Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to Study for a Data Entry Exam

Data Entry qualification can open a door that leads to full time work from home jobs. Get enough experience to prepare for the exam. Then, build on that experience after that exam. Read on to learn more.

Step1 Seek employment as an entry-level data entry clerk. Choose an employer that doesn't mind lack of experience. Learn as much as you can from on the job training. You want working knowledge to make learning data entry easy.

Step2 Get your data entry course books before your first class starts. Read them from cover to cover and download any program that comes with the course. Go back and do the exercises in the first two chapters.

Step3 Take notes and receive the course plan in your first data entry class. Do the data entry book exercises if the instructor provides lab time. Do those exercises till you have them down pat. Go home and start reviewing your notes everyday. Go back and do the exercises for the last class. Then read the next chapters. Do the exercises for the upcoming lessons.

Step4 Continue doing your data entry exercises until you feel like you could do it "in your sleep." Read all your notes daily. You won't have to do last minute memorizing the week before the exam.

Step5 Go through each chapter's learning objectives. You should be able to do what those learning objectives say. Go back and do the exercises you're not comfortable with, as they're candidates for testing.

Source : http://www.ehow.com/

1 comment:

  1. You can earn $20 for each 20 minute survey!

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