Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Online Data Entry : Scam or Opportunity

More and more people all over the world are deciding that they don't want to go to work anymore. It's not that they don't want to work…they just don't want to work for someone else. The fact is that anyone with a “Title” like Supervisor or Manager is eventually going to be influenced by that title…at some point they are going to treat those who work “beneath them” like they are actually beneath them.

I'm not trying to say that this is always the case. In fact I've had quite a few bosses and supervisors who treated me fairly and equally without ever acting like a dictator. However, as the world puts more and more faith into a system where our labels define us, these people are becoming vastly outnumbered by those who need to feel superior.

In an effort to be free from these invisible shackles and scorning remarks people have, once again, turned to the World Wide Web. Most people who jump on the internet looking for financial freedom find themselves immediately lured into one of the many “Millions in Minutes” programs. It's impossible to avoid these programs of course and, more often than not, the bright flashy picture of paychecks, cars, stacks of cash, and beautiful beaches are too much for us to ignore. After all, the title “wealthy” promises even more superiority over others than the title Supervisor. Unfortunately these programs rarely, if ever, make anyone wealthy (except the owner of the site, of course)

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