create and manage their information, so they look to outsource their processing and form creation. If you catch their attention by offering customized templates, you just might land the data entry job as well.
If you think would like a career in data entry, but you are not confident in your Excel skills, the proper training course can show you how to take your spreadsheets to the limits. A training course can illustrate the database and conditional formatting functions, as well as demonstrate many techniques that can reduce errors. The software offers built-in tutorials designed to get you started, or you can find many websites that offer print and video tutorials on the program.
The faster and more skilled you become the more jobs you will be able to take on to increase your income. Be sure to research and document the appropriate, competitive rate structures for your time. Work from home data entry jobs can be paid by the project, or by the page, depending upon you own preferences and the expectations of your clients.
As one of the most economical types of home business, many people who perform data entry simply make a work space in their home and begin establishing a profitable data entry business. Although there is the ongoing cost of the internet service, maintenance of computer equipment, and upgrading of necessary programs, the only additional things that you need are knowledge, adaptable skills, time, and your imagination.
Author Resource:- Chris Simpson is dedicated to helping people find honest and legitimate work at home and home based business opportunities to include data entry work at home. Find legitimate work from home and learn how to make money online today at:
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Data Entry Project - Conversion PDF to Text is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 47304145
Category : Data Entry
Title : Conversion PDF to Text
Estimated Budget :3 Lakh Per Month
Total Requirement : 20-50 Seats
Description :
Note: Service providers will be selected on the basis of past profile and quality output.
Country : India
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Document Conversion Services is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Tender Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 96630525
Category : Data Entry
Title : Document Conversion Services
Estimated Budget : Need Best Proposals
Description :
Scope of Services:
- Document Preparation (10 million units)
- Paper Document Conversion (10 million units)
- Engineering Drawing Conversion (1.5 million units)
- Aperture Card Production (10 million units)
- Microfilm Conversion (20 million units)
- Indexing (various media) (40 million units)
- Markup Languages (0.5 million units)
- PDF and Word Processing Conversion (15 million units)
- OCR/Key Stroking and Data Entry (55,000 units)
- Output Media (15,000 units)
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
How to Study for a Data Entry Exam
Step1 Seek employment as an entry-level data entry clerk. Choose an employer that doesn't mind lack of experience. Learn as much as you can from on the job training. You want working knowledge to make learning data entry easy.
Step2 Get your data entry course books before your first class starts. Read them from cover to cover and download any program that comes with the course. Go back and do the exercises in the first two chapters.
Step3 Take notes and receive the course plan in your first data entry class. Do the data entry book exercises if the instructor provides lab time. Do those exercises till you have them down pat. Go home and start reviewing your notes everyday. Go back and do the exercises for the last class. Then read the next chapters. Do the exercises for the upcoming lessons.
Step4 Continue doing your data entry exercises until you feel like you could do it "in your sleep." Read all your notes daily. You won't have to do last minute memorizing the week before the exam.
Step5 Go through each chapter's learning objectives. You should be able to do what those learning objectives say. Go back and do the exercises you're not comfortable with, as they're candidates for testing.
Source :
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Data Entry Project - Online ongoing Data Collection work is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 77370396
Category : Data Entry
Title : Online ongoing Data Collection work
Estimated Budget : 500 - 1000 USD per 100000 Data Collection
Description :
Country : India
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Friday, May 16, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Remotely Data Entry of Forms (Online) is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Tender Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 13093683
Category : Data Entry
Title : Remotely Data Entry of Forms (Online)
Estimated Budget : 600,000 to 800,000 EURO
Total Requirement : Approximately 1,50,000 Forms for Remotely Data Entry
Description :
Scope of Services:
- The successful company will be engaged by us to remotely key-up the information contained in the forms which were submitted to us in paper format.
- In the initial stages, the data to be keyed-up will be provided by way of text and image files on CD.
- The data will however, for the most part, be accessed by the provider by way of a hosted website.
- The provider will be required to then remotely key-up the data in a format suitable for uploading onto the system.
- The provider will be required to reproduce the data contained in the paper forms accurately.
Country : Ireland
Status : ClosedAre you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Typing Jobs for Stay at Home Moms
Typing job services are provided by several companies who are involved in outsourcing work. Such companies specialize in providing different types of services including typing job services to companies that are looking for support to unburden from the heavy workload that they have. For the smooth running and proper management of any type of business getting typing done in a proper manner is crucial.
Each business is different and the typing jobs they offer also differ. So depending on the type of experience you have sometimes determines what typing jobs are available for you.
Companies seeking data entry and typing assistance hire data entry services from outsourcing companies that provide them with services of people who are willing to work from home on their computer.
