Friday, January 23, 2009

Data Entry Tender - Remotely Data Entry of Property Records (Online)

Looking to work on Data Entry Tenders ? Find here new projects everyday. is the easiest way to find right partners across the world.

Tender Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 65348076

Category : Data Entry

Title : Remotely Data Entry of Property Records (Online)

Estimated Budget : 4,50,000 GBP

Total Requirement : Approximately 30,000 to 35,000 Property Records for Data Entry

Description :

We are United Kingdom based company. We are looking for experienced and qualified service providers for our requirement of Remotely Data Entry of Forms (Online) in to secured web based system. The estimated budget of this service is 4,50,000 GBP. We have approximately 30,000 to 35,000 property records. Duration of contract is 22nd June, 2009 to 18th December, 2009.
Scope of services:

  1. Approximately 30,000 to 35,000 property records for data entry in to our secured web based system.
  2. The provider must have relevant experience in this field and employ appropriately qualified staff.
  3. All the data must be stored securely.
  4. All the work must be done by 100% accuracy.
  5. We will provide access to our web based system to successful provider.

Payment terms are negotiable. Interested providers are requested to send their express of interest on or before 20th February, 2009 by 17:00 via e-mail, courier, post or hand delivered only. This tender is global and offsite. For more details have a look on attachment. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings.

Country : United Kingdom

Are you interested to work on this project? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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