Friday, June 19, 2009

Duplicate Data Entry For Access

Introduction - I Love A Good Type !!

About 12 years ago when the mining company that Garry worked for ran all of its word processing on a Digital Vax mini computer, there was legal secretary who lost a 50 page legal document (somehow). After 15 minutes of looking, the system administrator had to explain to her that retrieval of the document was going to be difficult and would not retrieve all the work that she had done that day. She funnily enough said this was OK and said that she loved "a good type". She went back down the corridor and hammered all 50 pages in again in a few hours. But what does this have to do with Access programming. Well the lesson here is that unlike programmers, there are a lot of data entry and computer trained persons who quite enjoy the keyboard interface. Likewise you would find that a large number of these people also would not do a really good job of checking data entry against written reports.

This brings me to a challenge that my co-author Taha Kass-Hout handed to me one day. He asked for a form that would easily allow checking of data that was already entered into an Access table. This article demonstrates a user interface suited to data entry and verification and provides you with a couple of alternative approaches to managing the verification process using visual basic.

The Download Database

Included in The Toolshed downloads are examples of the software in Access 97, 2000 and XP. When you open the software database, there are 3 forms. FirstEntry is a simple form for data entry and has very little in noteworthy coding. DoubleEntryBasic is the simpler of the 2 samples of the double entry code. This is specific to the current form and is probably the template that you are most likely to use. The final form is called DoubleEntryAdvanced. This form has code that has been generalized to try and minimize the additional code behind the form. If you have a lot of fields in the table or think you might be adding new fields at a later stage, this format may be for you. There is also a basic report to show what has been entered and checked.

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