Each business has different things to take care of and they cannot afford to waste such valuable time in typing work. Stay at home moms that work for data entry are specially in high demand by many businesses. So you do not have to worry about finding an available typing job online. You can just use a data entry job service and rest easy, your job search will be done for you.
Typing job services have received tremendous praise on helping people find legitimate home based work.
Source :
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Simple Data Entry (Offline) is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Tender Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 37253811
Category : Data Entry
Title : Simple Data Entry (Offline)
Estimated Budget : Need Best Quotations
Description :
Interested providers are requested to apply on or before 28th May, 2008 by 1400 hrs. Proposals must be sent via courier or post to the mailing address. The cost of the tender document is only Rs.563. For more details have a look on attachment. No E-mails will be entertained.
Country : India
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Conversion of Microfiche Documents to PDF Image is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Tender Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 26087804
Category : Data Entry
Title : Conversion of Microfiche Documents to PDF Image
Estimated Budget : Need Best Quotations
Total Requirement : The Work Will Run Till 8th September, 2008
Description :
Scope of Services:
- Scanning of all microfilm jackets, microfiche and aperture cards provided as part of this project, to PDF document with indexing to allow for importing the electronic document and index values into our Website.
- Contractor will provide indexing to the PDF (compatible to Adobe 5.0 or higher) files and groupings as indicated.
- Quality control of the images to eliminate all non-document images. Verify all images scanned, and all images are complete as compared to the original microfilm images.
- You may request a sample viewing of the microfiche jackets by making a appointment.
- Provider shall deliver the original microfilm and electronic images in electronic media like FTP, DVD.
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Monday, May 12, 2008
Data Entry For Money, Join, Train And Earn
I decide to do some research to look for a Data Entry program that would teach people, who felt they needed the additional training, so they could take part in this money making endeavor along with everyone else.
I was happy to find programs that will indeed give you step-by-step guidance on how to perform the task required to type simple data entry from home for money. Is it difficult? No, in my opinion, it is very easy to learn the skills necessary to do what is asked of you. These skills will help you should you decide to join other Data Entry or Type at Home programs. You could also use them to process rebates from home, take online paid surveys or many of the other Work At Home programs.
If you are a retired person, college student, disabled, currently unemployed, tired of your current job, want extra money or looking for the perfect work at home job these programs could be for you.
It is important to research any company thoroughly, because there are many companies that will take your money and waste your time leaving you feeling helpless and discouraged. I recommend using a website like mine, but not necessarily mine that has done some research for you or be prepared to do the research yourself.
I also suggest that you understand you work at home income objectives, time constraints, skill sets and comfort level. You need to find 2 - 3 programs, once you have done the necessary training, that match your work at home profile. This will raise your chances for success greatly in my opinion.
This reason this is important is that many people will join programs that offer the moon, only later realizing that they do not have the skill sets required or feel comfortable doing what is asked of them. Often times these people will feel scammed, discouraged and many times will give up on their hopes of working from home. I think we have to take responsibility for these types of actions and cannot put all of the blame entirely on the company.
Don't get me wrong there are companies out there that I will not offer on my site, because I think they are scam artist, but this is another example why it is so important that you do you research.
If you have a computer, access to the Internet and some free time you more than likely have all the tools necessary to work at home. The cost is minimal. You will more than likely be able to join 2 - 3 programs that meet your work at home profile for less than it cost to go out to dinner and a movie with your family or a friend. Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.
Give yourself a chance at a better lifestyle.
Source :
Michael Comeau has been owner of many successful businesses over the years including his current online business which can be viewed at You may also find more articles by Michael Comeau at
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Data Entry Project -Email ID collection of Loan Officer is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 40402084
Category : Data Entry,Data Research and Analytics
Title : Email ID collection of Loan Officer
Estimated Budget : 250-750 USD
Total Requirement : 200,000 to 1,000,000+ email address
Description :
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Data Entry Tender - Document Scanning Service is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Tender Details:
Type : Tender
Id : 95243336
Category : Data Entry
Title : Document Scanning Service
Estimated Budget : 1,00,000 - 1,50,000 GBP
Description :
The ultimate objectives of this project are:-
- To establish a documents scanning service for authority Council
- To have converted to electronic format the paper based files in those service areas where there are large volumes of 'live' files, currently the Social Services and Human Resources functional areas.
- To have imported the electronic files into the Anite AIM EDRM system.
