Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Keyboard Will Make Life Easier for Data Entry

Wayne Wilson has patented the R-tab keyboard, a keyboard with the tab button on the right hand side to make it easier for typists to do their data entry tasks.

Three decades is a long time to spend in front of a computer. And though it may wreak havoc on your eyesight, it will show you the inefficiencies of computers and keyboards.

When those inefficiencies drove Wayne Wilson up the wall, he patented his own unique keyboard with a tab button on the right-hand side.

Wilson has spent 32 years doing data entry, including 21 years as a CPA. And those years have taught him a few things about the typical keyboard set up.

"When you're doing data entry all day, you start to notice how inefficient the typical keyboard setup is," Wilson said. "You're entering all this data with your right hand, and then you have to hit the tab key with your left hand to switch fields. It's much more time-consuming than it needs to be. Because of this difficulty, people have to develop their own routines."

Source :


  1. Many people will benefit from using this Special Keyboard. It was designed by a grassroots user from experience. Their data entry and keyboard routine will be substantially improved.

    Please see:

  2. Thank you for recognizing and talking about my new keyboard. I’ve worked on it for a few years and after receiving my patent and my website coming up soon it’s exciting to see things coming together.
    The RTAB Keyboard will be available on my website by Dec 20, 07.
