Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Data Entry Tender : Data Entry of Service Book Data and related Printing works

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Tender Details:

Type :Tender

Id :17368032

Category : Data Entry

Title : Data Entry of Service Book Data and related Printing works

Total Requirements : Data Entry of Approx. 20,000 Service Books

Description :

Data Entry Tender From India

We are contracting authority from India. We have requirement of the Data Entry work, for that we invite proposals form the providers who are engaged in the work of Data Entry. The General Administration Department is implementing the Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS) for about 4.5 Lakhs employees spread over 30 Districts. Initially the implementing arrangements require the digitization of the employee’s Service Book Data through data entry of the filled in HRMS - Service Books collected at all the Districts.
Data Entry of Service Book Work is as below:
  1. Digitize through data entry of Service Book data contained in the respective employee’s Service Book into MySQL database through an Intranet application by deploying efficient data entry operators.
  2. To take backup of the digitized data on a daily basis during the data entry work.
  3. To take First printout of entered Service Book data periodically (batch wise).
  4. Compare printouts with the corresponding Service Book data to detect and correct errors if any.
  5. Carry out necessary correction of the records (in the data base) where errors are detected.
  6. Replace the pages where errors are detected with fresh printout of the relevant corrected pages.
  7. Arranging the final/ corrected First printout as per the corresponding Service Book.
  8. Carry out necessary correction/addition/alteration of the records (in the data base) where errors are detected and corrected (in the first printout) through Validation/Verification by the respective Establishment/ Directorate to ensure 100% correctness.
  9. To take the Final Printout of the corrected Service Book Data.

For the purpose of evaluation of the tender, the eligible firm fulfilling the above criteria and quoting the lowest of the Combined Price for data entry of 10,000 characters and laser printing of 50 A4 size pages will be selected.
Price quoted by the bidder shall be evaluated as follows:

  1. Cost of Service Book Data Entry and laser printing for One Employee = [(Rate per 100 characters of data entry x 100) + (Rate per A4 laser printing x 50)
  2. This cost is same as the Price for Service Book Data Entry & Laser Printing to be mentioned by the data entry firm in the Price Format of the tender (Format F2)
    (Based on the data entry carried out in a pilot basis, it is assumed that on and average one Service Book data entry will contain 10,000 characters and can be printed out once on 25 A4 size pages (First Printout) after which it will be printed again after necessary correction/validation on 25 pages (Final Printout)

Work Delivery:

  1. Digitized data (in MySQL database) of Service Books by ensuring 100% correctness as specified in Scope of Work. The corrected data is to be delivered in CD media in 3 sets.
  2. First Hard copy (A4 size Laser single sided Printout) of digitized data for validation/Verification by the concerned Districts Collector’s office/establishments.
  3. Final Hardcopy (A4 size Laser single sided Printout) of digitized data.
Payment Terms:
Payment will be made in two installments by Demand Draft/Cheque as per the rate specified in the work order shall be made within 30 days of the PCU receiving the original invoices (in triplicate) of this amount, duly certified by the System Advisor.

Time line for the work:

Time is the essence of this work. The expected time frames for completion of the work are:
750 to 1000 Service Books are to be completed every week The Service Books provided for data entry must be handled and kept with utmost care as the data entry vendor will be solely responsible for it’s safe custody and handling. Any loss or damage to the Service Book will evoke penal action including outright termination of the work, forfeiture of Performance Security and blacklisting of the data entry vendor.

The deadline for submission of Tenders is 4.00 P.M. on 17th November 2007. So interested providers are requested to apply before the deadline.

The tenderer are required to furnish an amount of Rs.10,000 towards the earnest money deposit (EMD) along with the documents relating to the General & Technical tender failing which their tender shall be treated as non responsive. The EMD of tenderer not selected for issue of work order(s) will be returned within one month of finalization of the work order. Tender Document is attached here.

Budget Estimate :Need Best Quotations

Country :India

Status : Closed

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