Country : United Kingdom
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Data Entry Work at Home Information Center
workers. What Will You NeedOnce you decide to become a part-time data entry work at home employee, you will want to outfit your home office with the proper supplies and equipment. Still much of the preliminary work of obtaining records from government entities can be done thru data entry work at home as it can from the office. If YOU are one of the people looking for this type of work but you're worried about falling victim to the thousands of data entry scams on the internet, this Special Report, "How to Do more Data Entry Work at Home FREE, Without Getting Ripped Off" is exactly what you need. The Truth about Data Entry Work at Home JobsOnline data entry is an excellent career to consider if you want to work at home. The Global Economy and the internet are making a shift that is taking by surprise many people, but you can take advantage of it, data entry work at home jobs is one of the areas that will grow rapidly.
However, if you are familiar with technology and computers you can easily take advantage of it by offering your skills and time for data entry work at home jobs. Some of the tasks that are required for a data entry work at home job are: filling forms, envelopes, sheets, making reports, processing data, copying data, documenting information, etc. Much of that data entry work at home jobs are scam, u know the real one. Legitimate Data Entry Work at Home Jobs My own list of legitimate companies that sometimes hire people for data entry jobs. Data EntryData Entry Work at home job information and tips for people who want to work from home doing data entry. The Truth about Data Entry Work at Home Jobs Online data entry is an excellent career to consider if you want to work at home.
Legitimate Online Business Opportunities Incredible work at home opportunity from home. Before you purchase any work at home business program, you will want to read a report. The product recommendations are researched with objectivity and accuracy and I have found after being so skeptical on the internet purchasing process, I can now feel confident in finding and purchasing a quality home business program. Many organizations are trying to keep up with changes to help ensure that their business of information processing stays up and running smoothly. You may have heard about data entry work at home jobs, but did you know that every day more businesses are hiring people all over the world to get done data entry tasks.
Legitimate Online Business Opportunities Incredible work at home opportunity from home. Who is providing data entry work opportunities for those working out of their homes. Avoid Being Scammed With Online Work At Home OpportunitiesWorking at home is something that many people are interested in, but few actually attempt because of the fear that all of these opportunities online are scams. Work at homeWork at home community with work at home jobs, news, opportunities and home-based businesses for people who already have a work at home job or who want to work from home. At Working at Home Income, our mission is to help as many people as possible to achieve their dreams and freedom through stay at home jobs legitimate opportunities. We will forward to you our very best opportunities for making money on the Internet.
Source : Article Source:
Monday, May 5, 2008
Data Entry Project - Email Accounts Creation is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id : 12385590
Category : Data Entry
Title : Email Accounts Creation
Estimated Budget : 500 USD per 10000 Accounts
Total Requirement : Ongoing
Description :
Country : India
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Friday, May 2, 2008
Data Entry Project - Online Data Collection is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.
Project Details:
Type : Project
Id :14475000
Category : Data Entry
Title : Online Data Collection
Estimated Budget : 200 USD
Total Requirement : 1 week
Description :
We are USA based looking for a service provider for data entry requirement. We need to collect data of 500 local physicians, data will be in form of Name, address and other contact details in excel sheet. We need this data for our marketing purpose. Our budget is 200 USD and turn around time is of 1 week. Interested service provider is requested to contact us as soon as possible.
Country : United States
Status : Closed
Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Data Entry PRO Its not a SCAM but its definitely NOT honest
This is when things started to smell a bit fishy....
The online form that they were showing had a striking resemblance to a Google Adwords advertisement form. Nevertheless, I continued to read on and I discovered that I would be paid for my services twice a week through Clickbank (remember the 50-75% commission!?!?). I said to myself: "Why the hell would these companies be paying me through Clickbank????"
Then it hit me.....
This program isn't "Data Entry", it's running an ad campaign promoting Clickbank products!!!! Not once in the entire sales letter did it mention anything about promoting Clickbank products or the fact that you have to spend money on Google Adwords advertisements!!
So I did a Google search for Data Entry PRO, and along with many affiliates promoting the product, there were just as many forums advising people to steer clear!
Sure, you can make money promoting Clickbank products with Adwords, but it is not anywhere near as easy as they make it seem in their misleading sales letter!! For example, say you're promoting a product that will pay you $20 per sale. Assuming you don't have a website (which will cost you as well!!), you would need to run an ad campaign to bring in some sales. For decent affiliate programs, you could probably expect to pay around $0.50 to get on the top two pages in the Google Sponsored Results. Now considering your commission of $20, you would need to convert 1 in 40 visitors just to break even. Therefore, making a decent profit might be a difficult task!!
So you can see that this isn't a scam per se, but the owner of Data Entry PRO is definitely not being honest about what you are required to do to make money. I think it's awful that so many people are affiliating themselves and writing favourable reviews (like many articles are on for this program.....Do you even know what you are promoting??
If you take anything away from this article, remember this: Always research a product before purchasing. You'll save yourself alot of money and sanity!!
About the Author
Kevin Perry is the owner of a site dedicated to providing visitors with information on making money online.
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