Thursday, April 23, 2009

Data Entry Tender - Data Conversion Services

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Project Details:

Type : Tender

Id : 67160882

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Conversion Services

Estimated Budget : Request for Proposal

Total Requirement : Contract for 4 Years, More than 15000000 Pages

Description :

We are Australia based library. We are looking for qualified and experienced service provider for our requirement of Digitization of Data. We have several Newspaper Clippings, Press Releases and some Historical Documents. Provider will digitize all these records in digital format. We are looking to made these records available for public online on our data base. The contract will be for 4 Years. Approximately more than 15000000 pages for digitization.
Scope of work:
  1. Treat the documents appropriately during the digitization process, in order to ensure that the original document is not damaged by the digitization process.
  2. Convert hardcopy documents into a digitized form based on a predefined schema for each format, eg XML format based on XML schema for both the document as well as the metadata associated with the document.
  3. Convert hardcopy documents into XML, XHTML WISYWIG versions in addition to the PDF format.
  4. Convert the PDF versions of the document into a full text version using OCR software, to ensure maximum legibility and minimum error rate.
  5. Ensure that the textual content of the document can be accurately extracted for full text indexing.
  6. The digitized material must be provided in both the following methods- via ftp in a zip file and archive quality DVD.
Payment terms are negotiable. Interested service providers are requested to send their proposal on or before 4th May, 2009 by 2:00 pm via our secured website, post, courier or hand delivered only. This tender is global and offsite. Provider may have to visit our location for meetings and briefings. Provider will arrange pickup and delivery of the documents for digitization. Please check the sample images of documents provided below. For more details have a look on attachment.

Country : Australia

Status : Closed

Are you interested to work on this Tender? Post your contact details Now! Click Here

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